

前幾晚看到有關瑪利諾修院學校 (MCS)那棵七十多年樹齡,有「鬼樹」之稱的老杉樹最後也逃不過被砍伐一劫的新聞報導都幾火滾。雖然我非Maryknoller,只是對面海的「好姊妹」;雖然我非環保或保育人仕,只是普羅大眾一個,但我確實可體會到校友代表 -朱茵(不是拍戲那個)在鏡頭面前那股憤怒與失望。

前陣子我開車經過自己母校,看到「 水塔」(對,我們港島這邊的建築也有「 水塔」)外牆不知從那兒穿了條白色冷氣機喉管出來,完全破壞了「堡壘」的氣質!看到校舍突然變醜都心痛萬分,然後每次路過都教我忍不住去罵到底是誰做了這麼一個不 make sense 的決定。只是一條水管已可令一個舊生憤怒,更何況是屬於 MCS 標誌物之一的「鬼樹」?

我不禁要問:到底大家何時才會真的醒過來,去好好保護天然資源? 去好好保育有代表性的建築物?

到了前天零晨五點,「鬼樹」正式要被移除。是為安全還是因為心虛而擇了這個「吉時」真是天曉得。事後校方代表還高呼這是 「忍痛」決定。校監啊校監,到底你真的有幾忍得?你說的痛又有多痛? 報導說,「鬼樹」的大部分樹根是在校園渠務工程中被掘斷才導致有如此下場的!

當然,校方可以大條道理彷彿很負責任說是為了大家的安全著想而作出「忍痛」決定。至於有否在事前負過一點責任去在政府研究如何保育這棵樹的期間,額外留意和保護「鬼樹」呢, I really doubt it! 到最後還很荒誕地去容許這事情發生,實在令人失望。(校監,go watch Avatar!!! )

有朋友會認為校友過份 over-reacted,甚至不理解他們的激動。我跟那些朋友說:「那棵樹見證著她們的成長 ,點都有感情吧!還有,it’s also part of the MCS heritage – 一個令校友們驕傲的東西 和school spirit!」朋友說:「棵樹遲早都會死啦!」我說:「That’s a different story! 你夠知你個女遲早會死啦,你會掟你個女落街嗎?」有關當局和校方如果真的有把這棵樹看代成一條生命,結果又會否有所不同?

記得較早前曾收過電郵,這個月19 號便是第七屆瑪利諾全球 Reunion 的慶祝活動,屆時或可加插「忍痛」到「鬼樹」遺址哀悼紀念一番。要有創意點的話,不防設計些如用「鬼樹」樹枝做腳底反射按摩的忍痛耐力賽,讓全球各校友親身感受校方所謂「忍痛」的體驗吧!




「你真係好好,你太好喇!都係我衰我唔好,我配唔起你 … 其實要分開我都好痛!」是多麼廢的分手對白!但我聽過。






There are 12 comments

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  1. J

    I love your post. I can’t agree more on how heartbreaking this has been to all Maryknollers. Outsiders don’t understand that to us, the Pine isn’t just “some old tree”, but an important symbol.

    “有朋友會認為校友過份 overacted,甚至不理解他們的激動. 我跟那些朋友說:「那棵樹見證著她們的成長 ,點都有感情吧!還有, it’s also part of the MCS heritage – 一個令校友們驕傲的東西 和 school spirit!」”

    真的很痛,但也很感激有人明白。Thank you for the clarification =)

    -From a Maryknoller

    P.S. Are you from MSS?

  2. winnieleung

    Hi J, yep I’m from MSS – that’s why I truly do understand about the school spirit thing. Honestly, I think this kind of ‘spirit’ happens only in schools with a very deep, cultivated heritage like ours. I’m proud that I was once a “Maryknoller” for 2 years (haha, as we changed our name when I was in P3). God bless the remains of the ‘Ghost Pine’ and to all of you!

  3. daisy

    睇完呢個poat之後我即刻跑去 corridor睇下
    不過 in fact
    MSS 唔止個 campus氣質下降
    連 d 學生的質素都下降了 hmmm..

    by the way why wont you come in and visit the teachers? : P

  4. winnieleung

    OMG!!!! So, Daisy…. you are….MY GOSH!!!! HOLY SMOKE, dear! I do come back once in a while, although the last time was like ages ago 😀 I just clicked on to the ‘staff photo’… OK, at least there are a few teachers from my ‘era’ , and Mrs M Yew & Mrs M Wong might remember me! Hmmmm…. I am now very motivated to come back and visit right after CNY! Thank you, Daisy!

  5. daisy

    haha im sure mrs wong will be very happy! : D
    so you did biology?haha its far too difficult for me thats why im in the art stream..
    you know what i just felt so familiar when i first read your words and now im really glad that i have a 師姐 like you haha
    (i just had the same feeling when i went to the dentists place a few months ago cuz i was later told that she was a mss girl as well)
    so there is something really special about we mss girl isnt it? haha
    i mean.. its not too hard to tell whether thr girl is from mss or not
    confident,not necessarily beautiful but definitely charming etc etc 😀

    and today i just suddenly came up with the idea that it would be great if you can come back and give us a talk haha : D

    last but not least
    im going back to china tmr so i better wish you a happy lunar new year holiday now : P

  6. winnieleung

    hi Daisy. NA!!! I hv always bn a “Science + Math Idiot”. I did art. The reason why Mrs Yew or Mrs Wong would remember me is because I was ‘naughty’ (as they described it). I went back once in 1997 and the 1st thing Mrs Yew said was: “You’re Winnie Leung from form 2B!”
    I can’t agree more on your comment “so there is something really special about we mss girl isnt it?”. I share the same feeling as you do, I could smell a MSS girl… I could also smell SJ Boys 😀

    Thank you sooooo much for your wishes. Same to you, Marymounter and I’ll see you soon after CNY – Yes I’m planning a visit back school (thanks to you!) Hv a training to do in Taiwan next week, and be back the week after.

    PS: FYI, one of the very popular “tutor queens” from “Modern Education” – Stella Cheng was from my form!

  7. Winnie

    “你真係好好,你太好喇!都係我衰我唔好”-Winnie,妳所寫呢句exactly係剛剛飛左我那個他所講的,我聽完都想兜巴星佢一野. But too bad, he said it over the phone. 而且覺得星完佢仲益左佢添,等佢好過d. 🙂 妳會唔會有機會出書?如果會真係好期待啊!

  8. winnieleung

    Winnie: you’re soooo funny 😀 我本書,5 月出喇。喥緊期夾我得閒出席D function。我估呢,到時又一大堆唔容許我發表個人觀點既人嘈喧巴閉!!!!

  9. Winnie

    One of my friends is going to HK at the beginning of May and back to Toronto at the end of same month. I will try to ask her to find it for me. Hopefully i could find it in Toronto la. Really looking forward.

  10. winnieleung

    Winnie: thx so much for supporting 🙂 Let me check with publisher if it will be circulated In US/Canada as well – it might, cos the channel I’m using is a big newspaper company, and that company has newspaper published in US/Canada.

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