A classic family dinner


前晚才能跟媽咪補吃 Mother’s Day Dinner,地點由我拍板,選了「打擰」從來都不喜歡的Amigo Restaurant – 雅谷餐廳不過我倆都習慣了跟對方唱反調式的相處了!再者,這次不是純粹為了我喜歡與否,而是我知到Daddy 媽咪會喜歡去 Amigo。

這其實是「打擰」教我的。他說老人家到了這年紀並不是太 care 有關物質上的炫耀,而是可跟朋友說:我仔女同我去邊喥邊喥啊玩啊,我仔女陪我去邊喥邊喥旅行啊等等。所以,帶他們去 Da Domenico 都未必夠帶他們去身邊朋友人人都識的 Amigo 「過癮」。

結果Daddy 媽咪都好滿意好開心。除了因為他兩個太耐沒來過之外,食物好啱胃口外,最開心就是能跟我和「打擰」共度一個很warm 的兩個多小時吧!

而我喜歡 Amigo 的原因,是因為那股老牌的貴氣。我就是愛這裡多年來都沒怎麼變過:無論是服務的 server (我認得起碼有4 個是元老級的了,他們這麼多年樣子都一樣,一定是用了「美源髮采」!)、那本用燙金印上訂台賓客名字的 note pad、裝修、擺設、又大又重的木刻椅子、用了幾十年的 Christofle 餐具、那塊活龍活現的玫瑰型牛油、不知怎麼可那麼脆和好吃的多士、那張吃甜品時影完並用 Amigo 紙相框套著的即影即有相片、那幾顆很好吃的朱古力、那枝送給女賓客的紅玫瑰 … 雖知這一切都會發生,但每次都仍會當它們是新的 surprise。

我是個怪人。雖然外表和思想行為好像很時尚很古靈精怪,但內心深處總是對又老又classic 的東西很感興趣 - 看我會愛上 「打擰」便知道了!:) 他們這些不會隨波逐流的態度,總給巨蟹座的我很多好溫暖的安全感。By the way,我還常常覺得,在某程度上我是有個soul 停留在我出生前的 1960‘s 的!好詭異?就是啊!

另一個喜歡 Amigo 的原因,是情意結問題。我小時候在跑馬地長大,唸到 Form 5 都還是在跑馬地打躉。記得小時候經過 Amigo 時,雖不知它是什麼來的,但那大大個無論晴天陰天雨天,白天還是黑夜都閃耀著黃泥涌道的金太陽,總吸引到我雙眼盯著它。還有,我人生買的第一層物業,正正就是這座雅谷大廈呢!

說真的,到我再入市買樓時, Amigo Mansion 的馬場景單位絕對還會是 on my list。


There are 6 comments

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  1. Samsam

    我記得我小時侯成日叫mama帶我去, 但係mama每次都話”大個d先啦”, 就係咁, 我就等左好幾十年lu…

  2. FaFa

    Hi Winnie,

    So happy for you since your 「打擰」 seems like getting along very well with your parents.

    I was educated overseas and my family is “modern” and ” finanically quite ok”, I would say. My boyfriend was brought up in a very traditional “finanically struggling” family and he respects his parents very much. He does not voice out even he disagrees with his parents. He is always a lovely obedient little child ( he is over age 35) !!

    On the other hand, my parents dislike him since they always think that I will not suit into his family after marriage and thinking that we are wasting each other time. I will definiely “downgrade” my living standard after marriage since he has to support his family in terms of $$.

    Do you think that the family background difference can be overcome ? I know I love him but the background difference is always the “fighting” point for us. Sigh !!

  3. winnieleung

    FaFa, thank you so much for sharing your stor. My reply could be one whole article as a token of appreciation to u! stay tuned!

  4. sammi

    係呀…..以前成日經過…都唔知係咩來的…後尾先知係餐廳……直至F.7後都好少踏足跑馬地…但對HAPPY VALLEY 都始終有情意結…同你一樣……^^..有機會都要去試下……

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