Let's Rock!
拋開一切的我人都醒神些,換上新衫去慶祝 and rock the world!!!! Btw, 這個 style isperfect with my MMM!
Grey top with metal collar & fringes: 不知名意大利品牌 – Bought at “Ice”
Black Cotton + PVC legging: Izzue (上季的)
Shoes: Ash – Bought at “Ice”
Hand Bag: Maison Martin Margiela (全港入了兩個 only!)
actually i love your posture in pic1!!!
and love your style!!!
of coz love you also!
Don’t know who made you so angry yesterday…. anyway, take care my dear!
Let little drummer Howard rocks you in yr “lazy days” n_n
He’s just 4 years old…look at his facial expressions..esp the last 1.5mins!
Jessica: Thx soooooo much 4 sharing! My goodness!! i gotta learn from him!
woo…….u r gorgeous~!!!!! i love your style~! btw i hv the same legging too ^^
sammi: hahah. thx. that legging is just 2 nice and not expensive, agree?