W x Y 送你超過$30 萬!
W x Y 這個組合,正是我本人 Winnie Leung 乘以我的寫作好「鄰居」Yoko Tsang。
繼去年香港書展推出我們第一本合著《美肌瘦身祕笈 》,更打下在 7 天書展賣斷市需要火速加印的紀錄之後,我們今年會再接再厲,推出 《美肌瘦身祕笈 2 》!今年這本合訂本分為 5 個章節(十大人生必做必買、 Forever Young 駐顏療程 、Best Pick 美肌產品、隱世手藝,以及海外美容)共 40 篇 最精彩的推介。有很多讀者都問會否有我遠赴韓國隆鼻手術的全實錄?答案是:當然有。
去年我跟 Yoko 已經出名豪的了,最經典當然是你出 $88 買書竟可以免費拿到最高價值 $800 Glycel 的乳霜或者其他贈品,總值超過港幣$10 萬。
而今年,我們將會秉承這個「你出醬油我出」的精神,而且還把贈品的總額來個 3 倍,送出總值大約港幣 $30 萬 的禮物啊!!!
- MTM 眼膜套裝 (包括有:Intensive Eye Care Complex 30ml,100% Collagen Eye Mask 12 對,Vis-Regenerating Duet,Vis-Regenerating Booster 4 ml,Vis-Regenerating Concentrate 4 ml 裝)X 50 份 (每份價值$1480)
- Borghese Lift Serum (提升精華)X 100 份 (每份價值$800)
- DermaQuest 眼及面生長因子精華 X 500 份
- Ilcsi Stonecrop (景天草) Whip Moisturizer (10ml) X 45 份 (每份價值 $200)
- Ilcsi Sour Cherry (酸櫻桃) Gel Mask (10ml) X 45 份 (每份價值 $110)
- 9 BeautyBB cream 試用裝 X 900份+ 禮卷
- Winnie Leung 催情護唇膏 (玫瑰味) X 100 份 (每份價值$150)
- Derma V 全效纖面精華 X 2000 份 (每份價值 $27)
- Whitening Therapy BB Cream X 40 份
跟去年一樣,我們會依照贈品的零售價,由最名貴的開始順序送出,依舊是先到先得!!!記得下禮拜三 (7 月 18 日)爭取最佳位置早些到書展喇!!!
還有就是,今年我跟 Yoko 會有個由大會批准正式舉辦的簽名會,打響頭炮於第一天 (即 7 月 18 日)晚上 7時 - 8時,正確會場還有我們最強的出版商 「紅出版」攤位的地點詳情,我會於下禮拜再公佈啊!
but i really think thát’s unfair to your other fans who can’t meet you up at the expo…..
Hello MiMi: how about a private event with other readers?????
looking forward to reading the new books^^ (n support having a private event for readers who may not be able to go to the book fair!)
oh, I looking forward for this so long, so happy for you. And I love your cover, sorry to say, this one is beautiful than last yr!
Sigh, you know, being a mum and need to bring my son everyday to summer courses, I can’t come to support you ah, and hard to fight with those young girls to get your gift ler, though I really want to buy your book to support you and get Glycel gift (as I use it also) and your 超班禮物 ler, so regret that I can’t do it.
So I think I can buy your book later at Bitchy Store, right. Let me know once it is released, haha, of course if you reserve some gifts to your fans, as I see in the above message, we will be super happy, but it is fine if there isn’t. But don’t miss your signature to my book ah,
Really, so happy and congratuations to your and Yoko’s success!!!
Support you always even I can’t come! I’ll buy the book later!
Wow~~ so good!! I must buy it!!
Winnie, may I know the venue of the counter? what is the number of the counter in the bookfair?
winnie你好啊,我之前睇到你篇blog(徹底去斑去印 Big Discount!),自己都有興趣想試下打LASER.有D問題我想問下你,係SKINIC打LASER安唔安全同埋治療師有冇激光牌嫁???
[…] 仲記得上年我同我的專欄鄰居Winnie合著的WxY首部曲《美肌瘦身秘笈》嗎?今年一如既往,將會推出第二部曲《美肌瘦身秘笈2》,一樣隨書贈送名貴護膚品,而Winnie亦比我更早在blog中告知大家,詳情可以到她的blog:W x Y 送你超過$30 萬! 本來,如果只是應付一本書的話,按照上年獲得的經驗,絕對不會令我吃力的,但今年初負責我倆出版的出版商「紅出版」卻誠邀我推出個人著作,這個出版商一向找來不同界別的名人出書,計有Zensation何倍倩、高海寧、徐淑敏、嚴浩等等,雖然我事前沒有甚麼心理準備,但能獲得青徠當然要好好把握啦,於是就著手開始籌備,結晶品就是: 《醫學美容儀器天書》 所以我在今年書展,一共有兩本著作面世呢!(嚴格來說是1.5本) 當初紅出版邀請我出書時,我自己就出書一事沒有太大頭緒,第一,我唔想出版一些與《美肌瘦身秘笈》相近的美容事情;第二,我要以一個從來沒有在出版書推出過的題目作為我的撰寫方向! 結果,從我周遭的美容個案得到靈感,原來大家對於美容院內、醫學美容中心所採用的儀器沒有甚麼認識,原因很簡單,美容院及皮膚科醫生都將這些儀器故作神秘,究竟原理是甚麼?甚麼才是機中的名牌?大家都一頭霧水!甚至連一些注射式的微整型亦所知甚少。可惜沒有甚麼雜誌介紹過這些儀器,甚至上網都沒有多少詳細資料,猶如進入一個黑洞世界。於是,我特地走訪多位皮膚科名醫,以及進出各大小規模的美容院,探討這些儀器的來歷、功效、原理及前後結果,所以才花費了許多時間在這心血結晶身上! 只要是這裏的資深讀者都知道,我一向喜歡為讀者爭取優惠,話之你部機幾勁幾好,價格高昂非一般人所接受的,我都會等到有獨家優惠時才介紹。而支持我的讀者,我又點會令大家失望呢?這本書才賣$88,但每一本都有美容產品附送,總值都比書價更貴,更何況,上年我第一次出書已經隨書送100盒Glycel價值$820的Enhance Day Cream。 今次的禮物當然要比上年更出色,限量版包括: 1. Kinka Aqua Gold Gel Mask黃金水晶面膜 x 5(價值$980/片) 2. Thalissi Bust Volumn Up Oil豐胸油 x 10 (價值$1,080 / 150ml) 3. GLYCEL Enhance™ Balancing Cream 高效控油平衡面霜 x 70 (價值$760 / 30g) […]
Hi Winnie,
Oversea readers hv any special arrangement ?
Will u hv the elec version again?
JJ: should have elec version, let me check!
warren:安全。牌照方面,為了確保清楚每位都有,我幫你check check 先。
Vivian:我和 Yoko 明天書展強勢推出的《美肌瘦身祕笈 2》,隨書附送的最勁兩份禮物為:零售價 $1480 的 MTM Custom blended 眼膜及精華套裝 x 50 套 + 零售價 $800 的 Borghese Age Control Lift Serum!只限在簽名會中送出!日期:2012 年 7 月 18 日 (書展首天)時間:19:00-20:00,地點:大會簽名區–博覽道入口大堂。 而攤位則在會展Hall 1 ,1A-D16(紅出版)。明天見!!!!!!!!!!!!
kAren:Thank you!
Elizabeth Chen:THX!!
erica liong:Thank you!!!
Eva:Thanks for always supporting me!
sorry, Winnie, I can’t come yesterday, as I want so much to get you and Yoko’s signature, photos, and the precious gift. I know all special one were gone, can I know those超班禮物will be available today? Or all sold in expo yesterday laread.
If all sold, can I still get the gift with your signature on you books so tha t I can buy at BItchy store. Please let knoe know when it is available for sel.
Same as Yoiko:;
‘s blodg, of course I love her gifts but I have to bring my son to playgroup 5 to 7:30 yesterday.Will they be all gone or still 1 or two left.If yes, or eventhe anser is no,th general gift is good enough.
If there are really 2 books with give set available, I will come at around 12 to 12:30 pm to but both books, so exact to read them ler. and really wish you and Yoko can do a book twice a year ah, though I know you2 are super busy.
As I selfom be on line, would you mind sms m and leting ne know that. If all boofks nad gidt sets are gone, even for normal pack one, I won’ travel a long wany from Festival Walk to Wanchia ler. Please let me now th status and wihs I am lunky enough to get some figt set and buys books tos support 2 too!