一check in 飯店房間,我都有習慣先把所有個人清潔/護理用品拿入洗手間排好的。這次排完後都忍不住要show 一show給大家看看。
這裡的水又硬,空氣又髒,還要 6 天被逼在空調環境裡面, 我真的要帶來整隊護膚部隊來嚴陣以待啊!
1 ) 超滑洗面 mousse – 我出trip 不會帶平時白天用的金箔洗面肥皂,而是用我晚上用的蜂皇漿洗面mousse。其實這支是我跟合作單位在研發中的產品,未在香港發售。不過,那些泡泡又滑又綿,用完塊面明顯白白淨。
2 ) ilcsi Mineral Concentrate – 這個我前幾期在more 寫過。有”匈牙利聖水”之稱的深層護理洗臉 product,能夠幫助粉刺浮出來和為暗瘡消炎和對過敏皮膚有效。這個100% 天然有機產品絕不能用幾句就寫完,所以我好快會寫一篇關於它的 blog。(Bitchy Store 有售。$395)
3 ) Dr.James Clinic Brightening Fomula – 又是前幾期在more 寫過。由有”教主”稱呼的一位本地醫學美容醫生親自主理的私房serum。 我叫此serum 做”粉紅救兵” 因為它含維他命B12 所以製成品的顏色是粉紅色的。 由於Dr. James 太出名,而且用過的人都知道效果令皮膚色澤均勻到有多麼神奇的地步,再加上不靠點關係都拿不到貨,我一口氣掃了 6 瓶(3 瓶自用, 3 瓶送禮)。(由於得到好姐妹拔刀相助,現在連Dr.James 自己都沒有貨但偏偏Bitchy Store 有售。 原價$1280,我的讀者價$1100)
4 ) 過百年歷史的純天然薰依草+蘆薈化妝水(外國買,遲些帶回來益大家),這瓶是我為了方便所以倒了入藥水樽去
5 ) ilcsi 去印美白保濕精華 (香港就快有售, 可致電66089014 找陳小姐)
6 ) Cetaphil 超保濕body cream – 這個牌子由加拿大年代用到現在,唯一讓我不會乾的body cream (Watson’s 有售 $110)
7 ) ilcsi 保濕亮澤精華 (香港未有)
8 ) ilcsi 有機 Sour Cherry Whip Moisturizer – 這個連成龍都有用和出品過的超保濕cream,也有助淡印 (香港就快有售, 可致電66089014 找陳小姐)
9 ) Juice Beauty 幹細胞 eye treatment (金鐘西武 A Beauty Bar / PP + Times Square 連卡佛有售 – 忘記幾錢)
10 ) ilcsi 景天草去印美白 Gel Mask – 這個是我自己弄出來的 Travel Size (香港有售, 可致電66089014 找陳小姐,售價好似是$700 左右)
11 )ilcsi 玫瑰果保濕Gel Mask – (香港有售, 可致電66089014 找陳小姐,售價好似是$400 )
12 )泉發玫瑰花瓣臉部+嘴唇磨砂(Bitchy Store 有售。$190)
13 )ilcsi 茄紅素+C SPF20 有機防曬 – 最全面有效夠抵擋UVA 和UVB ,還要把UV 變做維他命D(Bitchy Store 有售。$774)
14 )erbaviva Lemon and Sage 有機止汗噴霧- 下期more 會介紹
treatment (金鐘西武 A Beauty Bar/ 連卡佛有售 – $240)
15 ) Dr.Vanessa Tse 開給我的藥用美白去印膏
16 )endocare 修復細胞蝸牛精華素 – 見還有剩所以帶埋過來。因為手癢亂搞自己的皮膚出事了,要修復一下。(14支裝售價$700)
想買 Dr.James Clinic Brightening Fomula, 可唔可以俾Bitchy Store個地址我? 謝謝^^
JS: 上網都買到架! http://www.bitchystore.com 當然,如果你要親自去,地址是:銅鑼灣謝斐道501-515 號銅鑼坊 21-22號鋪(扶手電梯上去右轉直行到尾路口左手邊大鋪) 電話: 28920133
Hey Winnie 加油for your 溫州 trip 🙂
謝謝您呀!!!!! 已經上網訂咗啦, 好期待^^
你好, 請問在那裡可以買到 endocare 修復細胞蝸牛精華素? Tks in advance
我對支聖水很有興趣 🙂
hi winnie, i would like to buy item 2 and 14 but i checked bitchy website, it’s not there. Any idea where I could possibly buy?
Winnie, I’d like to buy item (3) but can I order at HK$1,100 over bitchy store web? Thanks
Monica Au: Thanx! Wenzhou is always challenging
K5: my PA bought it for me in RED MALL in CWB, you just take the escalator up and then turn right, walk for 30 sec and the shop is on your right hand side. Mine is a special promo pack, I supposed.
May: They will have item 2 on website in these 2 days, but for item 14, i did not ask supplier to give me any… so if you wanna get it, you can go to Seibu or Lane Crawford 🙂
DD: You can email directly to [email protected] and communicate with them, but the discount period will be due soon. Act quick 😀
Hi Winnie, 我已在bitchy store買了Dr. James Clinic brightening formula,用了數天,感覺不錯,毛孔好像有收細了。但剛發現其成份有retinol, 想請教是否如懷孕不適合使用此產品? Thank you!
JY: 我已經託人幫你問了當事人(Dr.James)。可以用的,因為成份很低。他exactly 是這樣回答:Minimal cutaneous absorption to bloodstream and there are many types of retinoids. The retinoids in the serum is not the same as roacctane or accutane or retin-A types of compouds。放心。
phone them 2 wks ago and again last week for Dr. James Clinic Brightening Formula, they said all out of stock. I wonder if we can order in their website, but it si $1280, not the special price $1100 as referred by you if I buy via website ah.
erica:Well, I just bought one at the shop today and saw there are some stocks! As far as I know, when you place an order on the website, the person in charge will contact you by email to confirm things and at that point, she will arrange that special price to you. I think the special period might have been over, but do tell her that you are my super fans and told her you contact me here and she is very very likely to give you a discount for this one time 🙂
thanks a lot for your advice, I will call them tomorrow again and ask if there is stock as they mentioned there is long waiting list.
If bought in website, it needs to pay by paypal or visa, so I need to pay original price, right, so can’t pay at the special offer from your referral wor.
I will call them again. Thank you so much!!!!
and yes, I go and buy those products and try those facials recommended by you in MORE ler, so please share with us more “secret” good stuff for ladies.
And want to ask, do you have any idea on Olecule Radiance C from Skinic, and its White 1.2 and Fine lazer treatment; some said it is not as good as using Q Swtich.
And I see there is a new product in website about dr brandt microdermabrasion exfoliating face cream, any advice on it? I note it is available in Land Crawford but also in US website at lower price.
Actually my main concern is the spots on my face, and whitening of course, so I bought those from Ultima II for colleagen (blue bottle), whitening essence (white bottles),and the recent promoted one in red bottles and also the facial treatment and RF, but those clinic doing lazer treatment said all these products are not as useful as doing lazer, and never to RF as it will darken my spots. Would you mind give me some advice if this is true? If yes, I may need to ask if the shop is willing to change other facial treatment for me.
Thanks a lot in advance.
No problem,erica! I need more time to do some research for you as there are things that I might not be totally certain about and don’t want to be fake and pretend myself “Miss-know-all”. A very single piece of advice tho: Don’t always trust those “big brands”… they are simply chemical products not good to your face 🙂
Hello Winnie,
I would like to try the erbaviva Lemon and Sage, I’ve Lane crawford at TST and CWB but couldn’t find it, would you mind to give some clue which LC did u get it? Thanks alot!
Hi Winnie,
I forgot the ingredients that should be avoided in our skincare products (she mentioned last time in More magazine when introducing the Ilcsi masks), can you tell me here once again? Thanks!
Jenny: tell u what,I wanna get one too as I have left mine in Taipei but they are all sold out everywhere in HK (I have asked the sole agent). Shall be on shelf again in a week or so! I desperately need it to Tibet!!!
Mag: At the very minimum: Methylparaben,Ethylparaben,Propylparaben,Isopropylparaben,Butylparaben,Isobutylparaben,Phathalates, there are others, too!
Thanks Winnie, looking forward to get it soonest. Btw, where can I get ILcsi product?
Hello, Winnie
粉紅救兵Still have promotion$1100 in Bitchy store? For all type skin?
Many Thanks!
Jenny: hello! as far as I know, your ilcsi products are on their way to HK (on the plane)
Hello Maggie: yes, it’s for all skin type,不過因為是寄賣貨,有關當具已提前停止promotion,先在 $1280, 3 bottles 才 $1100 啊!