my second illustration by DAY !!


小時候被哥哥影響,愛上了畫畫,由小學一直到後來讀時裝設計和當上畫畫導師,亦未離開過我的畫筆。我的確是愛畫畫的,但有時興趣會被際遇影響,現在的我只會寫稿,很久沒有畫畫了。從沒想過,會有人為我畫畫,說的不是畫張生日卡那種,而是照著我的樣子和照片去畫一張drawing,而且,對方還是一個我素未謀面的人,是一個來自巴西的女生,她說:「Thanks for letting me use your photos ^^ I don’t have models, and I need to practice…」,很驚喜,「謝謝你!」

When I was small I was affected by my brother and love drawing so much. From the period of primary school until the later time I studied fashion design and have became a drawing tutor, I never left drawing. I really love to do that, but it was affected by what happens now to me. At the moment I only writing but not drawing for a long time. Never thought there will be people draw for me, that’s not something like painting a birthday card, but a girl from Brazil refer to my look and photos to draw. She is a girl that I never met before, we even don’t know each other. She said: “Thanks for letting me use your photos ^ ^ I don’t have models, and I need to practice …”…….Really surprised!! (This english version is for DAY :D)

“Thank you DAY!”


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