Love goes cold……



Photo by Nick Lui
Bread n Butter coat
Uniqlo jeans
JipiJapa boots
vintage bag from Paris
條題係一首早陣子我好鍾意聽的歌的歌詞,Hurts的Blood, Tears and Gold。其實我對音樂唔熟悉,只係有次行過HMV,聽到Hurts呢隻叫做Happiness既碟,一聽愛上,之後就去KK Box Download來聽,除了呢首,另外有幾首我都好鍾意聽,例如Water、Illuminated、Stay、Devotion等等,隻碟其他歌唔係唔鍾意,只係呢幾首特別鍾意。有時,可能會好鍾意一首歌,但要全隻碟都岩聽,可以搵一隻碟係咁狂聽幾個禮拜都唔厭,真係唔容易。

I never thought I could forget you,
I never thought I’d be the man I am now,
It’s 20 seconds since I left you,
Cause I could never be your lover,
I found another girl to mess me ’round,
So you don’t get to make me suffer,
Look into my eyes there’s really nothing left to lose,

But I know that I’m never coming back to you
Love goes cold,
Blood, tears and gold,
Wont make it any better,
I never let you down baby, baby,
I never let you down baby, baby,
And it wont get any better,
Blood, tears and gold
It’s 20 seconds since I’ve left you,

And I remember why I never looked back,
I got no reason to forgive you,
I see it in your eyes,
The suffering it hides the blue,
But I know, that’s it never gonna hide the truth, the truth, baby
Love goes cold,
Blood, tears and gold,
Wont make it any better,

I never let you down baby, baby,
I never let you down baby, baby,
And it wont get any better,
Blood, tears and gold
Love goes cold,
Blood, tears and gold,
Wont make it any better
When love goes cold,
Blood, tears and gold,
Wont make it any better,
I never let you down baby, baby,

I never let you down baby, baby,
And it wont get any better,
Blood, tears and gold

