Winnie Walker
這天整個打扮的重點是頸項上的「朱二盛」。我連續不停被不認識的人問我哪裡買和幾多錢!答案:香港中環街邊檔(但古定擺檔的)+港幣$450 (共3條,我自己配的)- 密切留意以後的介紹!
In the mood for some excitement! Let me just walk, walk, walk, and walk to rock, rock, rock and ROCK MY WORLD!
Black board shoulder jacket: “how and what” bought at Craver
White tee:izzue
Necklace: 中環街邊檔
Earring: Bought in China
Ring: Chanel Ultra Ring
Hi Winnie
你好fit 著衫好好睇..好羨慕你呀, 你個iphone 套好靚,我自己都有個豹紋,但唔係好靚,想請問下你呢個係邊度買嫁
waaa!!使唔使甘型!!! Jealousieee jealousieee haha
Summer la 快D share 減肥 Tips la boat tripsssssss awaiting
Love Winnie’s style~! ^3^~ VERY VERY NICE~! (please teach me how to keep fit / loss weight la~) July is coming~ Your NEW books would come out so soon, right? I am looking forward ^0^/
我都有件SIMILAR 既BLAZER ..不過冇你咁瘦…著得冇咁好睇呢…
Jovi: thx so much, I hv found the contact of my tailor, will leave message at that blog tomorrow
daisy*: aiya, thx la! I will I will. stay tuned
LiLAin: OKOK. Yes, in July!
sammi: 唔好咁喇,你都著得好,如果唔係唔會買啦!