大龍鳳 - 為什麼境外求偶?(+招募讀者)
境外求偶的現象日見普遍。男男女女都愛北上找另一半。網上很多數據更顯示,香港女性仿佛真的很 desperate 一樣。例如有國內交友網指,港女登記的人數每天以 230 個遞增,而且又有國內婚介公司指出,港女條件都很好,月薪平均過港幣 $5萬,但填寫表格時對另一半的要求(如收入,車,樓等)都填「要求不限」。
境外求偶固然是其中一條出路,但又到底基於甚麼來選擇地區呢?北上夠方便所以就去嗎?鑽石級媒人 Mei Ling 曾跟我說,如果她要替我 match making,她不會給國內人給我因為夾不到性格這麼開朗的我。雖然我英文好,但是她說我絕對不會想跟個法國人或者德國人一起,我也不會想去哪裡居住。所以,她會給大城市的外地輸入男人我,因為如果他朝有日要回歸他鄉下,我都會住得慣住得開心為大前題。Mei Ling 這麼專業,我當然沒有意見。只是,聽起來還是覺得有點怪怪的。我以為,如果我跟他夠愛大家,地域與文化該不是問題。但是,專家有這個說法,當然很值得參考。
境外求偶我都有點經歷,Long distance relationship 在現今科技當然也不成問題。但我從來沒有幻想要跟老外一起,因為我始終喜歡底子裡有些中國文化傳統的人。說廣東話說普通話我到沒所謂,其他語言,就算多流利都好,就總像有點不到肉…
繼上次在 blog 招募了有姐弟戀經歷的讀者跟我吃 lunch 並接受我愛情專欄的訪問,這次我誠意邀請跟老外或者有境外求偶戀愛經驗,甚至遙距愛情關係和異地戀的讀者來跟我分享,可以讓我們多瞭解當中的點滴,給些意見,鼓勵或者提醒。
如果你有朋友是,一樣歡迎你轉發給她/他們。只要在星期六下午 3 時前email 我便可!(email 地址在profile box)
THANK YOU!Have a nice day!!
U look so 格格不入in the pic ! Please don’t chok anymore .. Be natural is good to u !
Dear Winnie,我是Eva, 我住在澳門,現在和先生旅居上海。對於港澳女性的婚嫁取向,我最後得出的結論是,如果本地男士不行的話(local),就考慮“入口男人”(import),例如從外地調往香港工作的男士,最好是他們打算留港發展。如果連“入口”都不得的話,就把自己“出口”啦(export)。以上各位僅供參考。
Ding:thank you for your message but that’s the natural side of me already.
EVA HE: 喜歡! 那你這刻在哪裡?不如你來我的飯局啦!
kellyk:其實我現在幾乎晚晚捱住眼訓凌晨 4 點post blog,我估我真的prefer 寫一些簡單直接不用看太多 research 和post 太多照片 的東西 at the moment,請見諒。如要看美容,可考慮買 more,每期美容專欄還是繼續。
kelly k:不過我生活正常之後都會照以往一樣,久不久會寫。好快都會有。麻煩按耐一下。thank you,感謝感謝
Dear Winnie,
I’m from Hk and I studied abroad. I’ve dated Hk Chinese, Taiwanese, and westerners (Canadian, American, British, australians); I’ve had a number of long distance relationships. Now I only date westerners. Somehow 我同local 男仔唔啱channel. Contact me if you need help. Cheers!!
Tonton: That’s really great!!!!! Please kindly kindly email me at winnieleungblog@gmail.com as I don’t have your contact
Ps. Also dated Italians and malays…
wa…. 我好想同妳食lunch呀))))) wahahhahah, 異地戀= 我好有經驗呀
我同我老公04年1月係ICQ識架, 傾左3個月之後我就黎呢边旅行根住大家開始拍拖, 假期完左之後我就番HK同公司遞辭職信…..之後我就再過黎结婚嘞….由識到结婚頭尾都冇半年, 我都算係閃婚囉….而家都结左婚就黎8個年頭了
缘份既野真系好奇妙既, 未識現任老公之前, 我曾經住系意大利5年時間, 也有個3個意籍男友, 反而我好耐之前也試過同hk男仔拍拖, 我都覺得大家好似夾吾到咁, 可能性格問題吧 
Halo Winnie ~ actually I m one of your little fan ^^ I appreciate your brave and generous
really !! Somethig that depressed me..Could u help me … I am gaining weight about 10 lbs .. and I knew that you had lose weight successfully
could u please tell how u did such job to my e-mail >< many thanks '!!!!
Hey Winnie, I become your fan after you appeared on 盛女, you are a very brave and strong women =] +oil! Anyways, I have been in a relationship for almost 8 years now. Within the 8 years, the long-distant relationship continued for 6 years. I am studying in the states now, but somehow I don’t find western guys attractive at all. I guess it’s because of the cultural differences but I have some friends that only date western guys as well. let me know if you need help as well =] gd luck on everything!
sorry,講漏左,我的contact email是mcdullhe@yahoo.com.hk
Hello Winnie.
Not sure you still remember me. I’m the “Winnie” from Canada, the one whom you helped out in 2010. I got married in 2010 and my baby is about 7 months old la… The reason I send you this message because me and my husband are also 異地戀, Hong Kong and Toronto. Hahaha.
Winnie: I do!! of cos I I am very very happy to see your message! How’s life treating u?!? you in Toronto , hubby in HK?!
JC: thank you very much
JC: wow, very interesting! so where’s your other half? Sure, will not 客氣 if i need your help!
Vicky:saw your message and read your email,but really need more info,there are different reasons that lead to fatness
EvaHE:下個topic 你要來啊,這次趕不了!哈哈!
kk:“Hi winnie
睇左今期more介紹的HGH補充劑,好吸引呀,好似可以改善到好多問題咁,想問下一罐大約食到幾耐呀?足夠一個月用嗎?因為我見得250g好似好少咁,thx” 不知為什麼你的message 看不到,但是anyway,可以吃到 2 個月起碼嫁!
Hello Winnie,
So glad that you still remember me!
Hubby is working in HK now. Long distance realationship and it’s so hard to maintain it. Both of us are still learning how to maintain our overseas relationship since day 1 we know each other.
Wish you all the best in your career!