心跳 … 停頓
In Loving Memory Of My Dear Sister, Arlene Leung (June 12, 1968 – April 19, 2010)
「我昔所造諸惡業 皆由無始貪嗔痴 從身語意之所生 一切我今皆懺悔」
啊+,妳比醫生說的 3-5 天足足早了幾天離開這塵世。
啊+,多謝妳在煩塵中的最後 4 個多月讓我陪伴著妳,照顧妳,服務妳,和愛妳 - 直到最後一刻來臨之前,都容許我是在妳耳邊說著佛祖的話。
就正如昨天妳還在掙扎去留的時候,我在妳耳邊說的一樣:雖然妳常常覺得很遺憾我和妳的關係不太close,因為妳從小便是我的兇巴巴家姐,但一切已改變了!在前幾個月我飛過去美國陪妳,直到昨天我握著妳手摸著妳臉的最後一秒,我們都相處得很sweet 很融洽。這百多天來,已絕對補償了過去不知幾年了,是嗎?在妳離開前,我感到妳在盡妳最後一分力握實我,還有反著的眼角流著那一滴眼淚…那刻我們的連系是多麼的親密!You are such a great sister!
啊+,妳也不用擔心妳離開時的容貌。我已按照前天在廣州那師傅交帶我去做的,把妳輕輕打扮過。在昨天下午,我替妳戴上了一對 bling bling 耳環(不要介意我把自己身上那對給妳唷!)還有專程跟 Miss O 和 「打擰」買了條超襯妳的Hermès 絲巾呢!在我替妳繫上絲巾那刻我是有聽見妳在呻吟聲底下「呀!呀!」兩聲的喜悅,當然,我跟 Sam 也照足妳意思把留海弄得整齊,在妳被「打包」前,是我我親手再把留海撥好的,so don’t worry!
而妳大可放心的是,我一定會排除萬難做到昨天在妳耳邊說的,不會把妳安排去殯儀館那裡去!我一定會把妳的 memorial gathering 攪得好靚,好warm,好型的。Trust me!
最後,想跟妳說,假若妳在極樂世界那裡見到一隻牧羊狗很像妳最愛的 Bailey 的話,請不要懷疑,因為他真是妳「Boy Boy」來的。在妳這幾個月努力跟病魔戰鬥期間,Bailey 也不幸跟妳一樣患上癌症,於 3 月 11 號比妳先走,現在你倆可團圓了。
啊+,you will always be in my heart. 我永遠都會記得在星期六妳最後一次清醒的跟我說那句:「Luv You」。
Love you 4ever,
Wing xxxoooxxx
傷心傷身, 她會安息的…
dear winnie:
R.I.P 姐姐~
Winnie, you did a great job, you guys had the sweet time together ! You are the great sister , in her mind too!
Oh, my god! I don’t know Bailey was gone! Bailey will beside her in their next journey and had fun in paradise!
Girl! Cheer up your mum and dad. Take good care of them!
R.I.P. Arlene.
Take a good Care, Winnie.
My heartfelt sympathies for your loss. Your sister must know you love her, take good care of yourself and your family.
RIP Arlene~
I know it will be a hardtime to lose a beloved sister…but you need to take care~your sister will bless you in heaven…:)
聽到都好唔開心….不過你要震作呀~!!! R.I.P. Arlene.
You are a great sister and she loved your very much. I was amazed to see how much your positive energy brought Arlene out of tremendous pain; I witnessed this myself. Arlene will live on in our minds and in our hearts.
Dear Winnie, Please take care and Add oil~! I love you too~!
R.I.P Arlene~!
睇完之後 我感受同你一樣的痛
呢方面 我唔擔心
你從來都係係我最堅強 最勇敢的senior
只要係最後幾個月 你用盡你所有的愛去愛阿+
佢係知道的 佢亦都無帶普遺憾離開呢個世界 就已經足夠了
多謝你 你又令我明白 我們應該好好珍惜當下
記得我有個哥哥嗎?從前的doe 我好希望同家人,特別係同哥哥的關係轉好
今日 我做到了
i love you always,and support you ..!
在你們一起的祝福下, 阿家一定可以到達樂土啊.
所以, 還在漫漫人生路的大家, 要好好加油 振作 啊~
Dear Winnie,
We will all miss her, love her.
Margaret mama Vancouver
Just want to say take care n take care!!
Dear Winnie,
My condolence to u and your family!! Especially to Sam!!
Although Arlene is gone, but not forgotten.
It was my pleasure to know her and to worked with her, she was such a
wonderful, caring and thoughtful person. May she rest in peace!!
Theresa K.
Hi Winnie,
I had the greatest pleasuring working with Arlene years ago on Vancouver-Taipei flights. She will always be remembered as the sweetest and happiest girl in my book. Best wishes to you and your family. And rest in peace, Arlene. We will miss you very much.
Wayne H.