從此更愛接吻,I love to KISS!
記得曾幾何時在我個 blog 說過:如果在接吻和做愛兩者之間二選一,我會選擇接吻。
而極好運地,這麼多年來我遇上的對手都是很不錯的 kisser。
要做一個 great kisser,先天條件固然要有,但我深信後天培養、練習、和保養都非常重要。尤其是在冬天的時候,誰要跟粗糙,乾旱,龜裂,流血的嘴唇接吻(不管是男還是女的) - come on!不要說接吻了,連看都不會想看到!
我是有全年 365 天都塗潤唇膏的習慣的。但過去好多年,試過太多 lip balm ,lip moisturiser ,lip 甚麼也好都沒有找到一支真正符合我需要的。直到某個我很喜愛的天然香薰品牌某天送來它一支未發售的 sample,我完全不能相信等了幾十年終於給我等到支潤唇膏可以不是隨便塗層「立黏黏」的蠟在我雙唇上就算「潤唇」的了!無奈我並不喜歡該 sample 的香薰味道,於是跟該品牌一直在聊,然後繼續聊啊聊,就在電光火石間像給雷劈了一劈,我忽發奇問世界上可否有支潤唇膏是催情用的呢?就這樣,一個我做夢的沒想過的史上全新構思就出現了:
這就是由 Winnie Leung 親自主理 X 某知名天然品牌(發售就知是哪個喇) Cross Over 的潤唇膏!
從來沒有試過接吻可 sexy 到如此瘋癲的地步。兩張唇像是貼了磁鐵的棉花糖外,感覺還像在水裡面接吻。
這支 lip balm 會趕及在這個情人節前推出的了,並限量發售 214 支 (也接受海外訂購)。
Anyway,I LOVE TO KISS (with u)!!!!
情人節拍拖未知去哪約會?不妨參考52大拍拖好去處,當中包括室外及室內活動,又有影相打卡點。如想嘗試情侶Workshop的話,也可一去近年大熱的Art Jamming和Tufting手作地氈。晚上用膳可到扒房或一些特色餐廳,餐廳環境多滿布浪漫氛圍,適合打卡之餘更可帶來窩心體驗與回憶。如果另一半是素食者,則可一看素食餐廳推薦。
winnie 你又釣我地癮啦…….
winnie 你又釣我地癮啦…….
Winnie : 我要!!!我要!!!我要!!!今日過數都得!!香港攞都得!!總之我想要 ^___^ 我星期三返香港啦 !!!
Winnie : 我要!!!我要!!!我要!!!今日過數都得!!香港攞都得!!總之我想要 ^___^ 我星期三返香港啦 !!!
Looking forward to it ah ^^
Looking forward to it ah ^^
期待!!!!!! 要訂呀!!!!!!
期待!!!!!! 要訂呀!!!!!!
Love it! 請問幾時有得買呀?
Love it! 請問幾時有得買呀?
I want one too…
I want one too…
Wow! Very nice to me!! I really want to buy one!!
How can l order it?
Wow! Very nice to me!! I really want to buy one!!
How can l order it?
期待-ing ……
期待-ing ……
very interesting!!! from malaysia. how to buy it ?
very interesting!!! from malaysia. how to buy it ?
I want one too…how to order???
I want one too…how to order???
Would you email the order method for me?
Would you email the order method for me?
Dear Winnie, I really want to buy this, could you please tell me how to order ? thanks so much!! my email: gzgracelee@tom.com
Dear Winnie, I really want to buy this, could you please tell me how to order ? thanks so much!! my email: gzgracelee@tom.com
u have to reserve one for me
will keep for my Mr Right
u have to reserve one for me
will keep for my Mr Right
我好想買呀?可否email訂購方法俾我呀?Thanks a lot!!
我好想買呀?可否email訂購方法俾我呀?Thanks a lot!!
JOJO:我email 你啦
JOJO:我email 你啦
A:of cos i will!不過u can use even without mr right,u use it to attract mr right。but 此右不同彼"佑"^_^
A:of cos i will!不過u can use even without mr right,u use it to attract mr right。but 此右不同彼"佑"^_^
grace:今晚email 你!
grace:今晚email 你!
Dice:沒有地區限制,但相應郵費要付囉!不過支lip balm 那麼輕,一定不貴。放心
Dice:沒有地區限制,但相應郵費要付囉!不過支lip balm 那麼輕,一定不貴。放心
Winnie … 我又想要呀!!我明天返香港啦!!同埋你係咪仲有 Dr Wu marks 呀?我都想要呀,幾錢呀?你係咪會 email 我知ga ^^ 吾該吾該支 lip balm 又幾時又呢??
Hi Winnie, Im so interesting in tht lipstick!! can u email me more details? will defff buy one!
Hi..winnie….a bit late but could u email to me pls ??? thanks a lot
HI Winnie, I want too!!!!!!! please send to my email
Hello, I want to know the order information, thanks!
Winnie,, email埋比我呀!好有興趣呢!thanks=]
would you email the detail to me too ? i wanna buy it & i’m in Toronto.
各位:我保證你們會在1/26 號之內收到我的email。搞太晚了,真要sleep!Thank you all!
Hi Winnie !! Please can u email me about this too?i m desperate for this!! Thanks!
我都要買呀!仲要送埋比朋友!pls email me^^
我都要買呀! email埋比我呀!好有興趣呢!THX
really looking forward to it~ i also need lip balm everyday, but can’t find one perfectly fit me, please email me the order info! thanks thanks!!!
之前試個您介紹金箔洗面皂及mask, 超好用!!
今次lip balm我都非常有興趣, 請問如何訂購, 我想立即試吓感受一吓!
I live in Macau, can i order ??? how to order ??? pls advise!!!!
Dear 各位:我已逐一發了email 你們了,請check 一下!如果你還沒收到,請再留言給我啦!謝謝你們的支持!
我都好想試下呀, 可唔可以email 埋俾我呀?? 謝謝
I couldn’t receive your email. would you please send the info to ahsa358@gmail.com
thousands thx ah.
Joanne: emailed to u already, please check
Rita: 已email 你了
magicrach: 已email 你了!
我想在214之前滋潤一下…Please Email to me!! Thanks for your sharing~
maggie:剛email 你了!
我想要呀,, please email俾我
ling: email 了給你喇!
我都想買呀,pls email me la, thanks~
Me too~ please email me as well! Thxx :))
Ester:emailed la
Gigi 美女:emailed to u already
哎呀~ 漏左我呀~ thanks^^
Boey: check email 啦!
Hello Winnie: I have sent you a email about the payment of lip balms, my friends in HK helped me to pay to the HSBC account for 2 lip bamls. Would you please check the email and account? Deals are in the email, thanks so much !!
I just got your email and have replied, Grace. Please check
hi Winnie,
i want this lip blam too, where can buy it ?
Hi Winnie,
I wanna buy the lip balm too, can you please email me the details, thanks.
hi winnie,
Nice to talk with you today afternoon ! finally bought the lip balm and try it immy.. its very moisten , smell good , texture is good too !! I like so much !
Nicolelee: Did you buy it together with Vinegar that day? It’s at the same shop
Jujub: The lip balm can be bought at: 銅鑼坊21-22 號鋪。It’s located at CWB behind sogo, near President Theatre. There is a Mannings, and you follow Mannings on JAFFE ROAD, and within 20 steps, you’d see an escalator on your right to a mall called RED MALL, take the escalator and turn right, walk to the very end and you’ll see a purple big shop.
Nicolelee: OH!NICE!I finally got my first feedback from my reader!!! 一日可一塗好多次,我自己同我身邊D 人都博晒命塗這個催情潤唇膏啊!
係咪可以直接上去redmall買架?因為我係super 鐘意塗lipbalm的!
happy chinese new year ohhhh~
Yuki kwan: 直接上去吧!我的“私密架”會放貨在那裡。Happy CNY!!!
wooo~thanks for your reply!!
同埋may i have your email…thanks a lot!!
我都想買支…請email給我(請內含寄送至澳門的大約運費), thx^^~
Zero: 好,check 完馬上回覆!
Winnie, 很開心昨晚見到您! 但之後好後悔無問你取簽名同影相(揼心ing ~).
開左支lip balm 用, 本身鐘意香薰同年燒n罌唔同牌子lip balm的我, 十分滿意! 最suprise既係 ,未用過支裝比到呢種特別既感覺 — 佢柔潤之餘仲可散發陣陣香薰油的味道, 佢既潤係keep得到架, 依家放左呢支心愛既lip balm向化妝袋, 搽完成日索索索, 好香呢! 請繼續努力 !
好有興趣!!請問還可訂呢支lip balm嗎?怎様訂呢?