引頸以待-Marni at H&M!


那邊廂Versace x H&M系列剛剛才於月中發售,這邊廂下一個與H&M合作的品牌又經已有消息,而且是眾多合作品牌之中最令我震奮的-Marni!

“The collection mixes Tribal prints with Bauhaus graphics in a playful, colorful way that catches the sporty but always so chic world of Marni.”
“It is great to speak to a wider audience and in particular to the younger generations”

— Consuelo Castiglioni, Creative Director / Marni.

“I’m a huge Marni fan! She is one of those thinking designers/…/ she aims for a sort of sensuality of the mind…”
— Tim Blanks,style.com

是次消息並非由Marni、代理Marni的Joyce或H&M發出,而是由瑞典的Barracuda Film & TV拍下此系列的一些making-of,看那clean-cut波點外套和mixed-pattern的連身裙,很有Marni的風範,令我對系列超級期待。

