


我從來沒有試過做一次療程出來的效果,可以 last 到過一個星期。還有,就是在不知情的情況底下,我身邊的人會察覺到我有不同而忍不住出聲。

好友 Maisy 問:「你攪咩嚟,點解白左咁多?」

沒見我3個多星期,幫我做 facial 的 Carol 說:「咿,你今次 D 皮膚好靚喔!」

餐聽老闆 Carol 說:「你完全無化妝啊?我咁黑睇都覺得你D皮膚通透啊!」


做了一次,馬上已見效果。而做到第 4-6 次,效果會非常顯著而皮膚也會得到明顯改善。還有,就是能享用世上最 top 的骨膠原面膜!最重要是,收費不昂貴!(尤其說明是我的讀者)

到底是甚麼一回事?我用後又有甚麼差別?記得買星期一出版,第 662 期的 《more》喇!!!


There are 36 comments

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  1. B.F.

    Hi Winnie,

    I like your blog very much since I think your message is very insightful ! However, should I give your some comments re. your recent posts. I found it quite “hard-sell” of the Magazine and it distorts the original concept of expressing your insights / good experience to your beloved reader. Hope you can consider my comments. Thanks

  2. Winnie Leung

    Hi B.F: Thx so much for your comments. Well, the reason why I have such postings lately is due to the fact that I got a new column on the magazine, so it serves as a preview of what’s going to be published, as I won’t overlap the contents here, and yet, would want readers to know about those beauty news (I’m not born to write those tho…), so there is a dilemma here for me whether to advertise a bit or to simply not mention anything about it, but I will certainly put your comments into consideration and see how I could shift it to a more comfortable way 🙂

  3. B.F.

    Hi Winnie,

    Thanks for your reply and you are such a fair person. For the suggestion, please don’t take it as a “personal attack”, it’s just a point of view from reader ( especially your fans). Good luck to you !!

  4. B.F.

    Thanks for your reply and you are such a fair person. For the suggestion, please don’t take it as a “personal attack”, it’s just a point of view from reader ( especially your fans). Good luck to you !!

  5. daisy*

    bought bought! watched watched!
    just that its too expensive for me!

    maybe i can ask for your recommendation when im older and i can afford it : D

  6. flora

    hey dear!!!!!!!!i need your big help,pls help me~~ 🙁

    i”m in taipei around 15days la,dont know why my legs suddenly very very itchy and looks red,is there any gd skin dr in taipei that u can recommend??wuwuwuuwuwu,,my legs very terrible now!!!!!!! >”w<

  7. JJ

    I am interested in the treatment and hope to try it out when I come back to HK on holiday. But I live in England and can’t buy the magazine, can you help?

  8. M L

    Hi Winnie,

    i watch your blog regularly, and enjoying all your posts.
    would you mind to give me the information of the 吸塵療程, coz i am quite interest of that.

    Thanks a bunch!

  9. Yim Wai Ting

    can you send me some details of 吸塵療程..omg..im the one who need it..help!! i miss the #662 of MORE!! 🙁
    many thanks!!

  10. winnieleung

    KK, I have not tried silk peel yet, but based on what I’ve read on the internet, they are similar in some ways. Did you have a chance to read the article printed on More?

  11. KK

    Hi Winnie

    So nice to get your reply. Nope, I was away from HK so I missed that issue of More and that’s why I asked.

    I have been doing Silk Peel quite a couple of times but it didnt have much effect on me. May be my skin is too bad 🙁

  12. Xoxolove


  13. Ada

    i have read your article (#662 issue) when i was having a holiday in munich, i have kept that page but my assistant just threw it away accidentally 🙁 so can i have more information of 吸塵療程?? Ada

  14. Yanb

    Hi Winnie
    I want to have more info of the captioned as well.
    And our company would like to send you some products (Lifestyle).
    Please let me know how to contact you.
    thx x 1000000000


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