Snap of the day,I Find My Heart In Nature
photo by Sing Ho
tube: Bershka HK$150 (I bought in Tenerife, Spain/Aug,2010)
bangle: Bershka HK$50 (I bought in Tenerife, Spain/Aug,2010)
jeans: Lee $1,750 (日本版/July,2010)
sunglasses: Super 約 $1,500 (F/W 2010) (Visual Culture,I.T,D-mop,Lane Crawford,頂好)
A Hippy Style Braid
多個年代的代表性形象,最愛又最襯我的,一定是70年代的嬉皮士,不修邊副的loose cut衫褲,好不容易就營造出向Peace & Love國度出發的Hippies神韻,不過要十足十的嬉皮士,髮型尤其重要,除了形形色色的花花頭飾,辮子長髮是Hippies世界最為普遍的髮型,單單將頭髮分左右兩part的辮子,也許太沒新意,近來我愛將皮繩先在頭上繞個圈,再將剩下來的皮繩加入其中一part頭髮綁成辮子,用幼身的橡筋綁實末端,然後再將皮繩綁在上面,便已大功告成。而且A Hippy Style Braid無需左右對稱是玩凌亂美,手快的三分鐘就搞得佢掂,我還喜歡在皮繩上加朵小花,看來更Peaceful吧!
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So beautiful,i love your hair!
Beautiful picture
Regards from Berlin
Hi, I lover your hair, 我試過整headband but 唔知點解我整唔到,頂個d頭髮會谷起晒既
Hi Louise, Danke Schon! : )
Hi Jovi, I think the headband you used was too tight, you can try to find some looser, you will see the different. Or use a leather thread, will be easier! ^ ^