


我說 「終於」,是因為留長的過程極之辛苦。基本上,我不戴帽的話就很難攪,日日都是 Bad Hair Day!我並不是想留像洗頭水廣告‘fig’ 水髮式的長頭髮 - it is absolutely not my style 也過了那 十八廿二 年代了!只是,因為我的髮質難得地和神奇地從天生的 「鋼線頭」比我吃營養 supplements 吃到變成又柔韌又健康 (如想知更多可直接 click 入:《變質》),因此我跟我的御用髮型師 Kenji 密謀了足足 9 個月,等到我把前面的留海留到下巴的長度就剪。而這次一剪,也不過是為了下一次剪更短的前奏。

聽起來其實都幾奇怪,留得這麼辛苦的頭髮原來就是為了剪 (因為頭髮長了才可玩更多 style & texture)。但做人常常就是這麼怪:減肥之前的第一步是先吃肥自己;賺錢的目的是為了花錢;喝酒不過是為了去嘔;出生後最後也不過是死亡;相聚原來是為離別作好準備 …

看穿了這些後做人沒那麼執著。頭髮剪了再留過,減肥後可再吃過,錢花了便再賺過,人離別了就再認識第二個。This is life, 一切都會過去的,一切都在生生不息地推動著我前進,令生活更多姿多彩。

你可說我不定性,但我就是貪新鮮愛改變的人。我回來香港 11 年搬過 10 次家(就算是買的樓,住了一會都會把它賣掉)、效力過 10 個機構 (轉得最密是剛回流那幾年)、去過17個國家 80 多個城市、買多過 200 對鞋 … 唯獨是感情換得不及這些多吧!以前,也許是因為不知道自己真正想要甚麼所以才不斷改變。現在,所有的改變也是因為我覺得該選擇是更好玩更具挑戰性令我或他人都有更大成長 - 所以即使要我冒很大的險我都願意。

留在過去不知幾多年的生活模式的安全地帶當然舒服。誰不愛舒舒服服?好消息是,不用變都可以擁有現在有的,又何必跳出框框去?但壞消息是,就只有這麼多了!生活不會突然變得太興奮卻又不會出甚麼事 - 反正若真的出事的話,多多少少也是能預計到的。就這樣,很 flat 地過一世。

我身邊有很多很多死都不願把長髮剪短的女朋友,我攪不清她們怕甚麼,可能她們都覺得長長頭髮兩眼發青光才是靚女。我常常笑她們幾十年來拍的照都不能辨認是屬於那個年代,很悶呢!不過我每次翻看舊照片時都發現我的髮型絕對 makes a statement 關於當時我的生活和心態。當中有不少慘不忍睹的敗筆之作,但這些都在鞭策著我去繼續進步!

又有些朋友做來做去轉來轉去都是同類型工作,過著相當 「穩定」的生活。大部份不是得個「忙」字,就是為兩餐為生活去博命做,但像機械人的生活又算得上甚麼生活? 我發現每次當我跳出我原本的工作框框,去接觸全新的東西時,往往就是我成長得最快和賺得最多錢的時機,你可說我好運,但我卻相信好運都要自己創造出來的!





腦裡突然閃過譚詠麟的一首老歌 《明天仍要繼續》,我很愛向雪懷填的詞,期望你也會被 inspired 吧!

就算我錯了 亦必須繼續
痛苦時 有眼淚去中和

沒有去愛過 怎知它美
沒有你愛我 問怎可脫俗
那管它 世界未原諒我

多奢侈的夢 一朝醒覺時盡變空
你看我時沒有淚容 愁懷懸在半空

明天縱多苦痛 命運繼續來
明天冷風吹送 面上有熱情
仍流過(未動我熱情 仍自我)


There are 13 comments

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  1. 小毛子

    play play play play!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ha !!!gu nite!!

  2. m's

    hellloooo Winnie 😀 又係我呀~~
    我就係”死都不願把長髮剪短” ge其中一個~~haha,,始終覺得短髮吾o岩自己囉,,sighhh,,


    係ar~winnie~想問你一個題外話,你覺得Long distance relationship work 吾work?


  3. winnieleung

    hello m’s: LONG TIME NO SEE.. miss u! 哎呀,原來的都係死都不剪,要長長頭髮兩眼發青光啊?hahahah!關於你的問題,讓我慢慢詳細答。你等等我,OK?!

  4. m's

    always waitin for ur blog update n comment reply ga la~~haha
    dont forget im one of ur fans on facebook XDD
    WOMAN ~ur really really HO GWEI AWESUM AR!

  5. winnieleung

    moon:感情经得起考验与否,看你和对手是谁吧! 我觉得所有人在最底层都没大分别的,只是经历,看法,态度等不同。天下最好的男人在某程度上是跟其他男人可一样也可不一样的呢,要看你的标准。我遇过天下最好的男人,确是跟坏男人有一个很大区分:他不出去偷情且很忠诚的!当然,人家会笑说:
    那里有猫不偷吃? 但只要你信那只猫,你也不会去做任何事去证明你是错的!落观点,自己也过得好一点

  6. winnieleung

    Hello m’s! Thank you for always being such a sweetheart!
    Re: long distance relationship – to be honest, I have never involved in one ‘officially’… but I do think that: 1) TRUST is the number one ‘must-have’ on the list, as long as there is trust in any relationship, it will work no matter where it happens. 2) Clear communication and alignment between the 2 parties on how they want to work this long-d relationship out. 3) It also depends on what kind of people the concerned parties are. For instance, I do know people who want to be in physical contact with their loved one all the times. So, if the 2 of you can live without physically touching each other, you have a better chance… 4) Technology certainly helps as we have all sort of ways to communicate conveniently 5) Save more $$$$$. $$$$ certainly is needed.
    Long-d relationship could be very romantic in a way. If I were to involve in one, I will WRITE LETTERS (not only emails and sms), SEND SURPRISES …etc. Long-d relationship could be working for me somehow as I am a person who needs a lot of my own space…however, I don’t think I can stand not seeing for a long time that’s why I said $$$$ is important! R U involving in one?

  7. m's

    awesum W ,thxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for ur comment!!!!! I can totaly see ur heart to write this bak to me!!! <3 ya 😉

    sighhh,,,yup,my bf is from oversea,,he is “gwei jai”,,
    he went bak to europe last month,n after dat i found out its rly rly rly HARD to keep this long d relationship 🙁

    rmb dat the followin couple weeks after he went bak to his country,,he wrote to me n tx me alot,,,but now he dosent do it much,, he always said hes so OMG busy of his college n so sry dat he dosent hav much time for me..
    sometimes i would pissed him off n blame on him how could he busy like dat,,even jus come online for couple mins, he couldnt do it,,,sigh,,,
    it made me feel he dosent care abt our relationship,,
    u know i jus wanna be honest das why i expressed my bad feelin to him,then he told me he dosent like me push him so hard,,,
    now,,,im forcin myself not to blame on him anymore,,keep those all bad feelin in my mind,,,,,,u know das such a hard wrk 🙁 awefulllll :'(
    ewww i rly duno wt to do ,,im so emotional n always think too much,jus cant control myself…

    n yes,,someone would say he may cheating me,,,but i rly trust him,,reallyy..

    he jus get the big package from me btw~~theres a hand made card,some chocolate,skincare stuff n wristband inside~u know im tryin to be a sweet gf n tryin to keep our replationship stable:/

    however,,he is plannin to come hk wif his school or himself in April / May,,i hope everythin will be fine b4 he comes here :/ n yeahh,,,,im savin money to go to his contry to vist him this year as well 😉

    hey sry W ..i jus wasted ur time to read this longgggg comment :/ i think ur a gd listener,,even i dun rly know u in real,,but i do feel so gd to talk wif u tbh 😉 i love to hear ur opinion u know~~ IM SO GLAD TO KNOW YOU^^

    n one thing ,i hope u can understand my bad english ,,,lol
    hav a nice day <3


  8. winnieleung

    m’s: Your English is perfect, be confident, sweetheart 😀
    Well, if he is meant to be the one, he will be the one. Just enjoy the process for now. Do bear in mind that keeping all those bad feelings in your mind is not healthy, if you want to do whatever for him, do it willingly and happily, otherwise, you would explode one day!!! I do see there is a difference between requesting and pushing – but only you can tell where you are coming from.
    Stay cool and have faith. It’s my pleasure to share my thoughts with you and I’m so glad to know you, too!

    xxx Winnie

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