袁彌明 + 我 = 當 Miss Trouble 遇上 Miss Trouble
我和袁彌明 (Erica)的飯局是由著明股評人黃德几 (Dickie)充當媒人,藴讓了不知幾多個月,終於在昨晚歷史性的發生。
無數次 Dickie 一跟我碰面話講電話都會說:「我一定要介紹 Erica 比你識,你兩個見面肯定會有 『火花』!」而我聽罷都不免有點壓力。
聽說,這位在 2005年進身香港小姐總決賽最後五強但卻落敗的袁彌明,是一個自以為是的女人。
我也知自己是個極不好惹而且喜怒形於色的人。萬一跟袁彌明見面時我真的受不了她,我一定會「黑口黑面」的!我不想做第二個業翠翠 (哈哈哈)!
但當我坐下跟她握過手 say hello 以後, 電流駁通頻道調正,感覺就如Dickie 在他的微博上寫:「 … 原因是她們同樣愛不平則嗚,美麗動人,『轉數』極高。她們亦如我所料地一見如故 …」。對,真的是有點一見如故。
我跟 Erica 說,雖然我不認識她,但她總會久不久在我生命出現:《中女告白》出街後,有幾個我的讀者在我的 blog 內提到 Erica 對該節目的回應,然後有人要求我反擊;又會有人 send Erica 在 Youtube 的片段給我看;接著會有記者找我回應袁彌明的出位言論;繼而我新用那隻洗面皂的代理會跟我說:「袁彌明都話好啊,佢都會話好,你放心啦!」
老實說,我在她身上的確看到若干年前的自己。一個二十多歲有頭腦有點子,要的東西幾乎都會得到的女人。對事情很有自己一套的看法,有碗話碗有碟話碟,不自覺地流露出來的氣勢有時會叫人有點無力招架。聽她在說話無需經過過慮,句句彷彿都很有她的 point。而她說的也跟對與錯無關,因為每個人都可有自己的觀點吧!當然,這樣做人得付上的其中一個代價是得罪人多稱呼人少,但這也是成長的一部份。
如果懂得利用環境去找到屬於自己和讓自己生存得有點與別不同的空間是叫罪過,那麼,那群一天到晚沉迷上「高登討論區」罵港女、中女的男人大可繼續賜予我們不只幾宗罪。反正,就像 Erica 說: 「做大事的男人怎會上高登打東西,你上去就代表你真的不是做大事的」。而我,則會形容這群男生,是只懂用腦袋來自瀆的可憐蟲。
而最意想不到的是,在離開餐廳時竟發現 Erica 跟我差不多高!我還以為要巨人那麼高才可去選港姐的,但嬌小玲瓏的她可入最後五強,的確是因為實力的!
當 Miss Trouble 遇上 Miss Trouble,負負得正, I had a good time!
A Tale of Two “Great Miss Troubles” . A good piece of article. You remind me of “Carrie from SATC”. Looking forward to your next article.
Gillian: thx for your compliment
Wow.. it’s nice to know that i remind you of CARRIE BRADSHAW!!!
Lareina: 係啊!多謝你留言!
如果個個都可以接受事實 5介意聽倒一d反對自己的評論 咁真係好難得 但始終忠言逆耳 我到依+都冇一個可以對住佢暢所欲言的真心知已 因為佢地都逃避ing自己真實的一面
kit: 係架!老實講,我好開放都好,有時聽完都會發皮氣,不過發完就OK,無事的!
wow…first time reading your article via the other miss trouble’s link. Having a great sense of harmony, especially “一個二十多歲有頭腦有點子,要的東西幾乎都會得到的女人。對事情很有自己一套的看法,有碗話碗有碟話碟,不自覺地流露出來的氣勢有時會叫人有點無力招架。”This is similar to me but version M32. To the other miss trouble, I don’t really share her radical view most of the time, but still like the way she express herself. And yours are more the suit-me version of the same kind, with profound layers. Never leave comment to an article like this, especially to a chicks forum, but your view inspired me to do this first time. Have added this site to my favorite link already. Looking forward to you next article ^^
Jackson Wong: Thank you for your message! I appreciate your realness! I couldn’t help laughing when I see “This is similar to me but version M32”!!! as well as descrbing my blog as “a chicks forum”!! I gotta say, I feel flattered, Jackson especially it’s not common that a Man would appreciate my article in such a manner… hahahah. Well, just make sure you won’t delete my blog from your ‘most favourite link’ even if I accuse all the weird stuffs about men in the future – which I will! OK? hahahah. Nice meeting u here!
Hey Winnie, the weird stuffs you talk about men is for weird men only. I am glad to say I am not one of them. Since I’ve never been to the 高登 forum yet…lol. In some way, I did agree on your view on those stuffs. It is interesting to understand things from a female point of view. I will only remove your link when you blog is all about 激光脫毛, 童顏秘技…hahaha
I understand, on this earth, there are too many men without quality. Jerks, geeks and losers are the by-product of the capitalism society. When money determinate one’s successness, we almost forgot there are many other things worth to pursue in life. Have read the酒店瘋雲 series, couldn’t help to laugh. Can imagine I will react the same, but again…version M32….hahaha. Nice meeting u too.
Jackson Wong: I just can’t help laughing everytime I see your message
You know why? I just realized I am one of your favorite kind: Gemini. I learn a lot about myself from your 愛雙子article, but I am not sure if I am really a Gemini since some said 21 of june is Gemini, and some said it’s a Cancer. Despite, I have all the characteristics that you describe for a Gemini. I am glad someone would appreciate my same kind. ^^
Jackson Wong: NO WONDER, GEMINI!!!!!!