Dior Haute Couture SS14 in Hong Kong


今晚時裝界的盛事, 當然是Dior首次在港舉行的Haute Couture (高級訂製服系列) 時裝展,

品牌選址在西九龍的直昇機停機坪空地上, 建了一個巨型的鏡面盒子, 映照出璀璨的維港景色,

並請來超過40位來自巴黎, 紐約及中國的名模破格演繹出52件作品,

整個系列注入了不少傳統刺繡工藝, 如Raf Simons所言,

“I see this collection as almost abstract, I wanted to focus on the idea of intimacy around couture more than anything else, the emotional experience of it; the relationship between the clients, the salon, the women. ”

能夠在港看到價值連城的Haute Couture系列, 的確是個難得的機會, 就讓我和大家分享一下:)

“I wanted the women who wear these clothes to feel that they can be worn with a powerful attitude, without any of the extraneous elements like a ‘couture pose’; that they can be worn by just being themselves.”

Raf Simons

