見到自己第一個 “Baby” 時,感覺,沒預期的興奮但卻很感動。
說的 ”Baby“ 正是史上第一個用 ”Winnie Leung“ 這個名字推出的商品 ~ 催情潤唇膏!!!
如果你有看過《從此更愛接吻,I love to KISS!》(可直接click 進去),你都會知道,因為早前我一個像被雷擊中而不經意產生的 idea,而導致有這支「催情」潤唇膏的出現。而合作單位,就是低調的本地星級天然香薰美容品牌:evie 。
evie 眾多明星名模御用的無敵卸妝油一向是我最愛最愛(我會形容它像 iphone 一樣:一旦用了,就沒得回頭)。而這次有幸能跟它作 cross-over,就有點像能跟謝霆鋒/林峰/梁朝偉/ David Beckham … 牽個手,接個吻一樣震憾!
說回我那支催情潤唇膏,由試用到 pre-order 用過的朋友和讀者們的反應都很好。尤其在它的水潤感和不像平時那些潤唇膏只像塗了一層蠟面就當「潤唇」那塊,均大獲好評 (該是因為選料上盛,全 100% 有機天然精油吧!)。另外,有情侶一起用過後,都覺得這支潤唇膏從此改變了他們接吻的體驗,並形容為 「sexy 得瘋癲」的接吻。又有情侶在塗過後不單是吻嘴唇(這個,大家自由發揮吧!),然後跟我分享如何精彩和整晚停不了口兼翻雲覆雨!還有,最愛發神經的好姊妹,塗了後說心情真的感覺輕鬆和開心了。
當然,催情不過是情人節推出的一個gimmick,皆因潤唇膏用上了具舒緩及催情作用的依蘭依蘭,還有幕後總監的祕密配方,說男人聞了會有點點心跳加速的感覺。別笑我賣花讚花香,就算不是催情,這支潤唇膏整體的質感,味道,和功效都實在跟我過去用過的有很大差別 ~ 各位,用得我自己個名來推出,怎也要見得人啊!而且,如果你一直有看我的文章,大家都知我份人一就一,二就二,有碗話碗有碟話碟。
然而,我和 evie 的心血結晶也非完美。由於由構思到製成到落實印刷只用了少於 7 天,加上農曆年前做任何生產九成都會出事,因此這 214 支限量版的包裝並未如理想。有些貼在唇膏上的貼紙做得不妥善,我誠實地為自己的商品扣分。
情人節拍拖未知去哪約會?不妨參考52大拍拖好去處,當中包括室外及室內活動,又有影相打卡點。如想嘗試情侶Workshop的話,也可一去近年大熱的Art Jamming和Tufting手作地氈。晚上用膳可到扒房或一些特色餐廳,餐廳環境多滿布浪漫氛圍,適合打卡之餘更可帶來窩心體驗與回憶。如果另一半是素食者,則可一看素食餐廳推薦。
Oh~ 我也想要丫, 請問一定要預訂嗎?? 仲有, 我依家先預訂, 來得切嗎???
HI Winnie,
我也想要一支呀, 趕到預訂嗎?
我想要一支啊, 仲可以預訂嗎?
你好, 還有貨嗎 ? 我發了email給你呢. thx
I want one too >3< Can I pre-order it now?
I want one!! Can I still place an order now?
Hi Winnie, 我想要2支, 仲可以訂嗎?直接去鋪頭有冇現貨呢?
Hi Winnie,
I want one… how to take order?? Thanks!!!
我想要一支啊, 仲可以預訂嗎???
Hi Winnie, I also want two, pls kindly let me know how to order or where to buy. Many tks !
我想問仲有貨!我想要1支!!!thanks a lots!
我想要一支啊, 仲可以預訂嗎?
NieNie:有的!你 email 我訂,我幫你留!winnieleungblog@gmail.com
Jackie: 有的!你 email 我訂,我幫你留!winnieleungblog@gmail.com
Agnes:有的!你 email 我訂,我幫你留!winnieleungblog@gmail.com
tt: sure, please email me :winnieleungblog@gmail.com
magicrach: 回覆你了!
Leslie:有的!你 email 我訂,我幫你留!winnieleungblog@gmail.com
Zoe: 還有,但要快,突然好多人買啊!
有的!你 email 我訂,我幫你留!winnieleungblog@gmail.com
joeychowjoey:有的!你 email 我訂,我幫你留!winnieleungblog@gmail.com
Agnes Ng:有的!你 email 我訂,我幫你留!winnieleungblog@gmail.com
baileys:有的!你 email 我訂,我幫你留!winnieleungblog@gmail.com
hi Winnie,
I want to reserve one too,still any left?
Ooo also I want a honey bee vinegar too~~:D please email me for details~~ thanks:D
HI, 請問而家仲有貨呀??
nice! Can I have one too? but is it too late?
Hi..Winnie, I want to order one ~~~ Sent email to you, pls kindly to check! Thanks a lot~~~^^
HI Winnie,
I sent the mail to u la fr: cheungjac@hormail.com, thanks.
Hi Winnie,
Happy New Year of Rabbit! I’d love to hv one. Pls check email. Wait for yr feedback. Thks : )
Hi Winnie, 我想要一支可以嗎, many thanks
hello winnie ~ i also want one !~ do u still have stock ? thanks =)
想預留一支呀, 有貨幫我留..唔該! thx thx!
Hi Winnie
Hi, Winnie
Could you kindly reserve one for me? Extremely want to try……and expect the wonderful moment to come.
Look forward for your response.
Hi Winnie:
Hi Winnie!我想要一枝呀!謝謝!
Hi Winnie can i order one ? my e-mail joeyw831@hotmail.com thanks
EVONNE:你可去我台北辦事處拿!我叫他們email 你吧。email 是?
Hi Winnie, 可以order一支嗎?有貨煩請留給我,many thx!
Hi Winnie! I live in the US, can I also order?? My sister is getting married in April, I want to order 2 of them for her. Can you please help me reserve 2 of them and also let me know how to order. Thank you so much!!
我今日收到即刻開嚟用 唔係幫你hard sell 係真係唔錯 嗰種感覺係一搽上咀 d精華好快就滲透同埋填滿晒d坑紋 潤而不”立” 個咀即時柔軟左 我9:35am搽 到依家都保持到個水準 有d後悔當初改order唔訂5支 真係送禮自用都好
HI Winnie! i hv sent the E-mail to you. Pls check email ,Thanks.
HI WINNIE 我都SEND左E-MAIL比你喇!麻煩你CHECK下啦! thank you~
Hi Winnie,
I have sent an email to you, pls check check la…THANKS!!!
Hi, Winnie,
我想要一支啊, 仲可以預訂嗎???
I want to get this lip balm will you bring some to Canada and share with your readers?
Hi Winnie,
I live in Sydney, can you pls tell me how can I order 2?
I have send you an email.
Hello Winnie,
我係琪琪呀! 可否給我你牙醫的資料呀! thx thx !!
P.S 你覺得 Dr Bauer RF家用射頻童顏機 ok 嗎?? 值得買嗎??
家用機邊個好呀?? thx !!
Hi Winnie
Can I order 2 too? Many Thx ^^
May I order three? where is your shop?
Hi Winnie, I would like to order 2. How to order? Any shop?
Dear Winnie,
I wanna order 2 also
各位:剛收到有關當局通知,還有最後 30 支 lip balm 可購買,如果要,建議你馬上email 給他們:order@bitchystore.com
kiki:謝卓強牙醫 – 跑馬地源遠街/旺角恒生銀行大廈 (電話:2893-9609)
i wanna get one 2, please send me email
i wanna get one,
Yvonne,last 20 now,please email to order@bitchystore.com,it’s quicker this way
Winnie : thx for reply, 都 $6600 架, 好貴架, 有冇平d 家用机介紹呀!
遲d仲会有lip blam 返嗎
Hi Winnie,
MORE裡面你還介紹了一個磨砂的…蜜糖的那個… 忘記了全名又沒抄下SHOP LIST雜誌就丟失了…可以再介紹一下嘛…???
這LIP BLAM也極想試…但還是直接SEND EMAIL去SHOP好了…希望還有貨…
我也想買1支lip balm 還有貨嗎?想打電話去shop, I think the phone nos in magazine is wrong.
HI Winnie:
Happy Chinese New Year!
Could u suggest how to pre-order or buy this lip blam?
Best wishes,
Karmen: Lip Balm may have sold out at shop, you can email to order@bitchystore.com ah
irene: sorry about my mistake, email them order@bitchystore.com la!
EVONNE: 你要多等一下,因為都賣完,我要安排安排。你可匯款到一個台灣賬戶,台北辦事處也可寄給你。
EVONNE: 好的,1 支肯定沒問題,2支真的看運氣啊!因為真的賣光了!哈哈
Winnie ,
好開心個日見到你 : ) 支 lip Balm 真係幾好用,不過末有機會同男人 try try ,哈哈哈 !! 不過感覺幾好 , 好快吸收曬 ^^ 仲個貼紙出左少少問題姐,個box 做得幾好ga la ~~ like ^^
Hi winnie,
買左Lip Balm, very good, Thanks!
但我想找一隻 依蘭依蘭+玫瑰味香水, 有無好介紹, Hand Cream都ok 架.
我係香港一間叫 “glamour perfume ” 自己調效香水味的香薰油
買到一隻 “依蘭+white must” 但味道傘法唔到出來, 如果搵到一隻香水有
依蘭依蘭+玫瑰味 就好啦, 因為我覺得依蘭依蘭呢隻咪好特別
Kennis211:我都好開心啊!你知啦,你是其中一個經常留言給我的!all the best in SG
Winnie, Can you give me info. about 皮膚吸塵? vallista@gmail.com
Thank you very much.
KrispyKris: 嘩!!!!! 你用緊啊?正到這樣啊?!hahahah
ah v: 陣間email 你。
你快d番貨啦… 查實全世界都等緊你呀陰公…
Hello, Dear Winnie: 我已收到你快递来的lip balm, thank you so much! 希望你可以告知快递费用,我想过数给你^_^ I am Grace from Guangzhou.
头先漏左讲:lip balm好~~~~正啊,I love it !! Thanks a lot ~~
KrispyKris:真啊?wow!但是limited edition 啊,賣完就無。不過,會同合作單位商討what’s next 啦!
Grace: 實在太好啦!郵費方面,fedex 張單寄給我後通知你啊!thx
Grace: Glad to know that!Fedex 張單到了我再通知你啊!thx
Hello Winnie,
I don’t know where is the best place to post this question, I hope you don’t mind I post it here. This is regarding the article that you wrote about the Haba ion my esthe machine. I just want to know if you are still using it? I often get cystic acnes when I have my period so I want to know if this machine helps. I read your article about this machine before but I don’t know where I put it. Do you mind email it to me? Thanks!!!!!
still stock last ? just note this product…maybe its too late, isnt it?
Hello sandy,I can email you, of course!Where to? Also,before you get one,let me just ask on your behalf if it can be used on “cystic acnes” skin,okay??
Thank you for your reply Winnie!! Please email your article to skincare008@gmail.com. I love your articles.
gwen chung:thank you for supporting,let me pass your email to the shop to see if there is still 1-2 left which people said they want but didn’t come and get it!Can you leave your email,please?
我想買winnie x evie唇糕哦,請回覆jobe Leung mob:92355215
Hello Winnie, just want to know if you ask haba for me yet? I know you are very busy, just curious. Please let me know. Thanks!
Sandy: please check my message again tomorrow :)
Hello Winnie, just want to let you know that I am still waiting for your input before I make the decision. Thanks!
Hi Winnie
May I ask if it’s a bit late to place the order now? I’d like to have 2 if possible. And how can I pay please?
I must say that you’re such a genuine and loving lady (no shoe-shining at all).
Thanks a million!
Yue Yue: All lip balm has gone,but please stay tuned,I will update you all once I have it again :)