I’m back from the Land of Smiles!



,在熱門的蘇梅和布吉以外,我選擇了較少遊客的Koh Chang,島形像隻象,所以命名為象的泰文Chang,不過行程比較遠和艱辛,
先在Khao San乘5小時巴士到碼頭,再加半小時渡輪南下才到達Koh Chang。最大又是最近碼頭的White Sand Beach,5年前
Bungalow無冷氣約港幣 $50,有冷氣約港幣 $100,現在有冷氣的已升價至約港幣 $400,不過,對著藍天白雲與無敵海景,仍然覺
為了多一點新意和趣味,曼谷酒店不再是市中心的Diamond hotel或Pullman,而是位於泰國蘭桂坊Khao San附近的Bhiman Inn Hotel

email服務,又方便到鬼佬街Khao San行夜市和clubbing,還可由酒店向海邊方向到13號碼頭,乘搭渡輪到Central Pier,沿途欣
賞河邊風景,再搭BTS即sky train到Mo Chit的Chaktuchak鐵皮屋行flea market,或Siam Squuare和MBK一帶,有觀光有shopping
,行程頗豐富。Night Market方面,除了Suan Lum Night Bazaar,位於Phra Pok Klao Bridge旁邊的Sap Pang Phut和隔離的

韓國逆齡 Dualsonic 美容機

  • 素人實測 去眼袋/淡眼紋/V臉
  • 7大護膚功能:HIFU、RF射頻、微電流等
  • 韓國熱賣 用家平均評分達4.9星
  • 改善膚質、澤度、紋及粗糙問題


Flower Market是一個好景點。想Culture一點,於NationalStadium的Jim Thompson Musuem,約港幣$25已包括專人講解,

Bhiman Inn
55 Phra Sumen Road,Banglampu,Bangkok
Sap Phang Put night market,Thanon road,Bangkok

Bangkok new airport,almost as good as HK!

big buses,graffitti on wheels.

skewing the taxi and blending in:my first ever ride in a Bangkok city bus.

back to where its at,back to Bangkok!

Bhiman Inn hotel,1,300 baht a night,breakfast and pool thrown in.

next to the Banglamphoo canal,so bring some moskito repellent.

Bhiman Inn

55 phra sumen road, banglampu, bangkok



K.C house and restaurant~yummy food,cool beer and good prices!

justopposite Bhiman Hotel.

The Jim Thompson House,one quirky museum smack in the middle of Bangkok.

my travel kit,as light as you can.

3-4 sets of summer clothes/1bikini set

a pair of flip-flops

2 light scarfs

a world map/books/ipod/sunblock

3,000 Baht

including the makeup and skin care for one week.

that’s it!

riding the boatbus down the Chao Phraya river,dont miss it!

from pier 13 near Khao San to central pier for the skytrain.

Sap Phang Put night market~bargains galore!

Thanon road,Bangkok

the colourful flower market, just next door to Sap Phang Put.

hitting the road to Ko Chang,what a longjourney!!!

a five-hour ride to the pier from Bangkok,but Ko Chang is well worth it!

welcome to Koh Chang~i want to stay forever.

white sand beach,the biggest beach in Koh Chang

bungalow with air-conditioner,1,500baht a night,by the sea

without air-conditioner,500baht a night

unforgettable sunsets

little Thai girls, i’m Thai too!

where next?


There are 3 comments

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  1. louise graffenberg

    wow! beautiful pictures!i hope you had a great time in Thailand.where did you get that nice dress,the one with the little flowers…so nice,thank you!

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