I’m blessed with gifts!
Chritmas 確是我在云云節日中最喜愛的一個。這個節日很 warm ,很浪漫。而且又擺明可些寫個 wish list ,又可拆很多禮物。即使不是普世歡騰也好,最少我一定會好歡騰!
大家可能都在惆悵送甚麼 Christmas presents 給身邊的至愛親朋,看看在這裡會否找到點靈感?!
除了收禮物外,其實我都有付出給我身邊的人啊,以下就是我最近給特別知己和朋友們的 BIG SURPRISE:
其實,昨晚我曾收到一枚 Van Cleef & Arpels 的戒子。但就只擁有了不夠兩小時。
我真的好怕好怕好怕在送禮物給我的人面前拆禮物,事關我個樣永遠騙不到人也不懂怎去騙。而這世界真的買到我完全極度合心意的禮物的人亦真的不多 …
昨晚收到這禮物時,對方已跟我說不喜歡可直說。我把禮物盒打開時,心裡第一個反應是:WHAT? THIS IS VAN CLEEF 的嗎???怎麼可單調到如此地步??? 用兩萬多塊錢來買這隻戒子真的是太過不值了吧!
當然我非常appreciate 對方的心意,但我心裡的悶氣卻不能消散,於是我誠實溝通出來。晚飯後,我們趕回 Van Cleef 的店,抱歉我真的沒東西看得上眼(有的,但那枚戒子盛惠$86,000),但我真的不想為了買東西而強逼自己和累對方白白浪費金錢。搞了一輪後,最終 Van Cleef 那方面也很識趣地替我解決了件事。最後,我不用人家浪費金錢之餘,也不用逼自己強裝甚麼。But I really appreciate the thoughtfulness,thank you! 而這件事也再次教曉我,人與人之間的溝通,誠實直接但能不損關係是很寶貴!感恩感恩
聖誕節前夕當然要將自己打扮得美美的,例如將Gel指甲換上新款式,當中必試來年大熱「瑪奇朵」甲色。聖誕節總要找間特色餐廳吃一頓聖誕大餐!即睇聖誕特色餐廳推介;之後少不免參與Party,而派對聚餐絕不能缺少可以用來打卡及增加節日感的聖誕蛋糕。另外,也可到9大巨型聖誕樹及各大商場及聖誕市集打卡,包括K11 MUSEA 、赤柱聖誕市集,市集現場設有多種不同類型攤檔,可順道入手聖誕禮物。
Wanna know how may I order the birkin fake print bag? I really love it^^
Wanna know how may I order the birkin fake print bag? I really love it^^
Rebecca: email to winnieleungblog@gmail.com la, I have stocks but not officially for sale yet, but for my readers and fans, I may arrange
Rebecca: email to winnieleungblog@gmail.com la, I have stocks but not officially for sale yet, but for my readers and fans, I may arrange
Hi Winnie, the Watch Winder is very nice, may I know how much is it and where can I buy it? THX!
Hi Winnie, the Watch Winder is very nice, may I know how much is it and where can I buy it? THX!
Hi Winnie,
How much is the purple birkin? Will you ship it to LA?
Thank you.
Hi Winnie,
How much is the purple birkin? Will you ship it to LA?
Thank you.
Winnie, 想請問個Watch Winder(上鏈表盒)喺邊到買? 幾錢呢? 我都買來送俾人做 x’mas gift ah…!
Winnie, 想請問個Watch Winder(上鏈表盒)喺邊到買? 幾錢呢? 我都買來送俾人做 x’mas gift ah…!
How much is the purple birkin fake print bag?? I really love it too! When can order?
How much is the purple birkin fake print bag?? I really love it too! When can order?
我鐘意你送比人個d禮物多d喎…哈哈 :p 你間舖開始左未呀??
我鐘意你送比人個d禮物多d喎…哈哈 :p 你間舖開始左未呀??
個Birkin Fake Print 包包好令呀…..@”@
唔知仲會有咩色呢….??? ^u^
個Birkin Fake Print 包包好令呀…..@”@
唔知仲會有咩色呢….??? ^u^
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! 你個IPHONE CASE 超靚!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 等我遲D又去整返個..!!!!!!! 仲有個BIRKIN都好靚!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..遲D又訂先….~!!!!…我係超鐘意紫色架!!!!..紫色GEL 甲, FERRAGAMO既紫色CARLA…YSL既紫色鏡/IPHONE CASE…………..除此之外全身上下都係黑…….哈哈…
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! 你個IPHONE CASE 超靚!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 等我遲D又去整返個..!!!!!!! 仲有個BIRKIN都好靚!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..遲D又訂先….~!!!!…我係超鐘意紫色架!!!!..紫色GEL 甲, FERRAGAMO既紫色CARLA…YSL既紫色鏡/IPHONE CASE…………..除此之外全身上下都係黑…….哈哈…
B仔好SWEET啊…件睡衣好有型好靚啊~ 世上有此知己,真係幸福~
B仔好SWEET啊…件睡衣好有型好靚啊~ 世上有此知己,真係幸福~
i like purple birkin too>@<
i like purple birkin too>@<
HI, Winnie,
Really love the purple bag, do you still have that ?
Can you sell one to me ?
HI, Winnie,
Really love the purple bag, do you still have that ?
Can you sell one to me ?
JOYI: 不值,所以我不想乱花!
JOYI: 不值,所以我不想乱花!
Rebecca: 哈哈,复了你啦,happy girl
Rebecca: 哈哈,复了你啦,happy girl
Melody: I bought the watch winder at CWB red mall (upper floor,3rd isle)and they have a variety of size available, price ranging from $799-$1499 something. it’s on 30% sale period now.
Melody: I bought the watch winder at CWB red mall (upper floor,3rd isle)and they have a variety of size available, price ranging from $799-$1499 something. it’s on 30% sale period now.
Hi Fion, yes, i don’t mind shipping to you. However, x’mas could be postage high season, and Fedex will be too expensive for this. If you don’t mind receive it in Jan, may be ok ah!
Hi Fion, yes, i don’t mind shipping to you. However, x’mas could be postage high season, and Fedex will be too expensive for this. If you don’t mind receive it in Jan, may be ok ah!
Gigi: 知你拿了!是不是靓爆全港九啊?哈哈
Gigi: 知你拿了!是不是靓爆全港九啊?哈哈
Nam: 在铜锣湾铜锣坊上层(第3排)一家店。有好多不同size,价钱有七百几道一千四百几。
Nam: 在铜锣湾铜锣坊上层(第3排)一家店。有好多不同size,价钱有七百几道一千四百几。
Hi Winnie,
Thank you for your reply. I don’t mind to receive it in Jan or even later. What is the size for that? and how much is cost?
Take care.
BTW: I can tell the change on your teeth and your BIG eyes. Very nice
Hi Winnie,
Thank you for your reply. I don’t mind to receive it in Jan or even later. What is the size for that? and how much is cost?
Take care.
BTW: I can tell the change on your teeth and your BIG eyes. Very nice
how much is purple bag?really like it
how much is purple bag?really like it
it really sharp and beautiful of the bling bling
it really sharp and beautiful of the bling bling
Thank you so much Winnie ~~~
Thank you so much Winnie ~~~
Melody: no problem,大家happy!但愿收到你礼物的人都happy
Melody: no problem,大家happy!但愿收到你礼物的人都happy
Caca: yes i think so 2
Caca: yes i think so 2
Jackie,email to winnieleungblog@gmail.com 啦!不过,劲平啰!
Jackie,email to winnieleungblog@gmail.com 啦!不过,劲平啰!
Fion: do u mind leaving your email here so I can arrange with you? (my teeth still in progress 啊!Will be done in March!)
Fion: do u mind leaving your email here so I can arrange with you? (my teeth still in progress 啊!Will be done in March!)
Queenie:pls kindly email me 啦!
Queenie:pls kindly email me 啦!
Natalie: 你去拿了你个娇蕉包先啦!!! email me!
Natalie: 你去拿了你个娇蕉包先啦!!! email me!
Winnie, I like the purple birkin so much …….. can you PLEASE email me and advise me how to order?
My email is desiree.cheung@gmail.com, big thanks
Winnie, I like the purple birkin so much …….. can you PLEASE email me and advise me how to order?
My email is desiree.cheung@gmail.com, big thanks
DD: sent to you already
DD: sent to you already
Sammi: 你跟我好姐妹 Maisy 一样!
Sammi: 你跟我好姐妹 Maisy 一样!
Hi Winnie,
Here it is…..fionho@gmail.com
Thank you
Hi Winnie,
Here it is…..fionho@gmail.com
Thank you
Boy Boy so handsome~
Boy Boy so handsome~
Is that possible to ship the blink blink iphone case too? how much?
just like all the stuffs in your blog.
Is that possible to ship the blink blink iphone case too? how much?
just like all the stuffs in your blog.
Fion: will email you after replying all the other messages! Thank you for appreciating the stuffs in my blog hahahaha
Fion: will email you after replying all the other messages! Thank you for appreciating the stuffs in my blog hahahaha
TW: Van Cleef 都系好野,但我会喜欢她老饼D 果D 高级都晕的手饰同埋D 手表啰!哈哈!你讲果两个brand 我都有啊,都钟意
TW: Van Cleef 都系好野,但我会喜欢她老饼D 果D 高级都晕的手饰同埋D 手表啰!哈哈!你讲果两个brand 我都有啊,都钟意
clarence:好sweet 啊!!!!
clarence:好sweet 啊!!!!
hi winnie,
i’m also interested in the purple bag, may i know how much is it? thx.
hi winnie,
i’m also interested in the purple bag, may i know how much is it? thx.
sai;pls email to the above-said email thx
sai;pls email to the above-said email thx
sent jor email to your gmail a/c la^^
sent jor email to your gmail a/c la^^