Snap of the day,Autumn Plaid
photo by Sing Ho
cape: 衫飾園
skirt: TopShop
bag/booties: (vintage,London)
dot scarf: Kinji
tee: Vivienne Tam
photo by Sing Ho
cape: 衫飾園
skirt: TopShop
bag/booties: (vintage,London)
dot scarf: Kinji
tee: Vivienne Tam
Hi Anchor,
Love to read your blog!! Everything here is fashionable and with style!! esp. love your snapshots!! Support Support!!
I’m actually going to London later.. could you suggest somewhere for shopping other than those big shopping malls?? I would like to see those vintage and stuffs at reasonable prices, thank you!!
Hello, Anchor,
where is 衫飾園?
i really like that cape^0^
Hi Stephanie, Thank you for supporting my blog : D! For shopping tips in London, actually I have only two vintage stores used to go, Beyond Retro and Absolute Vintage, 80% of my vintage clothes are from them, or you give me your email address I will send you some more information. ^ ^
Hi AK, 衫飾園 is an online store in facebook, I’m checking this cape for my friend as well and they said maybe no more stock, have to check with Tai Wan. You can click below link and add them in your friends list. Wish you luck!!!
Hi Anchor,
Thanks for your reply
My email address is
Love the cape..