前晚我跟自己說再不能留在香港(雖然我禮拜六就要去西藏了),留在家讓我窒息讓我很不好過。留在家假裝一切安好實在快讓我發瘋。睡醒後立即致電我的 travel agent 訂機票,下午就離開香港。 其實起初我看著天下著像黑色暴雨警告那麼大的雨時還有點躊躇不決。因為下著那麼大的雨又 call 不到車的話,對我離開家門太有難度… 等了個半小時,雨停了,我終於落實我的 trip。
由於在家直接出發,於是還約了我的助理小姐在指定時間於機場 CX 的 Isle B 那裡等我,因為我需要她帶點東西來給我出門用。Call 了車來接我,誰知偏偏在進入隧道前一刻我忽然記起自己沒有帶 passport!於是,要折返回家,同一條隧道來回走了 3 次!
好了,比原定時間遲了 10 分鐘去到機場,找到助理小姐,拿到我要拿的東西,可以 check-in 了!怎料 …
「梁小姐,你有另一個 護照 嗎?你這個有效期不夠半年,不能入境的!」Check-in counter 的服務員跟我說。 「WHAT???? 」我叫道。天啊,平均一個月出兩次門的我當然沒有意識到我的 passport 會在 2 月到期。縱使航空公司怎樣替我搞來搞去都好,有關當局還是 confirm 不會讓我入境!
我,唯一想到的是 「天命難違」這四個字。的確,我明白宇宙為甚麼要這樣對我。
這段時間,我有我的課題要應付。有些人,有些事,逃也逃不了。 要處理要反省要接受要反臉要大叫要大笑要大哭要什麼都好,總之就是要穿越。
愛 ~ 勇敢愛。And this is MY journey!
謝謝我可愛的助理!Miss K,you are always my sweetheart!Thank you!
怎麼最近Winnie妳好像不太愉快?CHEER UP~~~~~~平常是你為我們灌注正能嘛
Dear Winnie,where do you go lei?your second home again??
Cheer up winnie. U r leaving for holidays soon!
Trust you will feel so different when u r back=)
個天見你咁難搞,唯有迫住出手囉 ^_^
我也有經驗,與朋友一行8人去旅行,郤發見其中6人passport上沒有6個月有效期(包括當時專責替公司同事安排公幹的我,平日經常替他們申請簽証,及提醒他們更換passport 事宜,差點老猫燒鬚)幸好及時發現,齊齊到入境處要求加急辦理快證。
Ar fei: 你悟到D mud?
Jen: thank you so much for empowering!
winnie: wa hahahahahahahahahahhahahah! thank you !
Banjo: 嘩!你個經歷好險啊!離島?有什麼好介紹?
I have no idea…..
Hi! Winnie, this msg is regard to your #622 More, “好強勁的皮膚吸塵”, I missed #622, can I get more info about that? (my email: Goldywk@yahoo.com) Sorry that I commented here instead, because I was not able to comment in that article for some reason?!?!
Also I have seen u recommended Shills black mask set a few months ago. Where can I possibly purchase that at in HK??
thanks so much and hope to hear from you soon.
cheers up Winnie…keeping smiling and stay black
Hello Wendy: Thank you for your email. All you need to do is email to : order@bitchystore.com and they can arrange the Shills products. As for the“好強勁的皮膚吸塵”, I highly highly recommend you to buy a copy of my new book and I have a few pages about this and btw, you can get discount by using the coupons on it. The book is really really 抵買as you’d be able to gather all very useful info and very very attractive discounts all under one roof!You can just email them and let them know if you want the book,too!:) thank you for supporting btw.
jackson: long time no see, mr gemini. it’s just touching to see you leaving me this message….. and yes, i’ll be back soon
you’re so nice and deserve some lovely surprises in life…..