強制檢測公告 強制檢測公告



強制檢測公告2022年7月10日更新|指明任何曾於以下指明期間及時段身處指明地點的人士(不論以何種身分身處該等 地點,包括但不限於全職、兼職和替假員工、住客、學生及訪客。),都需要做檢測。


指明任何曾於以下指明期間及時段身處指明地點的人士(不論以何種身分身處該等 地點,包括但不限於全職、兼職和替假員工、住客、學生及訪客


  • 2022年7月11日 – 2022年7月12日
指明地點 指明期間及時段
上水清河邨清照樓 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
鰂魚涌太古城衞星閣 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
屯門良景邨良華樓 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
粉嶺皇后山邨皇盛樓 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
紅磡寶其利街 145-163 號 寶利大樓 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
旺角海富苑海韻閣 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
慈雲山慈愛苑愛仁閣 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
黃大仙竹園北邨松園樓 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
長沙灣麗翠苑麗柏閣 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
牛池灣彩虹邨錦雲樓 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
大圍顯徑邨顯祐樓 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
上水清河邨清朗樓 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
鴨脷洲利東邨東逸樓 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
觀塘順天邨天池樓 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
葵涌寧峰苑潤峰閣 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
天水圍天喜街 11 號天麗苑 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
將軍澳君傲灣 3 座 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
將軍澳寶林邨寶勤樓 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
牛池灣永定道 22 號消防處 永定道消防已婚宿舍第一 座 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
青衣長宏邨宏善樓 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
將軍澳日出康城首都 2 座 (左翼及右翼) 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
上水天平邨天美樓 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
將軍澳健明邨明宇樓 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
西營盤皇后大道西 409 號 怡景花園 2 座 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
牛池灣彩雲(一)邨銀河樓 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
將軍澳頌明苑嘉明閣 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
九龍城啓晴邨康晴樓 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
天水圍天盛苑盛賢閣 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
葵涌荔景邨樂景樓 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
荃灣尚翠苑翠庭閣 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
大埔廣福邨廣禮樓 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
元朗屏欣苑屏彥閣 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
牛池灣彩鳳徑 23 號彩峰苑 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
天水圍嘉湖山莊賞湖居 6 座 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
柴灣藍灣半島 9 座 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
屯門兆康苑兆泰閣 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
青衣偉景花園 3 座 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
沙田廣源邨廣榕樓 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
長沙灣蘇屋邨荷花樓 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
大埔太和邨翠和樓 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
沙田水泉澳邨月泉樓 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
馬鞍山雅景臺 2 座 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
鴨脷洲漁安苑紫安閣 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
黃大仙現崇山 1 座 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
葵涌葵涌邨綠葵樓 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
沙田愉翠苑愉滿閣 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
柴灣永利中心 B 座 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
東涌逸東(二)邨滿逸樓 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
紅磡黃埔新邨佳富樓 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Grand Pub
太子西洋菜北街 221-225 號美邦大廈地下 C 鋪
2022-07-05 19:00 ~ 23:00
指明地點 指明期間及時段
屯門良景商場 4 樓 L415 號 鋪
2022-07-05 12:15 ~ 14:00
將軍澳茵怡花園 2 座地下 8 號鋪及 3 座地下 9 號鋪
2022-07-05 19:00 ~ 20:00
荃灣荃灣千色匯 1 期 4 樓 A鋪
2022-07-06 10:15 ~ 11:45
屯門盈豐商場地下 A27 號 鋪
2022-07-05 13:15 ~ 14:15
屯門愛定商場 A 區 1 樓 A151 號鋪
2022-07-05 17:45 ~ 18:00
指明地點 指明期間及時段
屯門欣田商場地下 G05 號 鋪
2022-07-06 13:00 ~ 14:15
屯門富健花園地下 51 號鋪 昇平粉麵餐廳
2022-07-07 13:15 ~ 15:15
灣仔警察總部警政大樓高 座5樓
2022-07-05 07:30 ~ 08:00 2022-07-06 07:15 ~ 07:45
銅鑼灣銅鑼灣廣場二期 2 樓
2022-07-05 20:00 ~ 21:00
大埔雲滙 10 座 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
大埔雲滙 11 座 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
觀塘順安邨安群樓 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
大埔富善邨善美樓 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
秀茂坪寶達邨達佳樓 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
藍田康栢苑欣栢閣 2022-07-04 ~ 2022-07-10
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)


指明任何曾於以下指明期間及時段身處指明地點的人士(不論以何種身分身處該等 地點,包括但不限於全職、兼職和替假員工、住客、學生及訪客


  • 2022年7月8日 – 2022年7月9日
指明地點 指明期間及時段
King Yuet House, King Nga Court, Tai Po
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Sik Man House, Ho Man Tin Estate, Ho Man Tin
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Ka Ting Lau, Ka Wai Chuen, Hung Hom
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Kam Yiu House, Kam Ying Court, Ma On Shan
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
跑馬地景光街 19-21 號珍慶樓
Chun Hing Mansion, 19-21 King Kwong Street, Happy Valley
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
上環差館上街 8 號尚雅苑
Elegance Court, 8 Upper Station Street, Sheung Wan
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
將軍澳峻瀅 II 第 3 座
Tower 3, The Beaumount II, Tseung Kwan O
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
牛頭角淘大花園 I 座
Block I, Amoy Gardens, Ngau Tau Kok
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Tin Wan House, Shun Tin Estate, Kwun Tong
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
馬鞍山泓碧 5 座
Tower 5, Altissimo, Ma On Shan
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Ching Hei House, Tin Ching Estate, Tin Shui Wai
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Tak Yu House, Tak Long Estate, Kowloon City
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
紅磡漆咸道北 220-224 號榮豐大樓
Wing Fung Building, 220- 224 Chatham Road North, Hung Hom
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
青衣偉景花園 2 座
Block 2, Broadview Garden, Tsing Yi
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Ching Tat House, On Tat Estate, Kwun Tong
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)

指明地點 指明期間及時段
Chak Yun House, Tin Chak Estate, Tin Shui Wai
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
San Shek House, Shek Mun Estate, Sha Tin
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
觀塘裕民中心 1 座
Block 1, Yue Man Centre, Kwun Tong
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
長沙灣發祥街西 5 號凱德苑
Hoi Tak Court, 5 Fat Tseung Street West, Cheung Sha Wan
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Pok Tai House, Pok Hong Estate, Sha Tin
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Hiu Tao House, Tung Tao Court, Shau Kei Wan
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Sui Keung House, Siu Sai Wan Estate, Chai Wan
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Ying Chui House, Ying Tung Estate, Tung Chung
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Tower South, Chelsea Court, Tsuen Wan
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
鰂魚涌康怡花園 R2 座
Block R2, Kornhill, Quarry Bay
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
將軍澳日出康城 Sea To Sky 3 座
Tower 3, Sea To Sky, Lohas Park, Tseung Kwan O
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hip Wo House, Wo Che Estate, Sha Tin
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hong Yat House, Yat Tung Estate, Tung Chung
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Po Chung House, Po Ming Court, Tseung Kwan O
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Ho Fung House, Yi Fung Court, Kwai Chung
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Choi Wu House, Choi Yuen Estate, Sheung Shui
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
青衣藍澄灣 5 座
Tower 5, Rambler Crest, Tsing Yi
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Yat Yan House, Yat Nga Court, Tai Po
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Tsun Chuen House, Shui Chuen O Estate, Sha Tin
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Chun Mau House, Ko Chun Court, Yau Tong
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Tung Yip House, Lei Tung Estate, Ap Lei Chau
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Tong Fu House, Tong Ming Court, Tseung Kwan O
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hoi Wan Mansion, Riviera Gardens, Tsuen Wan
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Heng Tai House, Fu Heng Estate, Tai Po
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Wu Fai House, Wu King Estate, Tuen Mun
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Ying Fu House, Choi Ying Estate, Ngau Tau Kok
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Oi Yat House, Oi Tung Estate, Shau Kei Wan
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Fu Fai House, Fu Shan Estate, Diamond Hill
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Central Terrace, Sai Wan Estate, Kennedy Town
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
屯門美樂花園 4 座
Block 4, Melody Garden, Tuen Mun
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
長沙灣宇晴軒 3 座
Tower 3, The Pacifica, Cheung Sha Wan
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
黃大仙瓊東街 1 號瓊軒苑
King Hin Court, 1 King Tung Street, Wong Tai Sin
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
On Wo House, Tai Wo Estate, Tai Po
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hau Lim House, Lei Cheng Uk Estate, Cheung Sha Wan
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Mei Sau House, Mei Tin Estate, Tai Wai
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
屯門龍門居 11 座
Block 11, Lung Mun Oasis, Tuen Mun
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Po Fung Building, 55 Fort Street, North Point
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Mei Yan House, Mei Tung Estate, Kowloon City
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
On Pak House, Cheung On Estate, Tsing Yi
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hin Wan House, Hin Keng Estate, Tai Wai
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Ching Chak House, Ching Ho Estate, Sheung Shui
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Shing Him House, Tin Shing Court, Tin Shui Wai
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
賽馬會匡智小西灣工場 柴灣小西灣邨瑞盛樓及瑞發樓地下
The Jockey Club Hong Chi Siu Sai Wan Workshop G/F, Sui Shing House and Sui Fat House, Siu Sai Wan Estate, Chai Wan
2022-06-25 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
一品雞煲火鍋 旺角花園街 2-16 號好景商業中心 2 樓
The Great Restaurant 2/F, Ho King Commercial Centre, 2-16 Fa Yuen Street, Mong Kok
2022-07-03 18:45 ~ 19:45
樂拉麵 鰂魚涌康怡廣場北座 1 樓 F 10 號鋪
Rakuraku Ramen Shop F10, 1/F, Kornhill Plaza North, Quarry Bay
2022-07-03 14:30 ~ 15:30

指明地點 指明期間及時段
King Mei House, Shan King Estate, Tuen Mun
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
屯門寶田邨 1 座
Block 1, Po Tin Estate, Tuen Mun
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Tak Hong House, Hau Tak Estate, Tseung Kwan O
2022-07-01 ~ 2022-07-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)


指明任何曾於以下指明期間及時段身處指明地點的人士(不論以何種身分身處該等 地點,包括但不限於全職、兼職和替假員工、住客、學生及訪客


  • 2022年7月7日 – 2022年7月8日
指明地點 指明期間及時段
土瓜灣美光街30 號安和園安寧大廈
On Ning Building, On Wo Yuen, 30 Mei Kwong Street, To Kwa Wan
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
北角丹拿道 44-50 號友福園
Yalford Building, 44-50 Tanner Road, North Point
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
馬鞍山新港城海濤居 3 座
Block 3, The Tolo Place, Sunshine City, Ma On Shan
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
鰂魚涌康怡花園 P1 座
Block P1, Kornhill, Quarry Bay
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Shun Wo House, Wo Che Estate, Sha Tin
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Hing Cheung House, Tai Hing Estate, Tuen Mun
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
紅磡鶴園街 8 號煥然懿居 1 座
Tower 1, Eresidence, 8 Hok Yuen Street, Hung Hom
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
屯門藍地豫豐花園 3 座
Block 3, The Sherwood, Lam Tei, Tuen Mun
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
The Parkville, 88 Tuen Mun Heung Sze Wui Road, Tuen Mun
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
土瓜灣美景街 2 號美景樓 1 期
Phase 1, Mei King Mansion, 2 Mei King Street, To Kwa Wan
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Hay Ping House, Long Ping Estate, Yuen Long
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
東涌東堤灣畔 9 座
Block 9, Tung Chung Crescent, Tung Chung
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
東涌東堤灣畔 9 座
Block 9, Tung Chung Crescent, Tung Chung
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
上水新成路 21 號金湖居
Kentwood Place, 21 San Shing Avenue, Sheung Shui
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
King Lok House, Shan King Estate, Tuen Mun
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)

指明地點 指明期間及時段
Chun Sing House, Tin Ma Court, Wong Tai Sin
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Sun Tung House, Yu Tung Court, Tung Chung
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hei Wo House, Tai Wo Estate, Tai Po
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Kai Yan House, Kai Tin Estate, Lam Tin
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Cheung Tak House, Cheung Wah Estate, Fanling
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)

指明地點 指明期間及時段
Tai Yee House, Tai Yuen Estate, Tai Po
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Yat Wo House, Po Nga Court, Tai Po
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Wai Sam House, Lung Hang Estate, Tai Wai
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Yun Ming House, Yung Ming Court, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Lei Chak House, Ap Lei Chau Estate, Ap Lei Chau
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Ying Fook House, Ying Tung Estate, Tung Chung
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Choi Lok House, Choi Fook Estate, Ngau Tau Kok
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Tat Fung House, Po Tat Estate, Sau Mau Ping
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Tsz Jing House, Po Shek Wu Estate, Sheung Shui
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Kai Sin House, Upper Wong Tai Sin Estate, Wong Tai Sin
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Tak Fu House, Hau Tak Estate, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Tin Hong House, Tin Wan Estate, Aberdeen
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Sui Ming House, Siu Sai Wan Estate, Chai Wan
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Ching Hoi House, Tin Ching Estate, Tin Shui Wai
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Herring Gull House, Sha Kok Estate, Sha Tin
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Yung Wa House, Yung Shing Court, Fanling
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
葵涌荔景紀律部隊宿舍 2 座
Block 2, Lai King Disciplined Services Quarters, Kwai Chung
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
大埔天鑽 1 座
Tower 1, The Regent, Tai Po
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
青衣宏福花園 4 座
Tower 4, Tivoli Garden, Tsing Yi
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
馬鞍山富安花園 12 座
Block 12, Chevalier Garden, Ma On Shan
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Yue Sang House, Kin Sang Estate, Tuen Mun
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
將軍澳安寧花園 5 座
Block 5, On Ning Garden, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Kam Ling House, Kam Fung Court, Ma On Shan
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Heng Nga House, Hong Nga Court, Lam Tin
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Tung Ping House, Lei Tung Estate, Ap Lei Chau
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
將軍澳日出康城領峯 6 座 (左翼及右翼)
Tower 6 (L Wing and R Wing), Le Prime, Lohas Park, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Mun Tai House, Mun Tung Estate, Tung Chung
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Fu Shing House, Fung Shing Court, Tai Wai
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Wan Hang House, Wan Tau Tong Estate, Tai Po
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Tin Kin House, Tin Wan Estate, Aberdeen
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Kwai Ming House, Kwai Hong Court, Kwai Chung
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
天水圍嘉湖山莊賞湖居 1 座
Block 1, Sherwood Court, Kingswood Villas, Tin Shui Wai
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
將軍澳富康花園 3 座
Block 3, Beverly Garden, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Yat Long House, Tin Yat Estate, Tin Shui Wai
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Chu Fung House, Fung Tak Estate, Diamond Hill
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Oldish 上環東街 53 號地鋪
Oldish G/F, 53 Tung Street, Sheung Wan
2022-07-01 12:30 ~ 13:45
鮮芋仙 紅磡黃埔天地美食坊地下 G01 號鋪
Meet Fresh Shop G01, G/F, Gourmet Place, The Whampoa, Hung Hom
2022-07-01 15:45 ~ 16:15
囍運冰室 牛頭角淘大商場 2 期地下 G211-214 號鋪
Hee Wan Cafe Shop G211-214, G/F, Phase 2, Amoy Plaza, Ngau Tau Kok
2022-07-01 16:30 ~ 17:30
大家樂 馬鞍山錦英苑錦英商場 LG1
Café de Coral LG1, Kam Ying Shopping Centre, Kam Ying Court, Ma On Shan
2022-07-03 17:00 ~ 17:30
祥興咖啡室 跑馬地奕蔭街 9-11 號地下
Cheung Hing Coffee Shop G/F, 9-11 Yik Yam Street, Happy Valley
2022-07-03 08:00 ~ 08:30
2022-07-04 09:15 ~ 09:45
指明地點 指明期間及時段
上海三六九菜館 灣仔柯布連道 30-32 號地 下 3.6.9.
Restaurant Shanghai Food G/F, 30-32 O’Brien Road, Wan Chai
2022-07-04 13:30 ~ 14:00
星巴克咖啡 將軍澳東港城 1 樓 106 號 鋪
Starbucks Coffee Shop 106, 1/F, East Point City, Tseung Kwan O
2022-07-01 10:00 ~ 11:00
元氣壽司 慈雲山慈雲山中心 1 樓 109 號鋪
Genki Sushi Shop 109, 1/F, Tsz Wan Shan Shopping Centre, Tsz Wan Shan
2022-07-01 20:00 ~ 21:15
潮成園手打魚蛋大王 旺角通菜街 109 號地下 潮成園手打魚蛋大王
G/F, 109 Tung Choi Street, Mong Kok
2022-06-30 23:30 ~ 00:45
正斗粥麵專家 跑馬地景光街 19-21 號珍 慶樓地下
Tasty Congee & Noodle Wantun Shop G/F, Chun Hing Mansion, 19-21 King Kwong Street, Happy Valley
2022-07-01 13:30 ~ 15:30
指明地點 指明期間及時段
牛奶冰室 跑馬地黃泥涌道 1A 號怡 豐大廈 LG 樓 1 號鋪
Milk Cafe Shop 1, LG/F, Yee Fung Building, 1A Wong Nai Chung Road, Happy Valley
2022-07-02 16:15 ~ 17:45
新寧餐廳 銅鑼灣利舞臺廣場 16 樓 B 鋪
Sunning Restaurant Shop B, 16/F, Lee Theatre Plaza, Causeway Bay
2022-07-03 14:15 ~ 16:15
忠記粥品 中環機利文新街 32-34 號 A 鋪 忠記粥品
Shop A, G/F, 32-34 Gilman’s Bazaar, Central
2022-07-04 13:45 ~ 15:00
西灣河嘉亨灣 2 座
Tower 2, Grand Promenade, Sai Wan Ho
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
鰂魚涌康山花園 3 座
Block 3, Kornhill Garden, Quarry Bay
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Yee Tsui House, Wan Tsui Estate, Chai Wan
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
青衣牙鷹洲街 3 號青雅苑
Ching Nga Court, 3 Nga Ying Chau Street, Tsing Yi
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
San Woon House, San Wai Court, Tuen Mun
2022-06-30 ~ 2022-07-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)


指明任何曾於以下指明期間及時段身處指明地點的人士(不論以何種身分身處該等 地點,包括但不限於全職、兼職和替假員工、住客、學生及訪客


  • 2022年7月6日 – 2022年7月7日
指明地點 指明期間及時段
觀塘順利紀律部隊宿舍 5 座
Block 5, Shun Lee Disciplined Services Quarters, Kwun Tong
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Shun Ming House, Wah Ming Estate, Fanling
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
屯門錦華花園 B 座
Block B, Kam Wah Garden, Tuen Mun
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Ka Ping House, Ka Lung Court, Aberdeen
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
九龍城天寰天海匯 3 座
Tower 3, Ocean Waves, Victoria Skye, Kowloon City
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Shek Kai House, Shek Lei (II) Estate, Kwai Chung
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hoi Cheong Lau, Tui Min Hoi Chuen, Sai Kung
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Mei Tai House, Fu Tai Estate, Tuen Mun
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Sheung Yuet House, Upper Ngau Tau Kok Estate, Ngau Tau Kok
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Oi Hei House, Yau Oi Estate, Tuen Mun
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Yiu On House, Yiu Tung Estate, Shau Kei Wan
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Mei Cheong House, Shek Kip Mei Estate, Shek Kip Mei
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
荃灣萬景峯 2 座
Tower 2, Vision City, Tsuen Wan
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hoi Ning House, Hoi Fu Court, Mong Kok
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
土瓜灣翔龍灣 6 座
Tower 6, Grand Waterfront, To Kwa Wan
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)

指明地點 指明期間及時段
東涌映灣園悅濤軒 10 座
Tower 10, Carmel Cove, Caribbean Coast, Tung Chung
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Celeste Court, 12 Fung Fai Terrace, Happy Valley
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
紅磡利工街 9 號悅目
La Lumiere, 9 Lee Kung Street, Hung Hom
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Yeh King House, Siu Shan Court, Tuen Mun
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
大埔逸瓏灣 8 第 1 座
Tower 1, Mayfair By The Sea 8, Tai Po
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Wing Chak House, Chak On Estate, Sham Shui Po
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Lai Yeung House, Lai Tsui Court, Cheung Sha Wan
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
灣仔駱克道 292-294 號 292-294
Lockhart Road, Wan Chai
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
荃灣韻濤居 A 座
Block A, Serenade Cove, Tsuen Wan
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hing Ping House, Tai Hing Estate, Tuen Mun
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
牛池灣清水灣道 8 號
8 Clear Water Bay Road, Ngau Chi Wan
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
沙田帝堡城 2 座
Block 2, Castello, Sha Tin
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
掃管笏 OMA OMA 2B 座
Tower 2B, OMA OMA, So Kwun Wat
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
馬鞍山星漣海 1 座
Tower 1, Seanorama, Ma On Shan
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
沙田銀禧花園 8 座
Block 8, Jubilee Garden, Sha Tin
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Fook Hey Court, Holford Gardens, Tai Wai
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
King Tai House, On Tai Estate, Kwun Tong
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Yuk On House, Kam On Court, Ma On Shan
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hong Shun Court, Sun Hing Garden, Tai Po
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
北角英皇道 58 號康福園 B 座
Block B, Comfort Gardens, 58 King’s Road, North Point
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Ko Chi House, Ko Yee Estate, Yau Tong
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Heng Cheuk House, Tin Heng Estate, Tin Shui Wai
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
將軍澳海翩滙 5 座
Tower 5, The Papillons, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Tung Cheong House, Lei Tung Estate, Ap Lei Chau
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Tung Shing House, Fu Tung Estate, Tung Chung
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Kam Chun House, Tung Chun Court, Shau Kei Wan
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
銅鑼灣浣紗街21號龍濤苑 1 座
Tower 1, Dragon Centre, 21 Wun Sha Street, Causeway Bay
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Man Yue House, Tsz Man Estate, Tsz Wan Shan
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
觀塘凱滙 1 座
Tower 1, Grand Central, Kwun Tong
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
大角咀維港灣 9 座
Tower 9, Island Harbourview, Tai Kok Tsui
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
西灣河嘉亨灣 1 座
Tower 1, Grand Promenade, Sai Wan Ho
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Pik Long House, Shek Pai Wan Estate, Aberdeen
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
聯盛宴 北角港運城 2 樓 202 號鋪
Federal Restaurant Shop 202, 2/F, Island Place, North Point
2022-06-30 18:15 ~ 20:15
大家樂 鰂魚涌英皇道 1026-1028 號海景樓及海山樓地下低 層
Café de Coral LG/F, Oceanic and Montane Mansions, 1026-1028 King’s Road, Quarry Bay
2022-06-30 16:15 ~ 17:15
大快活 鰂魚涌英皇道 971 號英皇 大樓 1 樓
Fairwood 1/F, King’s House, 971 King’s Road, Quarry Bay
2022-06-30 14:30 ~ 15:30
指明地點 指明期間及時段
南豐小廚雞煲火鍋 旺角黑布街 25 號地下
South Crop Restaurant G/F, 25 Hak Po Street, Mong Kok
2022-06-30 19:45 ~ 20:45
大家樂 筲箕灣耀東商場 1 樓 S101 號鋪
Café de Coral Shop S101, 1/F, Yiu Tung Shopping Centre, Shau Kei Wan
2022-06-30 07:15 ~ 07:45
粉嶺碧湖花園 2 座
Tower 2, Avon Park, Fanling
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
青衣綠悠雅苑 1 座
Tower 1, Greenview Villa, Tsing Yi
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Wang Chi House, Wang Fuk Court, Tai Po
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-07-05
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)


指明任何曾於以下指明期間及時段身處指明地點的人士(不論以何種身分身處該等 地點,包括但不限於全職、兼職和替假員工、住客、學生及訪客


  • 2022年7月5日 – 2022年7月6日

指明地點 指明期間及時段
Fung Tai House, On Tai Estate, Kwun Tong
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
何文田文運道 6 號麗晶樓
Crystal Court, 6 Man Wan Road, Ho Man Tin
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Sui Moon House, Siu Sai Wan Estate, Chai Wan
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Chun Tai House, Ching Tai Court, Tsing Yi
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Louisa Tower, 79 Kung Lok Road, Kwun Tong
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Lee Hang House, Shun Lee Estate, Kwun Tong
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
On Chung House, Shun On Estate, Kwun Tong
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Shek Ping House, Long Ping Estate, Yuen Long
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
鰂魚涌康怡花園 E2 座
Block E2, Kornhill, Quarry Bay
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Chung Hong House, Hong Wah Court, Lam Tin
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Hop Kwai House, Kwai Chung Estate, Kwai Chung
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
馬鞍山馬鞍山中心 2 座
Tower 2, Ma On Shan Centre, Ma On Shan
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Po Ning House, Po Lam Estate, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Shin Chi House, Shin Ming Estate, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Sui Lun House, Siu Lun Court, Tuen Mun
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Han Kung Mansion, Taikoo Shing, Quarry Bay
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
將軍澳維景灣畔 12 座
Tower 12, Ocean Shores, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
將軍澳東港城 3 座
Block 3, East Point City, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
青衣偉景花園 6 座
Block 6, Broadview Garden, Tsing Yi
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
深水埗鴨寮街 248-252 號 文冠樓
Man Koon House, 248-252 Apliu Street, Sham Shui Po
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
屯門大興花園 1 期 2 座
Block 2, Phase 1, Tai Hing Gardens, Tuen Mun
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Choi King House, Choi Tak Estate, Ngau Tau Kok
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
半山區旭龢道12 號嘉賢大廈
Alpine Court, 12 Kotewall Road, Mid-Levels
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Ming Shun Lau, Jat Min Chuen, Sha Tin
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hing Yiu House, Tai Hing Estate, Tuen Mun
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
北角健康村 1 期康達閣
Hong Tat Court, Phase 1, Healthy Village, North Point
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
灣仔春園街 47-65 號新春園大廈
New Spring Garden Mansion, 47-65 Spring Garden Lane, Wan Chai
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
長沙灣宇晴軒 5 座
Tower 5, The Pacifica, Cheung Sha Wan
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Rose House, Ma Tau Wai Estate, To Kwa Wan
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Kam Shing House, Kam Tai Court, Ma On Shan
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Heng Tsui House, Fu Heng Estate, Tai Po
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Heung Tung House, Yu Tung Court, Tung Chung
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Shui Yip House, Tin Shui (2) Estate, Tin Shui Wai
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hing Wo House, Po Nga Court, Tai Po
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Shing Kan House, Tin Shing Court, Tin Shui Wai
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Ying Yuet House, Ying Tung Estate, Tung Chung
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
譚仔雲南米線 觀塘觀塘廣場 2 樓 213 號 鋪
TamJai Yunnan Mixian Shop 213, 2/F, Kwun Tong Plaza, Kwun Tong
2022-06-30 20:00 ~ 21:45
唐宮小聚 荃灣荃新天地 1 期高層地 下 43 及 81 號鋪
Social Place Shop 43 & 81, UG/F, Citywalk 1, Tsuen Wan
2022-07-01 11:45 ~ 12:45
扶康會順利成人訓練中心 觀塘順利邨利富樓 3 樓 3- 5 號室
Fu Hong Society Shun Lee Adult Training Centre Unit 3-5, 3/F, Lee Fu House, Shun Lee Estate, Kwun Tong
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)

指明地點 指明期間及時段
Kong Hing Court, Aberdeen Centre, Aberdeen
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Shun Sang House, Siu Hin Court, Tuen Mun
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
屯門寶怡花園第 3 座
Block 3, Blossom Garden, Tuen Mun
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
大埔海寶花園 B 座
Block B, Treasure Garden, Tai Po
2022-06-28 ~ 2022-07-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)


指明任何曾於以下指明期間及時段身處指明地點的人士(不論以何種身分身處該等 地點,包括但不限於全職、兼職和替假員工、住客、學生及訪客


  • 2022年7月4日 – 2022年7月5日
指明地點 指明期間及時段
將軍澳新都城第二期 2 座
Block 2, Metro City Phase 2, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-27 ~ 2022-07-03
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Sui Lok House, Siu Sai Wan Estate, Chai Wan
2022-06-27 ~ 2022-07-03
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Wah Woon House, Ching Wah Court, Tsing Yi
2022-06-27 ~ 2022-07-03
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Cheong Yat House, Nam Cheong Estate, Sham Shui Po
2022-06-27 ~ 2022-07-03
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Ming Wik House, Kin Ming Estate, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-27 ~ 2022-07-03
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Wang Tao House, Wang Fuk Court, Tai Po
2022-06-27 ~ 2022-07-03
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Luen Hei House, Kwai Luen Estate, Kwai Chung
2022-06-27 ~ 2022-07-03
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
柴灣富景花園 1 座
Block 1, Fullview Garden, Chai Wan
2022-06-27 ~ 2022-07-03
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
油麻地彌敦道 311-313 號康僑大廈
Hong Kiu Mansion, 311- 313 Nathan Road, Yau Ma Tei
2022-06-27 ~ 2022-07-03
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
北角柏傲山 5 座
Tower 5, The Pavilia Hill, North Point
2022-06-27 ~ 2022-07-03
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
粉嶺碧湖花園 7 座
Tower 7, Avon Park, Fanling
2022-06-27 ~ 2022-07-03
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
On Hei House, Siu Hei Court, Tuen Mun
2022-06-27 ~ 2022-07-03
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Choi Shing House, Choi Tak Estate, Ngau Tau Kok
2022-06-27 ~ 2022-07-03
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
馬鞍山翠擁華庭 6 座
Block 6, Monte Vista, Ma On Shan
2022-06-27 ~ 2022-07-03
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Mei Leong House, Shek Kip Mei Estate, Shek Kip Mei
2022-06-27 ~ 2022-07-03
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
屯門大興花園第一期 1 座
Block 1, Phase 1, Tai Hing Gardens, Tuen Mun
2022-06-27 ~ 2022-07-03
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
石塘咀皇后大道西 590- 596 號兆宜大廈
Siu Yee Building, 590-596 Queen’s Road West, Shek Tong Tsui
2022-06-27 ~ 2022-07-03
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
大埔大埔太和路15號太和中心 2 座
Block 2, Tai Wo Centre, 15 Tai Po Tai Wo Road, Tai Po
2022-06-27 ~ 2022-07-03
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
鰂魚涌鰂魚涌街 121 號太 就樓
Tai Chow House, 121 Quarry Bay Street, Quarry Bay
2022-06-27 ~ 2022-07-03
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Elegant Court, Fanling Town Center, Fanling
2022-06-27 ~ 2022-07-03
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
King Wah House, Shan King Estate, Tuen Mun
2022-06-27 ~ 2022-07-03
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Tak Wo House, Wo Che Estate, Sha Tin
2022-06-27 ~ 2022-07-03
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Lok Shun House, Tsz Lok Estate, Tsz Wan Shan
2022-06-27 ~ 2022-07-03
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Treasure Court, 28 Belcher’s Street, Kennedy Town
2022-06-27 ~ 2022-07-03
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Yee Yip House, Tsing Yi Estate, Tsing Yi
2022-06-27 ~ 2022-07-03
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)

指明地點 指明期間及時段
大圍曉翠山莊 10 座
Block 10, Pristine Villa, Tai Wai
2022-06-27 ~ 2022-07-03
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Kam Leung House, Kam Ying Court, Ma On Shan
2022-06-27 ~ 2022-07-03
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
元朗采葉庭 6 座
Block 6, The Parcville, Yuen Long
2022-06-27 ~ 2022-07-03
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
堅尼地城觀龍樓 F 座
Block F, Kwun Lung Lau, Kennedy Town
2022-06-27 ~ 2022-07-03
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
佳記美食 油麻地上海街 88 號地下佳記美食
G/F, 88 Shanghai Street, Yau Ma Tei
2022-06-28 14:15 ~ 14:45
指明地點 指明期間及時段
添鋒茶室小廚 香港仔嘉禾街 27-33 號大 德樓地下 E 鋪 添鋒茶室小廚
Shop E, G/F, Tai Tak House, 29 Ka Wo Street, Aberdeen
2022-06-27 10:00 ~ 10:45
敏華冰廳 堅尼地城Imperial Kennedy 商場地下 9 號鋪
Men Wah Bing Teng Shop 9, G/F, Imperial Kennedy Shopping Arcade, Kennedy Town
2022-06-28 16:30 ~ 17:30
KFC 灣仔莊士敦道 112 號雙喜 樓地下 4 及 5 號鋪及 1 樓 A 及 B 鋪
KFC Shop 4 & 5 on G/F and Shop A & B on 1/F, Sheung Hei House, 112 Johnston Road, Wan Chai
2022-06-28 08:15 ~ 08:45
Rajdoot印度和尼泊爾餐館 西營盤皇后大道西 425Q 號地下(後鋪)
Rajdoot Indian & Nepalese Restaurant G/F (Rear Portion), 425Q Queen’s Road West, Sai Ying Pun
2022-06-27 12:00 ~ 13:00
洪師父牛肉麵 沙田連城廣場 1 樓 106 號 鋪
Chef Hung Taiwanese Beef Noodle Unit 106, 1/F, Citylink Plaza, Sha Tin
2022-06-28 11:45 ~ 13:00
指明地點 指明期間及時段
昇平粉麵餐廳 屯門兆麟苑兆麟商場地下 13B 號鋪 昇平粉麵餐廳
Shop 13B, G/F, Siu Lun Shopping Centre, Siu Lun Court, Tuen Mun
2022-06-27 16:00 ~ 17:00
一鍋堂 荃灣眾安街 55 號大鴻輝 (荃灣)中心 19 樓
E POT 19/F, Tai Hung Fai (Tsuen Wan) Centre, 55 Chung On Street, Tsuen Wan
2022-06-26 19:15 ~ 20:15
啟翔二職員餐廳 香港國際機場抵港層 5 樓 5V514A 號鋪
Sky Bird 2 Staff Canteen Unit 5V514A, Level 5, Arrivals Level, Hong Kong International Airport
2022-06-23 10:00 ~ 11:00
2022-06-23 14:30 ~ 15:30
2022-06-24 10:00 ~ 11:00
翠園 將 軍 澳 PopCorn 2 樓 PopFood 1-2 號鋪
Jade Garden Shop 1-2, PopFood, 2/F, PopCorn, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-27 12:00 ~14:00
畔溪尚粵館 將軍澳東港城 2 樓 235 號鋪
Riverside Restaurant Shop 235, 2/F, East Point City, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-28 12:45 ~ 14:30 2
指明地點 指明期間及時段
謝謝儂 將軍澳東港城 1 樓 195 號 鋪
XIE XIE NONG Shop 195, 1/F, East Point City, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-28 19:30 ~ 20:45
海雲天 紅磡九龍海逸君綽酒店 2 樓
Hoi Won Teen 2/F, Harbour Grand Kowloon, Hung Hom
2022-06-30 14:15 ~ 15:15
Santorini Greek Restaurant 半山區蘇豪伊利近街51 號 伊利閣地鋪
Santorini Greek Restaurant G/F, The Elgin, 51 Elgin Street, Soho, Mid-Levels
2022-06-29 12:30 ~ 13:30
日木三分 北角丹拿道 46 號地鋪 日木三分
G/F, 46 Tanner Road, North Point
2022-06-30 14:00 ~ 14:45
活一鮮 北角錦屏街21號東發大廈 A 座地下
Katsuisen G/F, Block A, Tung Fat Building, 21 Kam Ping Street, North Point
2022-06-29 14:15 ~ 15:00
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Café bar on 8 半山區麥當勞道 2 號聖約翰大樓 8 樓
Café bar on 8 8/F, St. John Tower, 2 MacDonnell Road, MidLevels
2022-06-28 12:45 ~ 13:45
十大碗粥麵專家 旺角豉油街 66 號地下
Ten Noodle Shop G/F, 66 Soy Street, Mong Kok
2022-06-29 19:15 ~ 20:15
芽莊越式料理 旺角新世紀廣場 2 樓 269 號鋪
Nha Trang Vietnamese Cuisine Shop 269, 2/F, MOKO, Mong Kok
2022-06-30 19:30 ~ 21:00
紅茶冰室 油麻地彌敦道 498-500 號地下
Red Tea Café G/F, 498-500 Nathan Road, Yau Ma Tei
2022-06-27 12:15 ~ 13:30
2022-07-01 12:45 ~ 13:45
得記大排檔 油麻地吳松街臨時熟食小 販市場地下 1 號鋪
Tak Kee Seafood Restaurant Shop 1, G/F, Woosung Street Temporary Cooked Food Hawker Bazaar, Yau Ma Tei
2022-06-27 22:30 ~ 23:45
指明地點 指明期間及時段
正九清湯腩 油麻地文明里 11-13 號常 安樓地下 1 號鋪 正九清湯腩
Shop 1, G/F, Sheung On House, 11-13 Man Ming Lane, Yau Ma Tei
2022-06-28 12:00 ~ 13:00
一蘭 尖沙咀棉登徑 8 號地庫 B 鋪及地下入口大堂
ICHIRAN Entrance Hall on G/F & Shop B, Basement Floor, 8 Minden Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui
2022-06-28 20:30 ~ 21:30
華嫂冰室 尖沙咀棉登徑 8 號地下 G7-G8 號鋪
Waso Café Shop G7-G8, G/F, 8 Minden Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui
2022-06-29 18:00 ~ 19:30
點點心 油麻地文匯街28 號文景樓 地下
Dim Dim Sum G/F, Man Kin Building, 28 Man Wui Street, Yau Ma Tei
2022-06-30 12:15 ~ 13:45


指明任何曾於以下指明期間及時段身處指明地點的人士(不論以何種身分身處該等 地點,包括但不限於全職、兼職和替假員工、住客、學生及訪客


  • 2022年6月28日 – 2022年6月29日

指明地點 指明期間及時段
Yuet Tin House, Yan Tin Estate, Tuen Mun
2022-06-21 ~ 2022-06-27
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
東涌映灣園悅濤軒 11 座
Tower 11, Carmel Cove, Caribbean Coast, Tung Chung
2022-06-21 ~ 2022-06-27
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Ka Fook Court, Bedford Gardens, North Point
2022-06-21 ~ 2022-06-27
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
北角寶馬山道24 號豐林閣 2 座
Block 2, Oxford Court, 24 Braemar Hill Road, North Point
2022-06-21 ~ 2022-06-27
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
何文田勝利道 9 號凱旋居
Triumph Terrace, 9 Victory Avenue, Ho Man Tin
2022-06-21 ~ 2022-06-27
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Chung Yuet House, Tin Chung Court, Tin Shui Wai
2022-06-21 ~ 2022-06-27
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
King Man House, Ho Man Tin Estate, Ho Man Tin
2022-06-21 ~ 2022-06-27
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Tai Lok House, Tai Yuen Estate, Tai Po
2022-06-21 ~ 2022-06-27
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Fook Wo House, Tai Wo Estate, Tai Po
2022-06-21 ~ 2022-06-27
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Oi Ping House, Oi Tung Estate, Shau Kei Wan
2022-06-21 ~ 2022-06-27
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Berkeley Court, South Horizons, Ap Lei Chau
2022-06-21 ~ 2022-06-27
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Lincoln Heights, Hong Kong Garden, Tsuen Wan
2022-06-21 ~ 2022-06-27
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Mei Shek House, Shek Mun Estate, Sha Tin
2022-06-21 ~ 2022-06-27
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Sui Shek House, Shek Mun Estate, Sha Tin
2022-06-21 ~ 2022-06-27
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
青衣盈翠半島 3A 座
Tower 3A, Tierra Verde, Tsing Yi
2022-06-21 ~ 2022-06-27
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Yiu Wo House, Yiu On Estate, Ma On Shan
2022-06-21 ~ 2022-06-27
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Wan Loi House, Wan Tau Tong Estate, Tai Po
2022-06-21 ~ 2022-06-27
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
百份百餐廳 屯門大興商場地下64號鋪
Café 100% Shop 64, G/F, Tai Hing Commercial Centre, Tuen Mun
2022-06-23 19:30 ~ 20:30
嘉華餐室 屯門良景街市地下 LK1 號鋪
Ka Wah Restaurant Shop LK1, G/F, Leung King Market, Tuen Mun
2022-06-23 13:15 ~ 14:00
爭鮮迴轉壽司 屯門良景廣場 L103 號鋪
Sushi Express Shop L103, Leung King Plaza, Tuen Mun
2022-06-21 19:00 ~ 20:00
指明地點 指明期間及時段
TC Bistro 新蒲崗景福街 87 號地下
TC Bistro G/F, 87 King Fuk Street, San Po Kong
2022-06-23 13:30 ~ 14:30
港嘢茶檔 油麻地北海街 7 號地下
Chadon G/F, 7 Pak Hoi Street, Yau Ma Tei
2022-06-22 08:45 ~ 09:45
爭鮮迴轉壽司 屯門雅都商場地下20號鋪
Sushi Express Shop 20, G/F, Eldo Court Shopping Centre, Tuen Mun
2022-06-23 13:45 ~ 14:45
雲貴軒米線專門店 屯門山景商場 LG 樓 103- 105 號鋪
The Vermicelli House Shop 103-105, LG/F, Shan King Shopping Centre, Tuen Mun
2022-06-22 09:00 ~ 10:10
2022-06-23 09:00 ~ 10:10
和氣食堂 屯門寶怡花園地下 9-11 號 鋪
Waki Shokudo Shop 9-11, G/F, Blossom Garden, Tuen Mun
2022-06-24 20:30 ~ 21:30
指明地點 指明期間及時段
金雋鍋貼大王 屯門青海圍 8 號屯景大廈 地下 C 鋪
Kam Chun Dumpling King Shop C, G/F, Tuen King Building, 8 Tsing Hoi Circuit, Tuen Mun
2022-06-24 12:00 ~ 13:00
明記牛雜粉麵 屯門青河坊 2 號麗寶大廈 地下 42 號鋪 明記牛雜粉麵
Shop 42, G/F, Lai Bo Building, 2 Tsing Ho Square, Tuen Mun
2022-06-24 11:45 ~ 13:00
大快活 天水圍置富嘉湖 1 期地下 G83 及 G88 號鋪
Fairwood Shop G83 & G88, G/F, Phase 1, Fortune Kingswood, Tin Shui Wai
2022-06-22 12:00 ~ 13:00
生興龍麵食 屯門屯門鄉事會路 94-110 號康利中心地下 26 號鋪
Sang Hing Lung Noodles Shop 26, G/F, Honley Court, 94-110 Tuen Mun Heung Sze Wui Road, Tuen Mun
2022-06-21 20:00 ~ 21:00
陶源酒家 灣仔菲林明道 8 號大同大 廈 1 至 2 樓
Sportful Garden Restaurant 1/F – 2/F, Tai Tung Building, 8 Fleming Road, Wan Chai
2022-06-21 12:15 ~ 13:30
指明地點 指明期間及時段
龍閣 紅磡黃埔天地享膳坊 G4 號鋪
Dragon Court Shop G4, G/F, Deli Place, The Whampoa, Hung Hom
2022-06-19 13:15 ~ 14:15
Ching Chuen House, Shui Chuen O Estate, Sha Tin
2022-06-21 ~ 2022-06-27
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Yan Chuen House, Shui Chuen O Estate, Sha Tin
2022-06-21 ~ 2022-06-27
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
深井海雲軒 1 座
Block 1, Angler’s Bay, Sham Tseng
2022-06-21 ~ 2022-06-27
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
將軍澳將軍澳廣場 3 座
Tower 3, Tseung Kwan O Plaza, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-21 ~ 2022-06-27
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Mei Fung Court, Aberdeen Centre, Aberdeen
2022-06-21 ~ 2022-06-27
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)


指明任何曾於以下指明期間及時段身處指明地點的人士(不論以何種身分身處該等 地點,包括但不限於全職、兼職和替假員工、住客、學生及訪客


  • 2022年6月27日 – 2022年6月28日
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Hoi Ming House, Hoi Lai Estate, Cheung Sha Wan
2022-06-20 ~ 2022-06-26
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
屯門田景路 38 號兆邦苑
Siu Pong Court, 38 Tin King Road, Tuen Mun
2022-06-20 ~ 2022-06-26
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
屯門景新臺 4 座
Block 4, Kingston Terrace, Tuen Mun
2022-06-20 ~ 2022-06-26
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
屯門黃金海岸 1 座
Tower 1, Gold Coast, Tuen Mu
2022-06-20 ~ 2022-06-26
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
旺角上海街 466-468 號載福樓
Joye Fook Mansion, 466- 468 Shanghai Street, Mong Kok
2022-06-20 ~ 2022-06-26
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)

指明地點 指明期間及時段
Shek Foon House, Shek Lei (II) Estate, Kwai Chung
2022-06-20 ~ 2022-06-26
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Yee Hong House, Hong Wah Court, Lam Tin
2022-06-20 ~ 2022-06-26
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
屯門悅湖山莊 12 座
Block 12, Yuet Wu Villa, Tuen Mun
2022-06-20 ~ 2022-06-26
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
屯門卓爾居 6 座
Block 6, Chelsea Heights, Tuen Mun
2022-06-20 ~ 2022-06-26
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
葵涌葵芳閣 2 座
Block 2, Kwai Fong Terrace, Kwai Chung
2022-06-20 ~ 2022-06-26
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)

指明地點 指明期間及時段
沙田晴碧花園 1 座
Block 1, Sunshine Grove, Sha Tin
2022-06-20 ~ 2022-06-26
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
將軍澳都會駅 5 座
Tower 5, Metro Town, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-20 ~ 2022-06-26
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
沙田帝堡城 7 座
Block 7, Castello, Sha Tin
2022-06-20 ~ 2022-06-26
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
沙田㘭背灣街23 號旭禾苑
Yuk Wo Court, 23 Au Pui Wan Street, Sha Tin
2022-06-20 ~ 2022-06-26
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
沙田綠怡雅苑 1 座
Tower 1, Greenhill Villa, Sha Tin
2022-06-20 ~ 2022-06-26
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
馬鞍山銀湖‧天峰 5 座
Tower 5, Lake Silver, Ma On Shan
2022-06-20 ~ 2022-06-26
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
筲箕灣明華大廈 A 座
Block A, Ming Wah Dai Ha, Shau Kei Wan
2022-06-20 ~ 2022-06-26
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Kam Huen House, Kam Fung Court, Ma On Shan
2022-06-20 ~ 2022-06-26
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
雪村串燒 中環閣麟街 45-47 號祥暉大廈高層地下 3 號鋪
Kushiyaki Sesson Shop 3, UG/F, Cheung Fai Building, 45-47 Cochrane Street, Central
2022-06-23 19:00 ~ 21:00
Waterfall Sports & Wellness 港島東會所餐廳 鰂魚涌康蘭居 9 樓
Waterfall Sports & Wellness Island East Club Restaurant 9/F, Kornhill Apartments, Quarry Bay
2022-06-19 12:00 ~ 13:00
2022-06-20 12:00 ~ 13:00
2022-06-21 12:00 ~ 13:00
2022-06-22 12:00 ~ 13:00
指明地點 指明期間及時段
翡翠拉麵小籠包 銅鑼灣時代廣場 B2 樓 B221A 號鋪
Crystal Jade La Mian Xiao Long Bao Shop B221A, B2/F, Times Square, Causeway Bay
2022-06-24 12:00 ~ 12:45
麥奀雲吞麵世家 銅鑼灣禮頓道37 號崇蘭大 廈地下
Mak’s Noodle G/F, Sung Lan Mansion, 37 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay
2022-06-23 16:00 ~ 16:45
大家樂 旺角豉油街50號富達大廈 1 樓 A 號鋪及 2 樓 6 號鋪 連平台
Café de Coral Shop A, 1/F and Shop 6, 2/F and Podium, Foo Tat Building, 50 Soy Street, Mong Kok
2022-06-20 13:30 ~ 15:00
吉野家 旺角豉油街 60-102 號鴻都 大廈地下 12-13 號鋪
Yoshinoya Shop 12-13, G/F, The Concord Building, 60-102 Soy Street, Mong Kok
2022-06-22 13:30 ~ 15:00


指明任何曾於以下指明期間及時段身處指明地點的人士(不論以何種身分身處該等 地點,包括但不限於全職、兼職和替假員工、住客、學生及訪客


  • 2022年6月24日 – 2022年6月25日

指明地點 指明期間及時段
西灣河西灣河街 8 號君悅軒
Grand Garden, 8 Sai Wan Ho Street, Sai Wan Ho
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
將軍澳東港城 7 座
Block 7, East Point City, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
將軍澳將軍澳中心 5 座
Tower 5, Park Central, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
觀塘月華街 8 號觀月.樺 峯
Park Metropolitan, 8 Yuet Wah Street, Kwun Tong
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Ping Tai House, Ping Yan Court, Yuen Long
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Tin Fai House, Yue Fai Court, Aberdeen
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
上水天平路 50 號安盛苑
On Shing Court, 50 Tin Ping Road, Sheung Shui
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
King Yu House, King Lam Estate, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
北角栢景臺 1 座
Tower 1, Park Towers, North Point
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Tower East, Chelsea Court, Tsuen Wan
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Tak Pui House, Tak Long Estate, Kowloon City
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
柴灣新翠花園 3 座
Block 3, New Jade Garden, Chai Wan
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
土瓜灣旭日街 9 號港圖灣
Bayview, 9 Yuk Yat Street, To Kwa Wan
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Yat Sang House, Siu Hin Court, Tuen Mun
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Oi Wo House, Tai Wo Estate, Tai Po
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
大角咀港灣豪庭 4 座
Block 4, Metro Harbour View, Tai Kok Tsui
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Ching Tin House, Pak Tin Estate, Shek Kip Mei
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Man On House, Tai Hang Sai Estate, Shek Kip Mei
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
薩莉亞意式餐廳 荃灣德士古道 36-60 號荃 薈 1 樓 F203-208 號鋪
Saizeriya Italian Restaurant Shop F203-208, 1/F, Smartland, 36-60 Texaco Road, Tsuen Wan
2022-06-19 12:45 ~ 14:00
窩心冰室 荃灣大窩口道15 號大窩口 街市地下 25-27 號鋪
Sweet Heart Shop 25-27, G/F, Tai Wo Hau Estate Market, 15 Tai Wo Hau Road, Tsuen Wan
2022-06-20 09:30 ~ 10:00
指明地點 指明期間及時段
翡翠海鲜酒家•明珠宴會 廳 旺角洗衣街 251 號地下
Jade Seafood Restaurant G/F, 251 Sai Yee Street, Mong Kok
2022-06-19 08:15 ~ 10:00
2022-06-18 08:45 ~ 10:00
新樂園 將軍澳唐明街 2 號尚德廣 場地下 6 號鋪
Sun Lok Yuen Shop 6, G/F, TKO Spot, 2 Tong Ming Street, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-20 13:00 ~ 14:00
樂吧 旺角西洋菜北街 310 號地 下 A 鋪
Lu Bar Shop A, G/F, 310 Sai Yeung Choi Street North, Mong Kok
2022-06-18 23:30 ~2022-06-19 02:00
麥當勞 將軍澳尚德廣場 2 樓 216 號鋪
McDonald’s Shop 216, 2/F, TKO Spot, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-18 13:15 ~ 14:15
紅火鮮料火鍋專門店 旺角西洋菜南街 1N 號兆 萬中心 17 樓
Redfire Hot Pot 17/F, CTMA Centre, 1N Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Mong Kok
2022-06-18 20:00 ~ 23:00
指明地點 指明期間及時段
馬鞍山迎海‧駿岸 6 座
Block 6, Double Cove Grandview, Ma On Shan
2022-06-19 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
國泰城職員食坊 赤鱲角觀景路 8 號國泰城 1 樓
The Galley Level 1, Cathay Pacific City, 8 Scenic Road, Chek Lap Kok
2022-06-19 12:15 ~ 12:45
翠河餐廳 馬鞍山利安商場 LG3 樓 306 號鋪
Green River Restaurant Shop 306, LG3/F, Lee On Shopping Centre, Ma On Shan
2022-06-20 13:30 ~ 14:15
屯門卓爾居 5 座
Block 5, Chelsea Heights, Tuen Mun
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
海港酒家 屯門卓爾廣場 3 樓 312 號 鋪
Victoria Harbour Restaurant Shop 312, L3, Chelsea Heights, Tuen Mun
2022-06-16 18:00 ~ 22:15
指明地點 指明期間及時段
元気寿司 屯門屯門市廣場 1 期 3 樓 3206 號鋪
Genki Sushi Shop 3206, 3/F, Tuen Mun Town Plaza I, Tuen Mun
2022-06-17 19:45 ~ 21:15
麥當勞 屯門康麗花園地下14號鋪
McDonald’s Shop 14, G/F, Hong Lai Garden, Tuen Mun
2022-06-17 09:15 ~ 10:30
恆香冰室 上環德輔道中 243-247 號 德祐大廈地下
Hang Heung Bakery Café G/F, Blissful Building, 243- 247 Des Voeux Road Central, Sheung Wan
2022-06-17 09:30 ~ 10:30
The Salted Pig 葵涌新都會廣場 5 樓 531 及 540 號鋪
The Salted Pig Shop 531 & 540, 5/F, Metroplaza, Kwai Chung
2022-06-17 13:00 ~ 15:30
活水亭 西灣河興民街 50 號地下
Living Water G/F, 50 Hing Man Street, Sai Wan Ho
2022-06-18 08:00 ~ 08:30
指明地點 指明期間及時段
大快活 柴灣藍灣廣場 1 樓 11 號鋪
Fairwood Shop 11, 1/F, Island Resort Mall, Chai Wan
2022-06-18 10:00 ~ 12:00 2
雲壽司 中環德己立街 17-19 號德 和大廈地鋪
Sushi Kumo G/F, Tak Woo House, 17-19 D’Aguilar Street, Central
2022-06-19 12:15 ~ 13:15
檀島咖啡餅店 灣仔軒尼詩道 176-178 號 地下及閣樓
Honolulu Coffee Shop G/F & M/F, 176-178 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai
2022-06-19 17:00 ~ 17:30
川琦台日料理 屯門新屯門商場2樓34-39 號鋪 川琦台日料理
Shop 34-39, 2/F, Sun Tuen Mun Shopping Centre, Tuen Mun
2022-06-18 11:45 ~ 13:00
Lok Tsui House, Lok Fu Estate, Wong Tai Sin
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)

指明地點 指明期間及時段
船皇 尖沙咀厚福街 7 號地鋪
Tiew Ruea Tor Charm G/F, 7 Hau Fook Street, Tsim Sha Tsui
2022-06-18 15:00 ~ 17:00
星巴克咖啡 尖沙咀加連威老道 2-6 號 愛賓商業大廈 G02 及 103 號鋪
Starbucks Coffee Shop G02 & 103, Albion Plaza, 2-6 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
2022-06-18 17:00 ~ 18:45
掃管笏愛琴海岸 7 座
Tower 7, Aegean Coast, So Kwun Wat
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
葵涌浩景臺 4 座
Block 4, Highland Park, Kwai Chung
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
將軍澳都會駅城中駅 6 座
Tower 6, Le Point, Metro Town, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)

指明地點 指明期間及時段
Kam Wan House, Choi Hung Estate, Ngau Chi Wan
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
大中華飯店 長沙灣福榮街 539 號地下
Tai Chung Wah Restaurant G/F, 539 Fuk Wing Street, Cheung Sha Wan
2022-06-17 18:00 ~ 19:00
鑽石冰室 牛池灣彩虹邨金漢樓地下 37 號鋪
Diamond Cafe Shop 37, G/F, Kam Hon House, Choi Hung Estate, Ngau Chi Wan
2022-06-18 12:00 ~ 13:00
至尊中日美食 牛池灣彩虹邨金碧樓地下 12 號鋪 至尊中日美食
Shop 12, G/F, Kam Pik House, Choi Hung Estate, Ngau Chi Wan
2022-06-19 19:00 ~ 20:00
King On House, Shan King Estate, Tuen Mun
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
屯門龍門居 1 座
Block 1, Lung Mun Oasis, Tuen Mun
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
藍田滙景花園 8 座
Block 8, Sceneway Garden, Lam Tin
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Leung Chi House, Leung King Estate, Tuen Mun
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Felicitous House, Affluence Garden, Tuen Mun
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hing Wai House, Tai Hing Estate, Tuen Mun
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
東華三院陳馮曼玲長者日 間護理中心 深水埗澤安邨華澤樓地下 13 至 16 室
Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Chan Feng Men Ling Day Care Centre for the Elderly Units 13-16, G/F, Wah Chak House, Chak On Estate, Sham Shui Po
2022-06-16 ~ 2022-06-23
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)


指明任何曾於以下指明期間及時段身處指明地點的人士(不論以何種身分身處該等 地點,包括但不限於全職、兼職和替假員工、住客、學生及訪客


  • 2022年6月23日 – 2022年6月24日
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Fu Yue House, Fu Keung Court, Wang Tau Hom
2022-06-16 ~ 2022-06-22
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Sik Man House, Ho Man Tin Estate, Ho Man Tin
2022-06-16 ~ 2022-06-22
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
銅鑼灣大坑徑25 號龍華花 園 1 座
Block 1, Ronsdale Garden, 25 Tai Hang Drive, Causeway Bay
2022-06-16 ~ 2022-06-22
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
薄扶林寶翠園 8 座
Tower 8, The Belcher’s, Pok Fu Lam
2022-06-16 ~ 2022-06-22
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Onda Court, La Costa, Discovery Bay
2022-06-16 ~ 2022-06-22
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)

指明地點 指明期間及時段
葵涌葵涌廣場 3 座
Block 3, Kwai Chung Plaza, Kwai Chung
2022-06-16 ~ 2022-06-22
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Po Yan House, Po Lam Estate, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-16 ~ 2022-06-22
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
跑馬地禮頓山 7 座
Tower 7, The Leighton Hill, Happy Valley
2022-06-16 ~ 2022-06-22
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
淺水灣華景園 2 座
Block 2, Grand Garden, Repulse Bay
2022-06-16 ~ 2022-06-22
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hoi Lung Court, Aberdeen Centre, Aberdeen
2022-06-16 ~ 2022-06-22
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Ko Fei House, Ko Cheung Court, Yau Tong
2022-06-16 ~ 2022-06-22
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
旺角富榮花園 3 座
Block 3, Charming Garden, Mong Kok
2022-06-16 ~ 2022-06-22
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Chung Shue House, Lei Muk Shue Estate, Tsuen Wan
2022-06-16 ~ 2022-06-22
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
將軍澳慧安園 2 座
Block 2, Well On Garden, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-16 ~ 2022-06-22
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
荃灣愉景新城 11 座
Block 11, Discovery Park, Tsuen Wan
2022-06-16 ~ 2022-06-22
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
沙田玖瓏山天瓏閣 1 座
Tower 1, Court D, Dragons Range, Sha Tin
2022-06-16 ~ 2022-06-22
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
大角咀港灣豪庭 7 座
Block 7, Metro Harbour View, Tai Kok Tsui
2022-06-15 ~ 2022-06-22
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hing Tai House, Tai Hing Estate, Tuen Mun
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-22
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Fedex Express 赤鱲角亞洲空運中心 2 樓 208 室
Fedex Express Room 208, 2/F, Asia Airfreight Terminal, Chek Lap Kok
2022-06-16 14:00 ~ 23:00
2022-06-17 14:00 ~ 23:00
2022-06-18 14:00 ~ 23:00
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 1 hour)
聖雅各福群會雅聚天地地區支援中心 灣仔皇后大道東 258 號灣 仔街市地下低層
St. James’ Settlement WE NET Club District Support Centre LG/F, Wan Chai Market, 258 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-22
(曾身處指明場所超過一 小時)
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 1 hour)

指明地點 指明期間及時段
湯加 屯門大興邨大興商場地下 71 及 74 號鋪
SOUP PLUS Shop 71 & 74, G/F, Tai Hing Commercial Centre, Tai Hing Estate, Tuen Mun
2022-06-18 09:15 ~ 10:15
粵舫老趙 元朗達輝徑 1 號足彬大廈 地下 1 號鋪
Che’s Kitchen Shop 1, G/F, Chuk Bun Building, 1 Tat Fai Path, Yuen Long
2022-06-17 18:00 ~ 19:00
大家樂 屯門山景邨山景商場 LG 層 121 號鋪
Café de Coral Shop 121, LG/F, Shan King Shopping Centre, Shan King Estate, Tuen Mun
2022-06-17 12:15 ~ 13:15
順德水鄉 屯門山景邨山景商場 2 樓 7 號鋪 順德水鄉
Shop 7, 2/F, Shan King Shopping Centre, Shan King Estate, Tuen Mun
2022-06-17 07:30 ~ 08:30
泛亞飲食亞洲空運中心員 工餐廳 赤鱲角亞洲空運中心二號 貨運大樓 7 樓
Asia Pacific Catering AAT Staff Canteen 7/F, Asia Airfreight Terminal 2, Chek Lap Kok
2022-06-16 14:15 ~ 15:15
2022-06-16 19:00 ~ 20:00
2022-06-17 15:30 ~ 16:30
2022-06-18 15:15 ~ 16:15
賓墟冰室 青衣灝景灣商場地下 1 號 鋪
Bun Hui Cafe Shop 1, G/F, Villia Esplanada Shopping Centre, Tsing Yi
2022-06-18 10:15 ~ 11:00


指明任何曾於以下指明期間及時段身處指明地點的人士(不論以何種身分身處該等 地點,包括但不限於全職、兼職和替假員工、住客、學生及訪客


  • 2022年6月22日 – 2022年6月23日
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Kin Wa House, Kin Ming Estate, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-15 ~ 2022-06-21
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Yee Yuet House, Yee Ming Estate, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-15 ~ 2022-06-21
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
灣仔堅尼地道 54-56 號倚雲閣
Ewan Court, 54-56 Kennedy Road, Wan Chai
2022-06-15 ~ 2022-06-21
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Man Wo House, Wo Che Estate, Sha Tin
2022-06-15 ~ 2022-06-21
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Siu Kit House, Siu Hong Court, Tuen Mun
2022-06-15 ~ 2022-06-21
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Wah Yau House, Tin Wah Estate, Tin Shui Wai
2022-06-15 ~ 2022-06-21
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Har On House, Yue On Court, Ap Lei Chau
2022-06-15 ~ 2022-06-21
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
荃灣環宇海灣 3 座
Block 3, City Point, Tsuen Wan
2022-06-15 ~ 2022-06-21
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Wealth Garden, 20 Wing Ting Road, Ngau Chi Wan
2022-06-15 ~ 2022-06-21
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Mei Fai Court, South Horizons, Ap Lei Chau
2022-06-15 ~ 2022-06-21
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)

指明地點 指明期間及時段
Kam Keung House, Kam Ying Court, Ma On Shan
2022-06-15 ~ 2022-06-21
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
On Kwai Building, Whampoa Estate, Hung Hom
2022-06-15 ~ 2022-06-21
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Chuk Chuen House, Shui Chuen O Estate, Sha Tin
2022-06-15 ~ 2022-06-21
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Cheuk Wah House, Hing Wah (I) Estate, Chai Wan
2022-06-15 ~ 2022-06-21
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
筲箕灣愛蝶灣 6 座
Block 6, Aldrich Garden, Shau Kei Wan
2022-06-15 ~ 2022-06-21
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)

指明地點 指明期間及時段
鰂魚涌康山花園 5 座
Block 5, Kornhill Garden, Quarry Bay
2022-06-15 ~ 2022-06-21
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Lok Sam House, Lung Hang Estate, Tai Wai
2022-06-15 ~ 2022-06-21
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hing Cho House, Hing Tung Estate, Shau Kei Wan
2022-06-15 ~ 2022-06-21
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Tung Lai House, Tung Yuk Court, Shau Kei Wan
2022-06-15 ~ 2022-06-21
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
紅磡漆咸道北 451-455 號 富邦大廈
Fortuna Building, 451-455 Chatham Road North, Hung Hom
2022-06-16 ~ 2022-06-21
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
犀牛廚房 西灣河聖十字徑 2 號地鋪
Rhino Kitchen G/F, 2 Holy Cross Path, Sai Wan Ho
2022-06-16 13:30 ~ 14:00
MX 大圍新翠商場地下 L003 號鋪
MX Shop L003, G/F, Sun Chui Shopping Centre, Tai Wai
2022-06-17 10:30 ~ 11:00
大家樂 大圍顯徑商場 B 翼 303 號 鋪
Cafe De Coral Shop 303, Wing B, Hin Keng Shopping Centre, Tai Wai
2022-06-16 10:30 ~ 12:30
銀龍茶餐廳 葵涌葵盛東商場 1 樓 106A 號鋪
Ngan Lung Restaurant Shop 106A, 1/F, Kwai Shing East Shopping Centre, Kwai Chung
2022-06-16 13:45 ~ 14:45
2022-06-15 12:45 ~ 13:45
2022-06-14 13:45 ~ 14:45
麥當勞 油麻地佐敦道 31-37 號百 誠大廈地庫及地下(部分)
McDonald’s Basement & G/F (Portion) Pak Shing Building, 31-37 Jordan Road, Yau Ma Tei
2022-06-14 16:45 ~ 17:15
翰騰閣 鰂魚涌太古城中心 5 樓 506 號鋪
House of Canton Shop 506, 5/F, Cityplaza, Quarry Bay
2022-06-15 14:15 ~ 15:30


指明任何曾於以下指明期間及時段身處指明地點的人士(不論以何種身分身處該等 地點,包括但不限於全職、兼職和替假員工、住客、學生及訪客


  • 2022年6月21日 – 2022年6月22日
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Hoi Yat Court, South Horizons, Ap Lei Chau
2022-06-14 ~ 2022-06-20
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hang Wo House, Tai Wo Estate, Tai Po
2022-06-14 ~ 2022-06-20
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
天水圍慧景軒 1 座
Block 1, Vianni Cove, Tin Shui Wai
2022-06-14 ~ 2022-06-20
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hoi Tung House, Hoi Lok Court, Cheung Sha Wan
2022-06-14 ~ 2022-06-20
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Yau Ning House, Tin Yau Court, Tin Shui Wai
2022-06-14 ~ 2022-06-20
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Fook Ki Court, Holford Gardens, Tai Wai
2022-06-14 ~ 2022-06-20
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
青衣海欣花園 5 座
Block 5, Grand Horizon, Tsing Yi
2022-06-14 ~ 2022-06-20
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
堅尼地城泓都 3 座
Block 3, The Merton, Kennedy Town
2022-06-14 ~ 2022-06-20
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
馬鞍山翠擁華庭 15 座
Block 15, Monte Vista, Ma On Shan
2022-06-14 ~ 2022-06-20
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Ko Ching House, Ko Cheung Court, Yau Tong
2022-06-14 ~ 2022-06-20
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Sung Chuen House, Shui Chuen O Estate, Sha Tin
2022-06-14 ~ 2022-06-20
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Shui Choi House, Tin Shui (I) Estate, Tin Shui Wai
2022-06-14 ~ 2022-06-20
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Nanning House, Tsuen Wan Centre, Tsuen Wan
2022-06-14 ~ 2022-06-20
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Tak Kei House, Tak Long Estate, Kowloon City
2022-06-14 ~ 2022-06-20
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
火炭禾上墩街18 號彩禾苑
Choi Wo Court, 18 Wo Sheung Tun Street, Fo Tan
2022-06-14 ~ 2022-06-20
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Shek Wah House, Shek Lei (II) Estate, Kwai Chung
2022-06-14 ~ 2022-06-20
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
屯門寶田邨 4 座
Block 4, Po Tin Estate, Tuen Mun
2022-06-14 ~ 2022-06-20
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Fook Ming House, Fortune Estate, Cheung Sha Wan
2022-06-14 ~ 2022-06-20
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
長沙灣碧海藍天 5 座
Block 5, Aqua Marine, Cheung Sha Wan
2022-06-14 ~ 2022-06-20
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
何文田半山壹號 32 座
Block 32, Celestial Heights, Ho Man Tin
2022-06-14 ~ 2022-06-20
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Kam Wai House, Kam Fung Court, Ma On Shan
2022-06-14 ~ 2022-06-20
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
觀塘順利紀律部隊宿舍 1 座
Block 1, Shun Lee Disciplined Services Quarters, Kwun Tong
2022-06-14 ~ 2022-06-20
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)


指明任何曾於以下指明期間及時段身處指明地點的人士(不論以何種身分身處該等 地點,包括但不限於全職、兼職和替假員工、住客、學生及訪客


  • 2022年6月20日 – 2022年6月21日
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Yee Mei Court, South Horizons, Ap Lei Chau
2022-06-13 ~ 2022-06-19
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hoi Ning House, Hoi Fu Court, Mong Kok
2022-06-13 ~ 2022-06-19
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Yee Shun House, Yee Nga Court, Tai Po
2022-06-13 ~ 2022-06-19
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
元朗合財街19號鉅發大廈 (1 及 2 座)
Kui Fat Building (Tower 1 and 2), 19 Hop Choi Street, Yuen Long
2022-06-13 ~ 2022-06-19
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Tsui Wo House, Tai Wo Estate, Tai Po
2022-06-13 ~ 2022-06-19
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
半山區般咸道78 號寧養台 B 座
Block B, Ning Yeung Terrace, 78 Bonham Road, Mid-Levels
2022-06-13 ~ 2022-06-19
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hei Lai House, Wah Lai Estate, Kwai Chung
2022-06-13 ~ 2022-06-19
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Leung Shui House, Leung King Estate, Tuen Mun
2022-06-13 ~ 2022-06-19
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
旺角富榮花園 4 座
Block 4, Charming Garden, Mong Kok
2022-06-13 ~ 2022-06-19
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
香港仔華樂徑 4 號華富閣
World Fair Court, 4 Wah Lok Path, Aberdeen
2022-06-13 ~ 2022-06-19
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)

指明地點 指明期間及時段
將軍澳日出康城領都 5 座 (左翼及右翼)
Tower 5 (L Wing and R Wing), Le Prestige, Lohas Park, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-13 ~ 2022-06-19
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
荃灣愉景新城 5 座
Tower 5, Discovery Park, Tsuen Wan
2022-06-13 ~ 2022-06-19
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
長沙灣昇悅居 1 座
Block 1, Liberte, Cheung Sha Wan
2022-06-13 ~ 2022-06-19
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
沙田駿景園 11 座
Block 11, Royal Ascot, Sha Tin
2022-06-13 ~ 2022-06-19
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
茶果嶺麗港城 9 座
Block 9, Laguna City, Cha Kwo Ling
2022-06-13 ~ 2022-06-19
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)

指明地點 指明期間及時段
柴灣藍灣半島 3 座
Tower 3, Island Resort, Chai Wan
2022-06-13 ~ 2022-06-19
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Chun Hong House, Tin Ma Court, Wong Tai Sin
2022-06-13 ~ 2022-06-19
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
堅尼地城泓都 1 座
Block 1, The Merton, Kennedy Town
2022-06-13 ~ 2022-06-19
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Kam Lei House, Kam Fung Court, Ma On Shan
2022-06-13 ~ 2022-06-19
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Twilight Court, Peninsula Village, Discovery Bay
2022-06-13 ~ 2022-06-19
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
將軍澳新都城第二期 6 座
Tower 6, Metro City Phase 2, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-13 ~ 2022-06-19
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
元 朗 Park Yoho Genova 16A 座
Tower 16A, Park Yoho Genova, Yuen Long
2022-06-13 ~ 2022-06-19
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
筲箕灣南安街 1-7 號嘉裕 大廈
Ka Yue Building, 1-7 Nam On Street, Shau Kei Wan
2022-06-13 ~ 2022-06-19
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
薄扶林摩星嶺道 52-54 號 華亭閣
Vista Mount Davis, 52-54 Mount Davis Road, Pok Fu Lam
2022-06-13 ~ 2022-06-19
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Ching Yu House, Ching Ho Estate, Sheung Shui
2022-06-14 ~ 2022-06-19
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
將軍澳康盛花園 4 座
Block 4, Hong Sing Garden, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-14 ~ 2022-06-19
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
快樂蜂 旺角亞皆老街16 號旺角商 業大廈 1 樓
Jollibee 1/F, Mongkok Commercial Centre, 16 Argyle Street, Mong Kok
2022-06-17 10:30 ~ 11:30
譚仔雲南米線 將軍澳將軍澳廣場商場 1 樓 96-100 號鋪
Tamjai Yunnan Mixian Shop 96-100, 1/F, Tseung Kwan O Plaza Shopping Mall, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-14 13:00 ~ 13:30
大家樂 灣仔新世紀廣場 1 樓 124- 149, 165, 173 及 174 號鋪
Café de Coral Shop 124-149, 165, 173 & 174, 1/F, New Century Plaza, Wan Chai
2022-06-14 15:00 ~ 16:00
2022-06-15 15:15 ~ 16:00


指明任何曾於以下指明期間及時段身處指明地點的人士(不論以何種身分身處該等 地點,包括但不限於全職、兼職和替假員工、住客、學生及訪客


  • 2022年6月17日 – 2022年6月18日
指明地點 指明期間及時段
沙田帝堡城 1 座
Block 1, Castello, Sha Tin
2022-06-10 ~ 2022-06-16
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Bik Yuk House, Po Shek Wu Estate, Sheung Shui
2022-06-10 ~ 2022-06-16
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
將軍澳日出康城領峯 8 座 (左翼及右翼)
Tower 8 (L Wing and R Wing), Le Prime, Lohas Park, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-10 ~ 2022-06-16
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
柴灣高威閣 4 座
Block 4, Koway Court, Chai Wan
2022-06-10 ~ 2022-06-16
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
尖沙咀漾日居 6 座
Tower 6, The Waterfront, Tsim Sha Tsui
2022-06-10 ~ 2022-06-16
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Louisa Tower, 79 Kung Lok Road, Kwun Tong
2022-06-10 ~ 2022-06-16
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Sui Yat House, Yat Tung (2) Estate, Tung Chung
2022-06-10 ~ 2022-06-16
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Wah Min House, Wah Sum Estate, Fanling
2022-06-10 ~ 2022-06-16
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
堅尼地城石山街 9 號寶雅山
Belcher’s Hill, 9 Rock Hill Street, Kennedy Town
2022-06-10 ~ 2022-06-16
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Cheung Tak House, Cheung Wah Estate, Fanling
2022-06-10 ~ 2022-06-16
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Chui Wu House, Sheung Chui Court, Tsuen Wan
2022-06-10 ~ 2022-06-16
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Kwong Cheong House, Kwong Ming Court, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-10 ~ 2022-06-16
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Wah Hau House, Wah Kwai Estate, Aberdeen
2022-06-10 ~ 2022-06-16
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
黃竹坑深灣 9 號 3 座
Tower 3, Marinella, Wong Chuk Hang
2022-06-10 ~ 2022-06-16
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Fu Tin Building, Fu Tor Loy Sun Chuen, Tai Kok Tsui
2022-06-10 ~ 2022-06-16
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)

指明地點 指明期間及時段
觀塘功樂道 38 號景興閣
King Hing Court, 38 Kung Lok Road, Kwun Tong
2022-06-10 ~ 2022-06-16
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Sau Ching House, Sau Mau Ping Estate, Sau Mau Ping
2022-06-10 ~ 2022-06-16
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Ching Yuet House, Tin Ching Estate, Tin Shui Wai
2022-06-10 ~ 2022-06-16
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
尖沙咀擎天半島 6 座
Tower 6, Sorrento, Tsim Sha Tsui
2022-06-10 ~ 2022-06-16
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Tat Yi House, Po Tat Estate, Sau Mau Ping
2022-06-10 ~ 2022-06-16
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Shek Yuk House, Chun Shek Estate, Tai Wai
2022-06-10 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Choi Yin House, Choi Tak Estate, Ngau Tau Kok
2022-06-10 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
旺角花墟道 50-56 號翠景閣
Springfield Court, 50-56 Flower Market Road, Mong Kok
2022-06-10 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
屯門富健花園 7 座
Block 7, Glorious Garden, Tuen Mun
2022-06-10 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
油麻地炮台街 58-60 號
58-60 Battery Street, Yau Ma Tei
2022-06-10 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
將軍澳清水灣半島 3 座
Block 3, Oscar By The Sea, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-10 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
三小漁 觀塘成業街10號電訊一代 廣場 1 樓 B01 號鋪
Three Minnows Shop B01, 1/F, TG Place, 10 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong
2022-06-12 18:15 ~ 19:45
敏華冰廳 九龍灣德福廣場一期 1 樓 F28 號鋪
Men Wah Bing Teng Shop F28, 1/F, Telford Plaza 1, Kowloon Bay
2022-06-09 19:00 ~ 19:30
無印良品 九 龍 塘 又 一 城 LG1 層 LG1-30 號鋪
MUJI Shop LG1-30, LG1/F, Festival Walk, Kowloon Tong
2022-06-11 12:30 ~ 13:30
Häagen-Dazs 旺角新世紀廣場 MTR 層 16 號鋪
Häagen-Dazs Shop 16, MTR/F, MOKO, Mong Kok
2022-06-12 17:15 ~ 18:15
指明地點 指明期間及時段
聆渢咖啡廳 屯門香港黃金海岸酒店低層地下
Cafe Lagoon LG/F, Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel, Tuen Mun
2022-06-11 09:00 ~ 10:00
沙嗲軒 屯門香港黃金海岸酒店大堂
Satay Inn Lobby, Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel, Tuen Mun
2022-06-10 20:30 ~ 22:30
金不換泰國餐廳 尖沙咀海港城海運大廈 2 樓 OT260-263 號鋪
Sweet Basil Thai Cuisine Shop OT260-263, 2/F, Ocean Terminal, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui
2022-06-10 12:00 ~ 14:00


指明任何曾於以下指明期間及時段身處指明地點的人士(不論以何種身分身處該等 地點,包括但不限於全職、兼職和替假員工、住客、學生及訪客


  • 2022年6月16日 – 2022年6月17日
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Kan Yat House, Yat Tung (2) Estate, Tung Chung
2022-06-09 ~ 2022-06-15
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
觀塘順利紀律部隊宿舍 6 座
Block 6, Shun Lee Disciplined Services Quarters, Kwun Tong
2022-06-09 ~ 2022-06-15
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
尖沙咀君臨天下 3 座
Tower 3, The Harbourside, Tsim Sha Tsui
2022-06-09 ~ 2022-06-15
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hoi Wang House, Hong Lam Court, Sha Tin
2022-06-09 ~ 2022-06-15
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
元朗 Grand Yoho 8 座
Block 8, Grand Yoho, Yuen Long
2022-06-09 ~ 2022-06-15
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
東涌映灣園映濤軒 6 座
Tower 6, Albany Cove, Caribbean Coast, Tung Chung
2022-06-09 ~ 2022-06-15
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Pik Ngan House, Shek Pai Wan Estate, Aberdeen
2022-06-09 ~ 2022-06-15
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Tat Hong House, Po Tat Estate, Sau Mau Ping
2022-06-09 ~ 2022-06-15
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
紅磡海濱南岸 1 座
Tower 1, Harbour Place, Hung Hom
2022-06-09 ~ 2022-06-15
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
鰂魚涌南豐新邨 1 座
Block 1, Nan Fung Sun Chuen, Quarry Bay
2022-06-09 ~ 2022-06-15
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Kam Pak House, Hong Pak Court, Lam Tin
2022-06-09 ~ 2022-06-15
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
北角天后廟道 43-45 號景愉居
King Yu Court, 43-45 Tin Hau Temple Road, North Point
2022-06-09 ~ 2022-06-15
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Kwai Tong House, Yau Tong Estate, Yau Tong
2022-06-09 ~ 2022-06-15
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
尖沙咀漾日居 2 座
Tower 2, The Waterfront, Tsim Sha Tsui
2022-06-09 ~ 2022-06-15
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
屯門新屯門中心 9 座
Block 9, Sun Tuen Mun Centre, Tuen Mun
2022-06-09 ~ 2022-06-15
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
荃灣海之戀愛炫美 2A 座
Tower 2A, Ocean Supreme, Ocean Pride, Tsuen Wan
2022-06-09 ~ 2022-06-15
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
將軍澳新都城都會豪庭 4 座
Tower 4, The Metropolis, Metro City, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-09 ~ 2022-06-15
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
屯門悅湖山莊 6 座
Block 6, Yuet Wu Villa, Tuen Mun
2022-06-09 ~ 2022-06-15
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
西營盤高街 124-126 號紹德樓
Siu Tak Building, 124-126 High Street, Sai Ying Pun
2022-06-09 ~ 2022-06-15
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Chung Ting House, Tin Chung Court, Tin Shui Wai
2022-06-09 ~ 2022-06-15
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
旺角園藝街 4-8 號寶田大廈 1 座
Block 1, Ashfield House, 4- 8 Yuen Ngai Street, Mong Kok
2022-06-09 ~ 2022-06-15
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hoi Ching House, Hoi Lai Estate, Cheung Sha Wan
2022-06-09 ~ 2022-06-15
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Chun Wu House, Chun Yeung Estate, Sha Tin
2022-06-10 ~ 2022-06-15
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hin Yeung House, Hin Keng Estate, Tai Wai
2022-06-10 ~ 2022-06-15
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
紅磡黃埔花園綠榕苑 3 座
Block 3, Banyan Mansions, Whampoa Garden, Hung Hom
2022-06-10 ~ 2022-06-15
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
柴灣杏花邨 33 座
Block 33, Heng Fa Chuen, Chai Wan
2022-06-09 ~ 2022-06-15
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
成仔記粉麵餐廳 屯門富健花園地下78號鋪
Sing Chi Kee Restaurant Shop 78, G/F, Glorious Garden, Tuen Mun
2022-06-10 08:45 ~ 09:15
名門壹號 長沙灣宇晴匯 2 樓 80-86 號鋪
Supreme WB Shop 80-86, 2/F, The Pacifica Mall, Cheung Sha Wan
2022-06-10 14:00 ~ 15:30
意樂餐廳 荔枝角曼坊 1 樓 101C, 104 及 107 號鋪
Café de Itamomo Shop 101C, 104 & 107, 1/F, Manhattan Mid-Town, Lai Chi Kok
2022-06-09 14:00 ~ 15:00
新明苑海鮮酒家 沙田駿洋邨駿洋商場 1 樓 101 號鋪
Sun Ming Yuen Seafood Restaurant Shop 101, 1/F, Chun Yeung Shopping Centre, Chun Yeung Estate, Sha Tin
2022-06-11 18:15 ~ 20:15
指明地點 指明期間及時段
志光麵檔 大角咀角祥街 35 號地下
Chi Kong G/F, 35 Kok Cheung Street, Tai Kok Tsui
2022-06-11 18:45 ~ 20:45
星巴克咖啡吧 金鐘太古廣場 L1 層 128- 129 號鋪
Starbucks Coffee Shop 128-129, L1, Pacific Place, Admiralty
2022-06-11 12:45 ~ 13:45
東涌映灣園賞濤軒 3 座
Tower 3, Monterey Cove, Caribbean Coast, Tung Chung
2022-06-08 ~ 2022-06-15
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
海港酒家 牛頭角淘大商場 2 期地下 G256 號鋪及 1 樓全層
Victoria Harbour Restaurant Shop G256, G/F and 1/F, Phase 2, Amoy Plaza, Ngau Tau Kok
2022-06-09 13:00 ~ 14:00
食美軒 何文田太平道 6 號太平居 1 樓
Gourmet Hot Pot 1/F, Peace Tower, 6 Peace Avenue, Ho Man Tin
2022-06-10 19:00 ~ 21:00


指明任何曾於以下指明期間及時段身處指明地點的人士(不論以何種身分身處該等 地點,包括但不限於全職、兼職和替假員工、住客、學生及訪客


  • 2022年6月14日 – 2022年6月15日

指明地點 指明期間及時段
灣仔肇輝臺 7 號騰黃閣
United Mansion, 7 Shiu Fai Terrace, Wan Chai
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Sun Tower, The Arch, Tsim Sha Tsui
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
屯門富健花園 11 座
Block 11, Glorious Garden, Tuen Mun
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Lung Sing House, Kam Lung Court, Ma On Shan
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
深井麗都花園 4 座
Block 4, Lido Garden, Sham Tseng
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
香港仔漁歌街 5 號碧麗大廈
Pelene Mansion, 5 Yue Ko Street, Aberdeen
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Koon Ming House, Chung Ming Court, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
東涌藍天海岸影岸.紅 B 座(第 8 座)
La Rossa B (Block 8), Coastal Skyline, Tung Chung
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
長沙灣保安道 18 號喜雅 1 座
Tower 1, Heya Green, 18 Po On Road, Cheung Sha Wan
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
鴨脷洲悅海華庭 3 座
Tower 3, Marina Habitat, Ap Lei Chau
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)

指明地點 指明期間及時段
馬灣珀麗灣 7 座
Block 7, Park Island, Ma Wan
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
馬鞍山聽濤雅苑 8 座
Tower 8, Vista Paradiso, Ma On Shan
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
J Residence, 60 Johnston Road, Wan Chai
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
旺角君柏 6 座
Tower 6, The Zumurud, Mong Kok
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Venice Court, Realty Gardens, Mid-Levels
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
旺角帝峯.皇殿 6 座
Tower 6, The Hermitage, Mong Kok
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
香港仔田灣街 12 號南津. 迎岸
South Walk.Aura, 12 Tin Wan Street, Aberdeen
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
觀塘協和街 303 號協威園 A 座
Block A, Hipway Towers, 303 Hip Wo Street, Kwun Tong
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Yiu Lok House, Yiu Tung Estate, Shau Kei Wan
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
北角健康村 3 期黃菊樓
Wong Kuk Lau, Phase 3, Healthy Village, North Point
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Mei Hin Court, South Horizons, Ap Lei Chau
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Choi Yip House, Choi Fai Estate, Ngau Chi Wan
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Wang Tai House, Wang Fuk Court, Tai Po
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Fuk Yat House, Yat Tung (1) Estate, Tung Chung
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
紅磡海逸豪園 16 座
Tower 16, Laguna Verde, Hung Hom
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
灣仔駱克道 254-260 號四海大廈
Four Sea Mansion, 254-260 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
大角咀頌賢花園 1 座
Block 1, June Garden, Tai Kok Tsui
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
西營盤荔安里 11-13 號利安大廈
Lee On Mansion, 11-13 Lai On Lane, Sai Ying Pun
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Shan Chuen House, Shui Chuen O Estate, Sha Tin
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Kwai Fung House, Kwai Chun Court, Kwai Chung
2022-06-08 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Wing Fu House, Tin Fu Court, Tin Shui Wai
2022-06-08 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Leung Kit House, Leung King Estate, Tuen Mun
2022-06-08 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
馬鞍山新港城 B 座
Block B, Sunshine City, Ma On Shan
2022-06-08 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
深水埗界限街 27-41 號恒順大樓
Hang Shun Building, 27-41 Boundary Street, Sham Shui Po
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
荃灣荃景花園 1 座
Block 1, Tsuen King Garden, Tsuen Wan
2022-06-08 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Lung Tat House, Lower Wong Tai Sin Estate, Wong Tai Sin
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
流浮山深灣畔 1 座
Block 1, Deep Bay Grove, Lau Fau Shan
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
唯一雲貴川風味 荃灣四陂坊 13 號地下 唯一雲貴川風味
G/F, 13 Sze Pei Square, Tsuen Wan
2022-06-08 09:30 ~ 10:15
兆和茶餐廳 荃灣兆和街 36 號地下
Shiu Wo Restaurant 36 Shiu Wo Street, Tsuen Wan
2022-06-10 06:15 ~ 07:00
為食火鍋公司 觀塘創業街13號萬泰利廣 場地下 C 鋪
Hotpot Foodie Shop C, G/F, Montery Plaza, 13 Chong Yip Street, Kwun Tong
2022-06-08 12:15 ~ 13:15

指明地點 指明期間及時段
牛気 東涌東薈城 1 樓 119 號鋪
Nabe Urawa Shop 119, 1/F, Citygate, Tung Chung
2022-06-08 18:30 ~ 20:30
八月花 屯門 V city MTR 層 M-50 號鋪
Jasmine Shop M-50, MTR Level, V city, Tuen Mun
2022-06-09 13:00 ~ 14:00
海興廚房 屯門青菱徑 6 號富麗大廈 地下 A 鋪
Hoi Hing Restaurant Shop A, G/F, Florence Mansion, 6 Tsing Ling Path, Tuen Mun
2022-06-09 09:15 ~ 09:45
吉野家 荃灣富華中心地下 A1, C, E, F & G 鋪
Yoshinoya Shop A1, C, E, F & G, G/F, Fou Wah Centre, Tsuen Wan
2022-06-07 12:15 ~ 13:15


指明任何曾於以下指明期間及時段身處指明地點的人士(不論以何種身分身處該等 地點,包括但不限於全職、兼職和替假員工、住客、學生及訪客


  • 2022年6月14日 – 2022年6月15日

指明地點 指明期間及時段
灣仔肇輝臺 7 號騰黃閣
United Mansion, 7 Shiu Fai Terrace, Wan Chai
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Sun Tower, The Arch, Tsim Sha Tsui
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
屯門富健花園 11 座
Block 11, Glorious Garden, Tuen Mun
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Lung Sing House, Kam Lung Court, Ma On Shan
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
深井麗都花園 4 座
Block 4, Lido Garden, Sham Tseng
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
香港仔漁歌街 5 號碧麗大廈
Pelene Mansion, 5 Yue Ko Street, Aberdeen
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Koon Ming House, Chung Ming Court, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
東涌藍天海岸影岸.紅 B 座(第 8 座)
La Rossa B (Block 8), Coastal Skyline, Tung Chung
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
長沙灣保安道 18 號喜雅 1 座
Tower 1, Heya Green, 18 Po On Road, Cheung Sha Wan
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
鴨脷洲悅海華庭 3 座
Tower 3, Marina Habitat, Ap Lei Chau
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)

指明地點 指明期間及時段
馬灣珀麗灣 7 座
Block 7, Park Island, Ma Wan
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
馬鞍山聽濤雅苑 8 座
Tower 8, Vista Paradiso, Ma On Shan
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
J Residence, 60 Johnston Road, Wan Chai
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
旺角君柏 6 座
Tower 6, The Zumurud, Mong Kok
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Venice Court, Realty Gardens, Mid-Levels
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
旺角帝峯.皇殿 6 座
Tower 6, The Hermitage, Mong Kok
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
香港仔田灣街 12 號南津. 迎岸
South Walk.Aura, 12 Tin Wan Street, Aberdeen
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
觀塘協和街 303 號協威園 A 座
Block A, Hipway Towers, 303 Hip Wo Street, Kwun Tong
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Yiu Lok House, Yiu Tung Estate, Shau Kei Wan
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
北角健康村 3 期黃菊樓
Wong Kuk Lau, Phase 3, Healthy Village, North Point
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Mei Hin Court, South Horizons, Ap Lei Chau
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Choi Yip House, Choi Fai Estate, Ngau Chi Wan
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Wang Tai House, Wang Fuk Court, Tai Po
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Fuk Yat House, Yat Tung (1) Estate, Tung Chung
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
紅磡海逸豪園 16 座
Tower 16, Laguna Verde, Hung Hom
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
灣仔駱克道 254-260 號四海大廈
Four Sea Mansion, 254-260 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
大角咀頌賢花園 1 座
Block 1, June Garden, Tai Kok Tsui
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
西營盤荔安里 11-13 號利安大廈
Lee On Mansion, 11-13 Lai On Lane, Sai Ying Pun
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Shan Chuen House, Shui Chuen O Estate, Sha Tin
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Kwai Fung House, Kwai Chun Court, Kwai Chung
2022-06-08 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Wing Fu House, Tin Fu Court, Tin Shui Wai
2022-06-08 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Leung Kit House, Leung King Estate, Tuen Mun
2022-06-08 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
馬鞍山新港城 B 座
Block B, Sunshine City, Ma On Shan
2022-06-08 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
深水埗界限街 27-41 號恒順大樓
Hang Shun Building, 27-41 Boundary Street, Sham Shui Po
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
荃灣荃景花園 1 座
Block 1, Tsuen King Garden, Tsuen Wan
2022-06-08 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Lung Tat House, Lower Wong Tai Sin Estate, Wong Tai Sin
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
流浮山深灣畔 1 座
Block 1, Deep Bay Grove, Lau Fau Shan
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-13
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
唯一雲貴川風味 荃灣四陂坊 13 號地下 唯一雲貴川風味
G/F, 13 Sze Pei Square, Tsuen Wan
2022-06-08 09:30 ~ 10:15
兆和茶餐廳 荃灣兆和街 36 號地下
Shiu Wo Restaurant 36 Shiu Wo Street, Tsuen Wan
2022-06-10 06:15 ~ 07:00
為食火鍋公司 觀塘創業街13號萬泰利廣 場地下 C 鋪
Hotpot Foodie Shop C, G/F, Montery Plaza, 13 Chong Yip Street, Kwun Tong
2022-06-08 12:15 ~ 13:15

指明地點 指明期間及時段
牛気 東涌東薈城 1 樓 119 號鋪
Nabe Urawa Shop 119, 1/F, Citygate, Tung Chung
2022-06-08 18:30 ~ 20:30
八月花 屯門 V city MTR 層 M-50 號鋪
Jasmine Shop M-50, MTR Level, V city, Tuen Mun
2022-06-09 13:00 ~ 14:00
海興廚房 屯門青菱徑 6 號富麗大廈 地下 A 鋪
Hoi Hing Restaurant Shop A, G/F, Florence Mansion, 6 Tsing Ling Path, Tuen Mun
2022-06-09 09:15 ~ 09:45
吉野家 荃灣富華中心地下 A1, C, E, F & G 鋪
Yoshinoya Shop A1, C, E, F & G, G/F, Fou Wah Centre, Tsuen Wan
2022-06-07 12:15 ~ 13:15


指明任何曾於以下指明期間及時段身處指明地點的人士(不論以何種身分身處該等 地點,包括但不限於全職、兼職和替假員工、住客、學生及訪客


  • 2022年6月13日 – 2022年6月14日
指明地點 指明期間及時段
半山區寶雲道 2 號富匯豪庭 2 座
Tower 2, Regence Royale, 2 Bowen Road, Mid-Levels
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Suet Fung House, Fung Tak Estate, Diamond Hill
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
長沙灣昇悅居 3 座
Block 3, Liberte, Cheung Sha Wan
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
沙田駿景園 10 座
Block 10, Royal Ascot, Sha Tin
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Ying Fook House, Ying Tung Estate, Tung Chung
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Wo Kwan House, Cheung Wo Court, Kwun Tong
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
油塘崇山街 8 號曦臺 2 座
Tower 2, Maya, 8 Shung Shan Street, Yau Tong
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
On Yan House, Tsz On Court, Tsz Wan Shan
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Tong Fai House, Tong Ming Court, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Siu Wai House, Siu Hong Court, Tuen Mun
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
將軍澳維景灣畔 11 座
Tower 11, Ocean Shores, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
鑽石山星河明居 E 座
Tower E, Galaxia, Diamond Hill
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Ka Wai House, Ka Tin Court, Tai Wai
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Shuk Mei House, Yau Mei Court, Yau Tong
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hong Nin House, Hong Yat Court, Lam Tin
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
尖沙咀擎天半島 2 座
Tower 2, Sorrento, Tsim Sha Tsui
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hoi Wai Mansion, Riviera Gardens, Tsuen Wan
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
長沙灣碧海藍天 3 座
Block 3, Aquamarine, Cheung Sha Wan
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
深井碧堤半島 9 座
Tower 9, Bellagio, Sham Tseng
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Mei King House, Mei Tin Estate, Tai Wai
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
屯門海典軒 2 座
Tower 2, Oceania Heights, Tuen Mun
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
半山區堅道 66 號金庭居
Golden Pavilion, 66 Caine Road, Mid-Levels
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Yat Wo House, Po Nga Court, Tai Po
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Mei Cheung Court, South Horizons, Ap Lei Chau
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
東涌海堤灣畔 2 座
Block 2, Seaview Crescent, Tung Chung
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Yiu Wo House, Yiu On Estate, Ma On Shan
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Juniper Mansion, Taikoo Shing, Quarry Bay
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
將軍澳怡心園 5 座
Block 5, Serenity Place, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
青衣盈翠半島 5 座
Tower 5, Tierra Verde, Tsing Yi
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
堅尼地城泓都 2 座
Block 2, The Merton, Kennedy Town
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
跑馬地樂活道18 號樂陶苑 D 座
Block D, Villa Lotto, 18 Broadwood Road, Happy Valley
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
葵涌大隴街 11 號葵華大廈
Kwai Wah Building, 11 Tai Loong Street, Kwai Chung
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
荔枝角盈暉臺 3 座
Tower 3, Nob Hill, Lai Chi Kok
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
西營盤第三街 163 號廣豐 臺 2 座
Block 2, Kwong Fung Terrace, 163 Third Street, Sai Ying Pun
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
大角咀帝柏海灣 2 座
Tower 2, Central Park, Tai Kok Tsui
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
紅磡海逸豪園 3 座
Tower 3, Laguna Verde, Hung Hom
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Ngan On House, Kam On Court, Ma On Shan
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Choi On House, Yue On Court, Ap Lei Chau
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
小欖帝濤灣浪琴軒 2 座
Block 2, Grand Pacific Views, Palatial Coast, Siu Lam
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
旺角砵蘭街 331-335 號富華大樓
Fu Wah Building, 331-335 Portland Street, Mong Kok
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
大角咀柏景灣 6 座
Tower 6, Park Avenue, Tai Kok Tsui
2022-06-07 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
大角咀港灣豪庭 5 座
Block 5, Metro Harbour View, Tai Kok Tsui
2022-06-08 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
灣仔告士打道 144-149 號城市大廈
City Mansion, 144-149 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai
彩薈軒 荃灣大河道 100 號海之戀 商場 2 樓 2021-2024 號鋪
Joyous Gate Shop 2021-2024, 2/F, OP Mall, 100 Tai Ho Road, Tsuen Wan
2022-06-08 18:00 ~ 21:00
薩莉亞意式餐廳 鴨脷洲利東邨利東商場二 期 101A 號鋪
Saizeriya Shop 101A, Lei Tung Commercial Complex Phase 2, Lei Tung Estate, Ap Lei Chau
2022-06-06 18:00 ~ 19:00
指明地點 指明期間及時段
創意餐廳 大角咀大全街 47-49 號大 滿樓地下
Idea Café & Bar G/F, Tai Moon Building, 47- 49 Tai Tsun Street, Tai Kok Tsui
2022-06-06 12:30 ~ 13:30
新耀記食店 大角咀埃華街 116-118 號 大英樓地下 7C 號鋪
Samuel’s kitchen Shop 7C, G/F, Tai Ying Building, 116-118 Ivy Street, Tai Kok Tsui
2022-06-07 12:15 ~ 13:00
銀龍茶餐廳 旺角西洋菜南街 59 號及 61 號鋪地下及閣樓
Ngan Lung Restaurant G/F & C/L, Shop 59 & 61, Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Mong Kok
2022-06-07 16:30 ~ 17:15
2022-06-05 18:00 ~ 18:45
四喜牛腩粉麵 馬鞍山恒安邨恒安市場 26-27 號鋪四喜牛腩粉麵
Shop 26-27, G/F, Heng On Market, Heng On Estate, Ma On Shan
2022-06-07 11:30 ~ 12:00
雲桂香米線專門店 旺角西洋菜南街 2W 號 1 樓
Yugu Noodle 1/F, 2W Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Mong Kok
2022-06-06 13:30 ~ 14:00
指明地點 指明期間及時段
正冬火鍋料理 旺角太子道西 103-107 號 地下
Winter Steam Pot Restaurant G/F, 103-107 Prince Edward Road West, Mong Kok
2022-06-10 09:30 ~ 10:30
明星海鮮燒鵝專門店 大圍大圍道 1-35 號金山樓 地下及 1 樓
Star Seafood And Roasted Goose Restaurant G/F & 1/F, Kam Shan Building, 1-35 Tai Wai Road, Tai Wai
2022-06-09 21:00 ~ 22:00
半島漁港 深水埗南昌薈 1 樓 F102 鋪
Peninsula Cuisine F102, 1/F, Nam Cheong Place, Sham Shui Po
2022-06-09 14:30 ~ 15:30
北角健威花園 F 座
Block F, Healthy Gardens, North Point
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
旺角通菜街 252 號昌好大 廈
Strong Good Building, 252 Tung Choi Street, Mong Kok
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-12
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
新川美食 旺角砵蘭街 414 號 新川美食
414 Portland Street, Mong Kok
2022-06-06 19:45 ~ 20:30


指明任何曾於以下指明期間及時段身處指明地點的人士(不論以何種身分身處該等 地點,包括但不限於全職、兼職和替假員工、住客、學生及訪客


  • 2022年6月10日 – 2022年6月11日
指明地點 指明期間及時段
大埔南華莆 168 號好時華廷 18 座
Block 18, Blossom Villas Phase II, 168 Nam Wa Po, Tai Po
2022-06-03 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
柴灣萃文道 9-23 號滿華樓 A 座
Block A, Moon Wah Building, 9-23 Sui Man Road, Chai Wan
2022-06-03 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Mei Tak House, Mei Tung Estate, Kowloon City
2022-06-03 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
新蒲崗康強街 32-34 號康強洋樓 A 座
Block A, Hong Keung Mansion, 32-34 Hong Keung Street, San Po Kong
2022-06-03 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
紅磡海逸豪園 15A 座
Tower 15A, Laguna Verde, Hung Hom
2022-06-03 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
灣仔鳳凰閣 3 座
Block 3, Phoenix Court, Wan Chai
2022-06-03 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
薄扶林 63 Pokfulam 1 座
(Amber House) Tower 1 (Amber House), 63 Pokfulam, Pok Fu Lam
2022-06-03 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
鰂魚涌康怡花園 N2 座
Block N2, Kornhill, Quarry Bay
2022-06-03 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
西營盤德輔道西 321 號瑧璈
Bohemian House, 321 Des Voeux Road West, Sai Ying Pun
2022-06-03 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Yee On Building, 26 East Point Road, Causeway Bay
2022-06-03 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
灣仔皇后大道東 146-152 號明仁大樓
Ming Yan Mansion, 146- 152 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai
2022-06-03 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Tin Lai House, Tin Wan Estate, Aberdeen
2022-06-03 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Sheung Wing House, Upper Ngau Tau Kok Estate, Ngau Tau Kok
2022-06-03 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Ping Sin House, Ping Tin Estate, Lam Tin
2022-06-03 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
旺角上海街 711 號 / 荔枝角道 57-61 號榮光大廈
Wing Kwong Building, 711 Shanghai Street / 57-61 Lai Chi Kok Road, Mong Kok
2022-06-03 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)

指明地點 指明期間及時段
油麻地德成街 1-5 號康源 閣(A 座及 B 座)
Hong Yuen Court (Block A and Block B), 1-5 Tak Shing Street, Yau Ma Tei
2022-06-03 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Wing Kit House, Wing Cheong Estate, Sham Shui Po
2022-06-03 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
又一村玉蘭路 9 號玉寶閣
Jade Court, 9 Magnolia Road, Yau Yat Chuen
2022-06-03 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Ko Lun House, Ko Cheung Court, Yau Tong
2022-06-03 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
何文田仁禮花園 C 座
Block C, The Crescent, Ho Man Tin
2022-06-03 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Lotus House, So Uk Estate, Cheung Sha Wan
2022-06-03 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
荃灣愉景新城 10 座
Tower 10, Discovery Park, Tsuen Wan
2022-06-03 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
沙田河畔花園 D 座
Block D, Garden Rivera, Sha Tin
2022-06-03 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Cheong Sin House, Upper Wong Tai Sin Estate, Wong Tai Sin
2022-06-06 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Kwun Cheong House, Kwun Tak Court, Ho Man Tin
2022-06-04 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
將軍澳消防處百勝角已婚人員宿舍 3 座
Tower 3, Fire Services Department Pak Shing Kok Married Quarters, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-03 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
沙田樂楓徑 3 號嘉美花園
Claymore Garden, 3 Lok Fung Path, Sha Tin
2022-06-03 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Wo Fai House, Wo Ming Court, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-04 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
灣仔謝斐道 168 號東基大廈
Tung Kai Building, 168 Jaffe Road, Wan Chai
2022-06-03 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
屯門恒順園 4 座
Block 4, Handsome Court, Tuen Mun
2022-06-03 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Go Wah Mansion, 285- 295A Lockhart Road, Wan Chai
2022-06-05 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
將軍澳維景灣畔 12 座
Tower 12, Ocean Shores, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-04 ~ 2022-06-09
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
翠河餐廳 何文田何文田廣場 3 樓 302 號鋪
Green River Restaurant Shop 302, 3/F, Homantin Plaza, Ho Man Tin
2022-05-31 09:15 ~ 10:15
春水堂 鰂魚涌太古城中心 1 樓 102 號鋪
Chun Shui Tang Shop 102, 1/F, Cityplaza, Quarry Bay
2022-06-04 12:30 ~ 13:30
龍悅 沙田山尾街 18-24 號沙田商業中心商場 2 樓
Dragon Delight 2/F, Shatin Galleria, 18-24 Shan Mei Street, Sha Tin
2022-06-03 10:00 ~ 13:00


指明任何曾於以下指明期間及時段身處指明地點的人士(不論以何種身分身處該等 地點,包括但不限於全職、兼職和替假員工、住客、學生及訪客


  • 2022年6月8日 – 2022年6月9日
指明地點 指明期間及時段
將軍澳安寧花園 2 座
Block 2, On Ning Garden, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hung Yat House, Hung Fuk Estate, Yuen Long
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Sui Shek House, Shek Mun Estate, Sha Tin
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Dragon Court, Fanling Town Center, Fanling
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Aigburth, 12 Tregunter Path, Mid-Levels
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Wang Hong House, Hong Wah Court, Lam Tin
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
藍田滙景花園 6 座
Block 6, Sceneway Garden, Lam Tin
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Shek Kuk House, Shek Wai Kok Estate, Tsuen Wan
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
天水圍嘉湖山莊翠湖居 5 座
Block 5, Chestwood Court, Kingswood Villas, Tin Shui Wai
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Lei Fook House High Block, Ap Lei Chau Estate, Ap Lei Chau
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Yiu Foo House, Tin Yiu (1) Estate, Tin Shui Wai
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
北角英皇道 165-175 號公主大廈
Princess Mansion, 165 King’s Road, North Point
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
銅鑼灣駱克道 441 號駱克大廈 A 座
Tower A, Lockhart House, 441 Lockhart Road, Causeway Bay
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
馬鞍山觀瀾雅軒 5 座
Block 5, Baycrest, Ma On Shan
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
薄扶林寶翠園 2 座
Tower 2, The Belcher’s, Pok Fu Lam
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
西營盤第三街 138 號麗景閣
Lai King Court, 138 Third Street, Sai Ying Pun
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
將軍澳日出康城領凱 9 座 (左翼及右翼)
Tower 9 (L Wing and R Wing), La Splendeur, Lohas Park, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
將軍澳維景灣畔 9 座
Tower 9, Ocean Shores, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
灣仔春園街 47-65 號新春園大廈
New Spring Garden Mansion, 47-65 Spring Garden Lane, Wan Chai
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hoi San Mansion, Riviera Gardens, Tsuen Wan
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)

指明地點 指明期間及時段
Mun Ching House, Kai Ching Estate, Kowloon City
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
鴨脷洲深灣軒 1 座
Tower 1, Sham Wan Towers, Ap Lei Chau
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
薄扶林蒲飛路23 號翰林軒 2 座
Tower 2, University Heights, 23 Pokfield Road, Pok Fu Lam
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
銅鑼灣大坑道 50A 號渣甸豪庭
Jardine Summit, 50A Tai Hang Road, Causeway Bay
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
元朗新元朗中心 4 座
Block 4, Sun Yuen Long Centre, Yuen Long
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
馬鞍山迎海 1 期 2 座
Block 2, Phase 1, Double Cove, Ma On Shan
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Fu Yuen House, Chuk Yuen South Estate, Wong Tai Sin
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
上水上水中心 4 座
Block 4, Sheung Shui Centre, Sheung Shui
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Oi Yee House, Yau Oi Estate, Tuen Mun
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
將軍澳天晉 7 座星鑽海
Star Diamond, Tower 7, The Wings, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
深井碧堤半島 5 座
Tower 5, Bellagio, Sham Tseng
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
柴灣杏花邨 42 座
Block 42, Heng Fa Chuen, Chai Wan
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Lok Chuen House, Shui Chuen O Estate, Sha Tin
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
柴灣康翠臺 1 座
Tower 1, Greenwood Terrace, Chai Wan
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
筲箕灣東威大廈 3 座
Block 3, Eastway Towers, Shau Kei Wan
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)

指明地點 指明期間及時段
油塘崇山街 8 號曦臺 1 座
Tower 1, Maya, 8 Shung Shan Street, Yau Tong
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
大角咀凱帆軒 3 座
Tower 3, Hampton Place, Tai Kok Tsui
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Glamour Court, Hillgrove Village, Discovery Bay
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
紅磡海濱南岸 2 座
Tower 2, Harbour Place, Hung Hom
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Kai Yin House, Kai Yip Estate, Kowloon Bay
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
紅磡昇御門 2 座
Tower 2, Chatham Gate, Hung Hom
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Ping Hay House, Tai Ping Estate, Sheung Shui
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-07
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
奇納百川 尖沙咀海港城海運大廈 3 樓 LCX 34 號鋪
Kinabaji Korean Cafe and Restaurant Shop LCX34, 3/F, Ocean Terminal, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui
2022-06-06 13:00 ~ 14:30
A.T.A.S 銅鑼灣邊寧頓街 9-11 號登 龍閣地下 C2 號鋪
A.T.A.S Shop C2, G/F, Dragon Rise, 9-11 Pennington Street, Causeway Bay
2022-06-05 15:00 ~ 16:00
安利魚蛋粉麵 筲箕灣筲箕灣東大街22 號
On Lee Noodle 22 Shau Kei Wan Main Street East, Shau Kei Wan
2022-06-04 10:30 ~ 12:30
指明地點 指明期間及時段
君悅咖啡廳 灣仔港灣道 1 號香港君悅酒店大堂
Grand Café Lobby, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, 1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai
2022-06-03 18:00 ~ 20:15
大將 將軍澳 PopCorn 商場 1 樓 F10 號鋪
Taisyou Shop F10, 1/F, PopCorn, Tseung Kwan O
2022-06-01 18:30 ~ 20:30
PHI COFFEE & PANCAKE 鰂魚涌太古城耀星閣地下 G1010 號鋪
PHI COFFEE & PANCAKE Shop G1010, G/F, Yiu Sing Mansion, Taikoo Shing, Quarry Bay
2022-06-01 13:45 ~ 15:45
餃子駅 鰂魚涌太古城中心 3 樓 315 號鋪
Dumpling Station Shop 315, 3/F, Cityplaza, Quarry Bay
2022-06-01 12:45 ~13:15


指明任何曾於以下指明期間及時段身處指明地點的人士(不論以何種身分身處該等 地點,包括但不限於全職、兼職和替假員工、住客、學生及訪客


  • 2022年6月7日 – 2022年6月8日
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong, Ma On Shan
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Chi Sing Mansion, Taikoo Shing, Quarry Bay
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Lung Yat House, Lower Wong Tai Sin Estate, Wong Tai Sin
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Tsui Hon House, Tsui Ping South Estate, Kwun Tong
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Foon Yan House, Tung Yan Court, Shau Kei Wan
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
觀塘協和街 301 號華峯園 A 座
Block A, Wah Fung Gardens, 301 Hip Wo Street, Kwun Tong
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Chu Ping House, Long Ping Estate, Yuen Long
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
荔枝角美孚新邨第四期百老匯街 109-111 號
109-111 Broadway, Stage 4, Mei Foo Sun Chuen, Lai Chi Kok
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
北角福蔭道 3 號海峯園崇峯閣
Sung Fung Court, Harbour Heights, 3 Fook Yum Road, North Point
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hung Yan Building, 38 Holy Cross Path, Sai Wan Ho
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
香港仔雅濤閣 2 座
Block 2, Broadview Court, Aberdeen
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
青衣美景花園 8 座
Block 8, Mayfair Gardens, Tsing Yi
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
荃灣麗城花園 3 期 7 座
Block 7, Phase 3, Belvedere Garden, Tsuen Wan
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hing Fuk House, Kwai Hing Estate, Kwai Chung
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
堅尼地城域多利道 9-15 號 百年大樓 1 座
Block 1, Centenary Mansion, 9-15 Victoria Road, Kennedy Town
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Ching Hoi House, Tin Ching Estate, Tin Shui Wai
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Shing Kwok House, Kwai Shing East Estate, Kwai Chung
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hing Fai House, Tai Hing Estate, Tuen Mun
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Shek Wing House, Shek Lei (II) Estate, Kwai Chung
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hing On Mansion, Taikoo Shing, Quarry Bay
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)

指明地點 指明期間及時段
Tsui Ning House, Tsui Wan Estate, Chai Wan
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Yiu Sin House, Upper Wong Tai Sin Estate, Wong Tai Sin
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
馬鞍山富輝花園 1 座
Block 1, Fu Fai Garden, Ma On Shan
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Yuk Fai House, Yue Fai Court, Aberdeen
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
鑽石山星河明居 D 座
Tower D, Galaxia, Diamond Hill
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Sau Yue House, Sau Mau Ping Estate, Sau Mau Ping
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
On Hing House, Hing Wah (II) Estate, Chai Wan
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hing Wai House, Tai Hing Estate, Tuen Mun
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Sin Tat House, On Tat Estate, Kwun Tong
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Ying Chuen House, Shui Chuen O Estate, Sha Tin
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Tip Sum House, Butterfly Estate, Tuen Mun
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Sau Tai House, Fu Tai Estate, Tuen Mun
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Tin Hong House, Tin Wan Estate, Aberdeen
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Wah Chak House, Chak On Estate, Sham Shui Po
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
鰂魚涌康怡花園 E1 座
Block E1, Kornhill, Quarry Bay
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
紅磡海逸豪園 21 座
Tower 21, Laguna Verde, Hung Hom
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
新蒲崗采頤花園 3 座
Block 3, Rhythm Garden, San Po Kong
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Yu Chung House, Yu Chui Court, Sha Tin
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
大埔翠和里 5 號麗和閣
Reve Plaza, 5 Chui Wo Lane, Tai Po
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Chung Pak House, Hong Pak Court, Lam Tin
2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
粉嶺欣盛苑欣悅閣 Yan Yuet House, Yan Shing Court, Fanling 2022-05-31 ~ 2022-06-06
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)


指明任何曾於以下指明期間及時段身處指明地點的人士(不論以何種身分身處該等 地點,包括但不限於全職、兼職和替假員工、住客、學生及訪客


  • 2022年6月6日 – 2022年6月7日
指明地點 指明期間及時段
半山區羅便臣道 103 號景 雅花園
Panorama Gardens, 103 Robinson Road, Mid-Levels
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Shing Chi House, Tin Shing Court, Tin Shui Wai
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
粉嶺牽晴間 8 座
Block 8, Dawning Views, Fanling
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
大埔嘉豐花園 9 座
Block 9, Richwood Park, Tai Po
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Ming Tai House, On Tai Estate, Kwun Tong
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)

指明地點 指明期間及時段
Kwun Shing House, Kwun Tak Court, Ho Man Tin
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
西營盤第三街 88 號星鑽
The Nova, 88 Third Street, Sai Ying Pun
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
鰂魚涌康景花園 C 座
Block C, Mount Parker Lodge, Quarry Bay
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Yan Kuk House, Yan Ming Court, Tseung Kwan O
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Chung Wo House, Chung On Estate, Ma On Shan
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Kam Leung House, Kam Ying Court, Ma On Shan
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Po Chung House, Po Ming Court, Tseung Kwan O
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Yu Wing House, Yu Ming Court, Tseung Kwan O
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
元朗朗屏 8 號 5 座
Tower 5, The Spectra, Yuen Long
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Yan Yiu House, Yan Shing Court, Fanling
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Yee Shun House, Yee Nga Court, Tai Po
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
將軍澳南豐廣場 6 座
Tower 6, Nan Fung Plaza, Tseung Kwan O
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Wah Suen House, Ching Wah Court, Tsing Yi
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Shing Lok House, Kwai Shing East Estate, Kwai Chung
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
洪水橋洪元路 88 號泉薈 1 座
Tower 1, Park Nara, 88 Hung Yuen Road, Hung Shui Kiu
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
屯門悅湖山莊 4 座
Block 4, Yuet Wu Villa, Tuen Mun
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Mei Pak House, Shek Kip Mei Estate, Shek Kip Mei
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Tak Shan House, Tak Long Estate, Kowloon City
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Wo Tai House, On Tai Estate, Kwun Tong
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
紅磡海逸豪園 22 座
Tower 22, Laguna Verde, Hung Hom
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Po Chui House, Po Pui Court, Kwun Tong
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hoi Lam House, Hoi Fu Court, Mong Kok
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
九龍灣麗晶花園 20 座
Block 20, Richland Gardens, Kowloon Bay
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Man Kin House, Tsz Man Estate, Tsz Wan Shan
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
旺角帝峯.皇殿 8 座
Tower 8, The Hermitage, Mong Kok
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Wah Tai House, Wah Fu (II) Estate, Pok Fu Lam
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
北角馬寶道 3 號君譽峰
Novum Point, 3 Marble Road, North Point
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
堅尼地城卑路乍街 144- 148 號金豪閣
Kam Ho Court, 144-148 Belcher’s Street, Kennedy Town
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
半山區般咸道 40-42 號慶英大廈
Hing Ying Mansion, 40-42 Bonham Road, Mid-Levels
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
灣仔肇輝臺 2B 號美麗邨東座
Block East, Miramar Villa, 2B Shiu Fai Terrace, Wan Chai
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)

指明地點 指明期間及時段
上環帝后華庭 3 座
Tower 3, Queen’s Terrace, Sheung Wan
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
深井碧堤半島 2 座
Tower 2, Bellagio, Sham Tseng
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Hoi Nga Mansion, Riviera Gardens, Tsuen Wan
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
大埔翠樂街 9 號翠林閣 1 座
Block 1, Evergreen Court, 9 Chui Lok Street, Tai Po
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
Kei Hong House, Hong Tin Court, Lam Tin
2022-05-29 ~ 2022-06-04
(Stayed at the specified premises for more than 2 hours)
指明地點 指明期間及時段
Yee Shan Mansion, Taikoo Shing, Quarry Bay
百芳池上便當 鰂魚涌太古城中心 1 樓
Bai Fung Bento 1/F, Cityplaza, Quarry Bay
2022-05-27 14:15 ~ 15:45
2022-05-30 14:15 ~ 15:45
翠園 將軍澳 PopCorn 商場 2 樓
Jade Garden 2/F, PopCorn, Tseung Kwan O
2022-05-29 18:45 ~ 20:45
鍾菜館 灣仔北海中心 2 樓
Chung’s House 2/F, CNT Tower, Wan Chai
2022-05-28 14:30 ~ 16:00
大家樂 銅鑼灣翡翠明珠廣場 1 樓
Café de Coral 1/F, JP Plaza, Causeway Bay
2022-05-28 10:30 ~ 11:30
海港薈 鰂魚涌康怡廣場北座 3 樓
Victoria Harbour Supreme 3/F, Kornhill Plaza North, Quarry Bay
2022-05-26 12:15 ~ 14:15






