Snap of the day,Waiting For The Shooting Stars 網誌 AnchoR May 22 2011 photo by Sing Ho denim shirt/shorts: (Siam Square,Bangkok) shoes: vintage(Paris) bag: Fendi Silvana 本人已詳閱並同意遵守本文列明條款及細則。 請瀏覽( 閱讀本公司的私隱政策聲明。 本人願意接收新傳媒集團的最新消息及其他宣傳資訊,本人同意新傳媒集團使用本人的個人資料於任何推廣用途。 TagFendi Silvanasnap of the day 你可能也喜歡 石頭瘡9大正確處理方法 必知5大成因!「1招」有效消炎避免痘印SundayMore15 Mar 遮瑕盤15大推薦:用法+顏色分別教學!完美遮蓋暗瘡印/黑眼圈Kosame Ching24 Mar 去水腫方法10招!極速去水腫還原纖細身形!祛濕食物、穴位按摩、茶飲一覽SundayMore18 Mar JONZAC積雪草深層修復霜 抗敏效果超顯著Misssunny13 Mar There is 1 comment Add yours catherine on 24 May, 2011 at 13:51 I really like your shirt and your shorts!!! Do you know where can I find something similar? Comments are closed.
catherine on 24 May, 2011 at 13:51 I really like your shirt and your shorts!!! Do you know where can I find something similar?
I really like your shirt and your shorts!!! Do you know where can I find something similar?