An orange surprise from Hermès


最近在 Hermès買了第二條圍巾 (第一條是在我大家姐臨終前幾小時我買來送給她讓她走得漂亮高貴的),在趕著上飛機的匆忙一刻,我用了 15 分鐘左試右試最後買了一條頗貴而且沒有大大架馬車,沒有半點橙色,甚至也根本看不見有 Hermès字樣(除非用放大鏡吧!)的 cashmere scarf (個人認為 silk 的那些真的太過非常不適合我的style)。

買的時候,我不停問個 sales assistant:「 到底應該怎樣繫這條 scarf 好呢?」當然她也教了我一些簡單的方法。但看到我很迷茫的樣子,她安慰我說:「 沒問題的,其實我們的 scarf 怎樣弄都 OK,隨意就可以的了!」

啊!是的,因為這是 Hermès嘛!How 其實不太重要,it’s WHAT and WHO that really matter。


過了兩個禮拜左右,我收到我親愛的助理小姐發了個 Whatsapp 短訊給我說:「Hermès寄了盒東西來給你。」待我回去之後,噢!原來是當日那位 serve 我的 sales assistant 寄來一盒很精緻,像撲克牌的卡片系列給我,而這些卡片,是教我如何繫 Hermès的圍巾的!

有時,付了錢,就是買這些 service。

Scarf 的成本本身可能不過價值幾百塊錢 (我知道的),然後Hermès個大名,我就當是比 loyalty fees 又值幾千塊。其他的,就是貴在 service - 尤其是 after service。這盒卡片成本最多幾十塊錢,但是背後對客人的 caring thoughts,是最貴,也值得我花費。







There are 7 comments

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  1. Micaela

    Hi Winnie,
    我正在苦惱緊要換什麼款的wallet !!!!!


  2. winnieleung

    Micaela:哈哈!希望你沒有問錯人,因為我自從 17 歲開始,一直都沒有再用 wallet 而是用 money clip 的。Credit card,身分證等等就用 card case。不過,也可以分享我的想法,不過選wallet都要知道很多關於你的資料啊:1)年齡層;2)喜歡大的還是小的 (因為有人愛大的放很多東西);3)有coin bag 的?4)你 3 個 BV 是甚麼顏色?

  3. Pandora


  4. Micaela

    Hi Winnie,

    我係去到邊都一定要用Wallet個隻人…如果用money clip 我覺得好無安全感==”不過係個人喜好..1)我今年25歲.. 2)首選一定係long wallet,因為我好多證件先放…要放度3個國家的錢幣以上(即係間格多)…3)coin 位可有可無,因為我有coin bag..4) 唉!!!我3個BV都係..啡色..,深顏色不易污穢…其實我都係想買d 同bv 差不多價錢…手感要ok…就係咁lu… 🙂


  5. erica

    hi winnie,
    haha, so happy to buy the magic good deep cleaning mask and 7 herbal mask, I love them so much and use them freqently.So bad that that the vinegar is out of stock and have to wait for Dec…..long for it.

    Just want to ask: remember I order B-Complex from you, I finished my 3 bottles and the effects are really amazing, i lose less hair, hair becomes stronger and it grows longer and faster. So do I need to order more and take it continuously, or I remember you told me (not sure I am correct) that I need to stop for 3 mth and then take it again for another 3 mths. In both case, shall I order from you or Bitchy Store? Actually I tried to ask this queation and sent to your personal email but I think you are too busy too read all emails and reply especially you were busy with your holiday trip at that moment. Please let me know so that I can know where and when I shall order.

    For collegen one, same question, I almost finish my 3 bottles, is it I can continue taking it and i can order from Bitchy store (but special price exprie right?) or I have to go to Edmond ot order?

    Sorry for asking so many and I really love all your recommendation. Haha, I love your recent post in MORE about “slimming face” (sorry forget about thename of the machine” that you will give up RF, But the cost isreally expensive to me ler…but really worth to do it, esp. for bride. So bad that the validity date (inlcuding thost the shops in your book recommended) ended so early athat we cannot try all and it is really expenisvie to join all course at a time even we find them great.

    And yes, I have joined Medic i-laser and wish my hormone spots can be lighten, and willl try MTS recently posted by Yoko, seems nice as it can minimize pore size, these are my 2 top problmes.

    Sorry that I have talked too much, just so happy to telll u and I gain valuable advice and experience from you and Yoko that we can find the best shopsfor best treatments.

    Ah yes, my next aim is CPS for Reenex, would you mind telling me how much for a course for how many session?

    Thank you so much for reading my lengthy mails always and looking forward for your reply.


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