Anyway, big thank you to my Mom and Dad!
廣東話裡面常說: 不理三七二十一。
37 歲的今天我擁有比 21 歲時還要輕的體重、幼的腰圍、大的眼睛、整齊的牙齒、光澤的皮膚、care-free 的生活、平和的心境、澎湃的熱情、不累的鬥志…
Oh!!! It’s never too late to be 21 again!
———————生日快樂 ^_^
——– {~*~*~*~*~HAPPY*~*~*~*~ *}
——– {~*~*~*~*BIRTHDAY~*~*~*~*}
——– {~*~*~*~*TO YOU~*~*~*~*~*}
happy birthday to winnie 🙂
Happy Birthday~~~
wish you a very happy birthday winnie!!!!!!:D:D:D
Happy Birthday to u~~~~
Winnie Happy Birthday =)
Happy Happy Birthday my friend!
Hapi bday,, Winnie =)
HaPPy bIRTHdAy! Winnie.
happy birthday!!!!
生日快樂呀! 快樂女王 ^^
woooooooooooooooooooooooooo HAPPY BIRTHDAY ar !!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Belated Birthday, Winnie =) wishing you a better year ahead with loads of laughters ^v^
Happy belated Birthday!!! 有時覺得生日其實並不是太開心,因為又老了一歲,不過睇完你呢個post,我又覺得..係喎..It’s never too late to be 21 again! 不過我既心境去唔返21歲了…哈哈!!
Jovi: 多謝你啊!yes,it’s really never 2 late!
Queenie: thx
kennis211:thx sooooooooooooo much!
Nicole:thx!I love 你比我個名!
Winki:thx ah dear
Candy: thx so much
Ping:thx so much
L: thx my dear friend
Chorin:thx so much
nam: thx!!!
daisy*:thx and I had one!
Ar fei: 你好有心!thx