

縱使收到堆到山那麼高的讀者查詢關於我由個皮球一樣keep 到 85 磅的瘦身妙法,都要大家苦等再苦等再苦等都不願分享絕非吝嗇。其實一直要讓大家久等的原因為要經過一年多嚴格測試和 research 兼確保對我肯定是有效的我才願公開。不過等到喇,今天出版的 《more》終於首度公開了。

在去年最後一期的《more》專欄寫過,2011 其中一個美容大計目標是要把 23 吋的纖腰 keep 到去 22吋半或更幼。好了,限期已到,是時候面對現實。而結果是 … 22 吋(不夠)!!!

而保著我 22 吋腰的祕密武器,就是每天「吃醋」。並非普普通通的醋,而是非常巴之閉,連紅遍中港台的《女人我最大》彩妝王子古小偉老師、李心潔、桂綸鎂、張羽等。有近百年歷史的 100% 天然蜂蜜陳醋。

我的祕密武器沒添加防腐劑或任何化學添加物,還以百年傳承下來的活菌發酵+純天然成分釀造出來的 - 對,是釀造,所以限時限量出產。總壇的訂單,永遠網頁那麼厚,一等又分分鐘等兩個月。沒辦法,百年老字號,是信譽保證嘛!而且據我所知,很多人都是用它來保健養生的耶!

以前香港沒有,都要我出開 trip 親自做苦力抬回來(而每次最多抬得那兩三支而已)現在香港有了總代理,我隨時買到來飲,一個月才$180-$300!不過因為買不到分分鐘又要等兩個月,我通常都買多set 🙂過農曆年是最容易快速肥胖的,買定 set 守門口都要了!

(抱歉因為不想跟《more》的內容重疊,所以要找天才能在 blog 詳細分享了!不過,大家可向總代理查詢:2892-0133 (每天 13:30 後致電),聽說很快便可全球網上訂購啊!)






There are 139 comments

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  1. cate

    Hi winnie! i really wanna ask about 疤痕增生及瘢瘤疤痕. I have this problem for years and now i have this problem on my FACE!!! i’m super scared and wanna die, do you have any suggestion for good doctors or anything. people said you can never get rid of them, is that true? and now it’s on my FACEEE! i think i’m gonna die…can u plz help me? please e-mail me at my e-mail address. thank you sooo much!! ergent. thank you thank you thank you!!!!



  3. Winnie

    Hi Winnie, 上次我係會展買果支差唔多飲哂, 個味道我好like, 令平日唔飲水嘅我飲多咗n倍水!! 多謝你嘅好介紹!!! and你間舖幾時ready呢?

  4. Katy


  5. Nicole

    hi Winnie,

    could you advise the brand name of this 天然蜂蜜陳醋 ? and where can i buy it in taiwan ? Please advise. thanks

  6. Cindy

    昨天買不到,今天倒塔咁早落街買,吃醋可全身減? 其實最難減手+腳,腰反而易減。

  7. winnieleung

    Katy:其實對我來說,我站著量,趟著量,坐著量都無 mud 所謂和分別。我據你提供的方法量,結果,分別是0.2吋。即是由 15.5吋變 15.7吋。

  8. Mi

    我琴日買左一枝, 好好味!
    但係想問下, 係唔係可以當普通水咁, 成日都飲佢定係每日只可以飲一定份量?
    同埋我根據佢盒上面既份量, 100cc 醋450cc水, 呢個ratio係咪可以自己再adjust?

  9. Sue

    hi Winnie,
    I would like to know the brand name of this 天然蜂蜜陳醋, too. and the store that i can get it in taipei ? Thx ^^

  10. CHERRY


  11. Jackie

    Hi Winnie,

    我今日都黎左買, 返屋企即飲…哈哈..唔知會點呢?


    btw, 你真人真係好好好好瘦呀.

  12. Gigi


  13. Jess

    今日即刻去左買啦, 仲見到你真人tim! 不過你又唔知我係邊個, 所以唔敢好你say個hi…你真係好瘦呀!! 原來妳都係好嬌小呢~
    其實唔太清楚個份量, 可以再講多次嗎?

  14. Nicole

    Hi Jessie,

    Thanks for yr info of ”好強勁的皮膚吸塵 review”.


    Happy CNY ~!

  15. Nicole

    Hi Winnie,

    昨天去咗買蜂蜜醋了, 可惜見不到你真人.
    謝謝你常介紹好東西 & 有見地文章!

    見到讀者Jessie 彈俾我的 ”好強勁的皮膚吸塵 review” 的資料了, 可惜優惠試用期(1月尾) 已剛過lu… 鳴…

    祝Happy CNY~!

    PS. 我估呢度有2個Nicole , 我不是問 “where is the shop in HK ?”那個Nicole

  16. winnieleung

    Nicole: 多謝你支持啊!我被邀請到現場見見大家,但走開左,唔好意思添!你想要的offer,我會再為大家爭取,你等等我啦!Happy CNY 2!

  17. winnieleung


  18. winnieleung

    Nicole: the shop in HK is in CWB,and products sold out already,but they can take pre order for next shipment arriving next week / end of month!You call them direct ,or leave me email la!

  19. winnieleung

    Jess: 哎呀,他們邀請我落去鋪頭,就是想我見吓我D 讀者,因為我從來都不出席甚麼 event,又沒機會見我D 讀者的真人作交流嘛!份量方面:你預是一枝 600-700 ml 礦泉水,85%
    水,10% 醋(若兩中國湯匙),5%蜜糖。但其實,我都是一切隨量,總之味道我覺得OK 便是了!有甚麼問題再留言給我啦!

  20. winnieleung

    Gigi 美女:我又係超愛honey 和酸野!你個order 要下一批翻貨啊!我 email 你啊!

  21. winnieleung

    cy: 我減肥之路的頭段都是不健康的做法,直到近年才健康!都係不要誤人子弟啦!哈哈哈哈!

  22. winnieleung

    CHERRY: 謝謝你啊,你沒跟我say hello!傾吓計嘛!個水瓶你預2/14 個禮拜有喇!

  23. winnieleung

    jessie:多謝你啊,我見到你這個留言都嚇一跳,而且好感動!thank you so much,really!我沒想過會有讀者這樣幫我忙!

  24. winnieleung

    Mi: 好味就好啦!不要當水喝啊,要喝水balance 吓的!每日你預喝 1-2大杯/1 瓶礦泉水size 啦!對,絕對可adjust,我從來都沒有跟它的建議份量的!hahahahah

  25. winnieleung

    Winnie: 喂喂!我當然記得你!你飲得好嗎?排便有不同嗎?開始瘦嗎?你快去:銅鑼灣銅鑼坊21-22號鋪啦,你還有全港唯一and 最後的嬌蕉包啊!你還要嗎?call 2892-0133 安排啦!

  26. jessie

    好小事姐,唔好咁客氣啦,你記得email d資料(lip balm同埋呢支醋)俾我呢. Thanks and have a Happy CNY 😉

  27. Nicolelee

    HI Winnie,

    haha, there are 2 Nicole here, so, i will mentioned “nicolelee” la for identify. noted the product sold out already. i want to order it .. .. can you reserve for me in next shipment arrival ? Thanks

  28. Rebecca


  29. winnieleung

    Nicolelee:So,I think you have reserved it yourself or else we wouldn’t have met at the shop,right?Let me know if you want more!hahahah

  30. winnieleung

    Chilli:I know you have reserved already,right?Cos I was the one who took your order!hahahhaahahahah

  31. Nicolelee

    Hi winnie,
    Yes, I’ve reserved one set already! Let try it first. if taste is ok, I will order more later on. Thanks

  32. Bobo

    Hey Winnie! I tried to call their number but really can’t reach them! And I’m leaving hk fir few months very soon x do you know any updated news for the order thing? Many thanks (^人^)

  33. winnieleung

    Bobo: you know what,I know their phone has been ringing EVERY MINUTE! sorry for that. As far as I know, if you order now, you’d be able to pick up at late FEB because there’s only one shipment / month and every shipment is limited edition as they are really 100% natural products. Where will u be going? They do delivery, too. Just that you need to cover the cost. Email them: [email protected]

  34. Tweety

    Hi Winnie,
    我係年二十九已經買咗一套(仲好開心可以見到妳真人^^),飲完之後便便有d改善,不過有時個肚攪攪下但又冇得去,係咪正常ga??And我send email去訂定兩套,大約幾時有回覆ga??Thanks!!!!!

  35. winnieleung

    Tweety: 對我來說是正常啊,我開頭都是這樣的耶!有甚麼問題隨時找我!下一批可訂的貨,已排到 3 月底了!

  36. Chilli

    Hi Winnie,

    I made the transfer and sent the email.
    Looking forward to the delivery : )))))))

    Thanks rrrr!


  37. Tracy

    Hi WInnie,
    I would like to buy this Honey Vinegar as well, is it out of stock now? When will be available? Shall I place order now?



  38. winnieleung

    cate: I have asked the doctor for you and here is her reply:瘢瘤疤痕 is when the scar tissue expands beyond the original injured or affected area whereas 疤痕增生is usually confined to the area affected. Please be reassured, there are treatments to deal with both types of scars, (to improve the appearance if not cure it) which involve locally applied cream, silicone patches, steroid injections, and laser treatments and so on. The best suited treatment or combination treatments really depends on the size and thickness of the scar and the area involved. It is best to consult a doctor first before taking any treatments.

  39. winnieleung

    Hello olivia,they are test running the paying system now!I’ll get back to you once I know u can do online shopping,okay? You can pay by credit card (VISA/MASTER)or paypal!But then you’d need to cover your own shipping cost!Wait 4 me!

  40. Susanna

    Winnie, 我買左啦..不過要等1個月…:(, anyway, thanks for you good choice..buy the way, I love the 蕉包…幾時有貨?

  41. Kennis211

    Winnie , ME again =.=”” 我係香港個日訂左一套,我想問如果我有朋友三月尾去Taiwan ,可以直接係TW 攞嗎?如果好煩就吾好啦。。。等到我返香港先攞啦 ^^ 吾該曬你呀!

  42. 藍莓

    我10/2 send email 去訂貨都到而家都冇人覆
    頭先想order 訂但幾次都話系統繁忙

  43. winnieleung

    藍莓:你不用灰。你知道嗎,天然陳醋真的不是在工廠生產,有時開個醋缸,真的有機會發現個醋不行,就會沒得賣一批。因為D 醋真是“讓” 足 1 年才可用,而且產量不是無限多。請妳耐心等候。最少,你知道,有我個大名在,又成個地盤在這裡,肯定不會跑掉的啊!

  44. cate

    hi winnie!!!!
    thank you soooo much for your reply! and thank you so much to your doctor too!! so glad that u still take your time to ask for me when u r already super busy. may i please have the contact of your doctor? is he or she a skin specialist? should i see this doctor or i need to find a skin specialist doctor? lots of thanks winnie! u helped a lot!!

  45. winnieleung

    cate: u r much welcome!my doctor is a 醫學美容 / 皮膚醫生。No worries!I go to her to do treatments,too and the price is reasonable!I can email u to your hotmail?

  46. cate

    oh that’s so great!!! yes please! thank you so much!! i’ll plan the trip to HK very soon to see your doctor! thank youu winnieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

  47. winnieleung

    boco:你預 1 枝 都大概 1 個月,如果你個胃沒甚麼病,飯前飲用會較好。其實,沖大一杯/支(750ml) 水,加 1 湯匙醋,加適量honey,一天分開來飲就ok 了

  48. Hilda

    有bb 可唔可以飲? 唔知之後點可以買, 生完急需, thank! Winnie
    好驚呀你有blog友食屎, 同埋佢好需要個袋咩?

  49. winnieleung

    Hilda: 我問過E 生是OK 的。只要不是有/有過 cancer,或者糖尿,都可以。當然,你可 consult 你的 E 生就最安全。至於有人叫我食屎方面,哈哈,得啖笑!

  50. winnieleung

    boco: 即是,你有杯/支水,你鍾意飲就飲囉!飯前飲會good,幫助消化,排便等啊。

  51. nicnic

    Winnie, I got the honey & vinegar from Taipei and with frequent constipation I now have poopoo twice a day! Thx so much for the recommendation but I wonder when I will see the slimming effect?

  52. RabbitJ

    hi~ may i know where can i buy it ?? any shops in hk or any online shop’s link ?? thx a lot !

  53. sukeiwu


  54. yan


  55. Ann

    支陳醋要$180咁貴O既?! 上泉發網係約為港幣$90咋喎, 反而蜜糖唔係差咁遠…..

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