Styled: All White 網誌 AnchoR Jul 4 2014 photo by Killy top/skirt: One Busy Bee HK(Facebook) oxford: Repetto sunglasses: Karen Walker 本人已詳閱並同意遵守本文列明條款及細則。 請瀏覽( 閱讀本公司的私隱政策聲明。 本人願意接收新傳媒集團的最新消息及其他宣傳資訊,本人同意新傳媒集團使用本人的個人資料於任何推廣用途。 Tagall whiteKaren WalkerOne Busy Bee HKRepetto 你可能也喜歡 身體乳液平價推介|賭王千金何超蓮大推$85豬油膏!8大好用Body LotionZoe Chan26 Feb 眼線畫法|3步驟「眼型測驗」+專屬眼線畫法詳細教學 一秒變大圓眼!28 Feb 天文台:清晨6時00分寒冷天氣警告生效 市民應注意保暖MORE - 生活品味8 Mar 上午09時45分天文台特別天氣提示:香港天文台發出強風警告 市民應提防海面大浪P16 Mar There are 2 comments Add yours Mei on 9 July, 2014 at 11:11 where can I buy the Karen walker sunglasses? thanks anchorlai on 9 July, 2014 at 19:32 Hi Mei,I bought it in Select 18 like 5 years ago,or you can try to call them to ask? Select 18 中環必列啫士街18號雍翠臺A地下 9121 3011 Comments are closed.
anchorlai on 9 July, 2014 at 19:32 Hi Mei,I bought it in Select 18 like 5 years ago,or you can try to call them to ask? Select 18 中環必列啫士街18號雍翠臺A地下 9121 3011
where can I buy the Karen walker sunglasses? thanks
Hi Mei,I bought it in Select 18 like 5 years ago,or you can try to call them to ask?
Select 18 中環必列啫士街18號雍翠臺A地下 9121 3011