Snap of the day,Pillow Shoes 網誌 AnchoR Jun 7 2012 夏天一到,又是尋找舒適鞋的時候,我找到了!這對jipi japa白色平底皮鞋,真的舒服到不得之了!所以希望介紹俾大家。白雪雪的外層以極度柔軟的羊皮製成,配合由腳趾到腳跟「軟林林」的鞋墊,全方位照顧周到,著住佢好似踩住個枕頭出街,正到爆!不過由於鞋底本身較薄,於後跟加半墊效果更好,售價約$899。 閱讀全文 photo by Sing Ho top: boutique jeans: LEE(日本版) shoes: jipi japa SS 2012 scarf: Abercrombie & Fitch bag: vintage,New York TagJipi Japa 你可能也喜歡 定妝噴霧作用/用法/順序!3大定妝噴霧隱藏用法 妝容貼服不浮粉Cyan20 Dec 油脂粒藥膏推薦|7大好用產品推介去油脂粒!溫和吸附過剩油脂還原白滑美肌SundayMore21 Dec 托帕石|11月誕生石 功效+禁忌全面睇!專門強化人緣、事業運Echo Cheung22 Nov 聖誕禮物男朋友推薦2024!男生最想收到35份實用電子產品/名牌/潮鞋等HM5 Dec There are 7 comments Add yours Irene on 7 June, 2012 at 09:02 幾靚喎, 睇個樣都覺得應該好舒服, 謝謝你既介紹^^ Helen on 7 June, 2012 at 11:28 jipi japa 的鞋真的好舒服! Nicole on 7 June, 2012 at 13:09 Hi Anchor where can buy jipi japa ? btw, love yr tee too, which shop can find it? anchorlai on 8 June, 2012 at 14:18 Dear Nicole, jipi japa have a shop in Causeway Bay, 銅鑼灣駱克道地下509號舖 2836 3298 For the tee,sorry that I don’t remember where to get it…>_< Ggfbav on 9 June, 2012 at 00:07 Like the jeans so much, where can I but it ? anchorlai on 12 June, 2012 at 00:09 Dear Ggfbav,Sorry for reply you late,I got this jeans in LEE store Habour City,not so sure if they still have it,will let you know once I know…:) Generic propecia on 21 June, 2012 at 15:42 nwgzuwjqcmph, G postmessage propecia guest remember, txceSZN, [url=]Celeberty rogane propecia[/url], aRBOdqD, How much does propecia cost, ULMDoQC. Comments are closed.
Nicole on 7 June, 2012 at 13:09 Hi Anchor where can buy jipi japa ? btw, love yr tee too, which shop can find it?
anchorlai on 8 June, 2012 at 14:18 Dear Nicole, jipi japa have a shop in Causeway Bay, 銅鑼灣駱克道地下509號舖 2836 3298 For the tee,sorry that I don’t remember where to get it…>_<
anchorlai on 12 June, 2012 at 00:09 Dear Ggfbav,Sorry for reply you late,I got this jeans in LEE store Habour City,not so sure if they still have it,will let you know once I know…:)
Generic propecia on 21 June, 2012 at 15:42 nwgzuwjqcmph, G postmessage propecia guest remember, txceSZN, [url=]Celeberty rogane propecia[/url], aRBOdqD, How much does propecia cost, ULMDoQC.
幾靚喎, 睇個樣都覺得應該好舒服, 謝謝你既介紹^^
jipi japa 的鞋真的好舒服!
Hi Anchor
where can buy jipi japa ?
btw, love yr tee too, which shop can find it?
Dear Nicole,
jipi japa have a shop in Causeway Bay, 銅鑼灣駱克道地下509號舖 2836 3298
For the tee,sorry that I don’t remember where to get it…>_<
Like the jeans so much, where can I but it ?
Dear Ggfbav,Sorry for reply you late,I got this jeans in LEE store Habour City,not so sure if they still have it,will let you know once I know…:)
nwgzuwjqcmph, G postmessage propecia guest remember, txceSZN, [url=]Celeberty rogane propecia[/url], aRBOdqD, How much does propecia cost, ULMDoQC.