又淪陷@台灣機場的 TOD's
但要數幫襯得比較多的,就非 TOD’S 莫屬。而我的 TOD’s 系列中,九成都是在台灣機場的 Duty Free 內買的。因為那裡入的款色跟香港不同 (我甚至覺得台灣入的貨很多時靚過香港),最重要是價錢比香港 shop 平 20% 或更多!!(有關我上一次淪陷,可直接click 入:愛上懶佬)
一心以為上星期在香港 Tod’s window shopping 後見沒有什麼令我會有衝動立即買,這次台北機場店也該做不到我生意。怎料 … 一聽到個 sales 跟我說:「這個 Shade 包包在這裡好買到不得了!賣兩萬九新台幣。」我便拿著不肯放手。
Come on!兩萬九新台幣??即是 … 港幣 7 千鬆?! OH MY GOD!!!
然後腦內只有一把聲音:「買!買!買!買!買!買!買!買!買!買!」這把聲音繼而影響我所有神經,然後我手部神經有所反應,從我身上那個舊的 Tod’s Bag 裡面拿出我一個舊的 Tod’s card holder,再吩咐手指抽出我張信用卡來遞給個 Sales。
我極喜歡 Tod’s 的手袋。因為它真的好輕身,容量大,是唯一一個不會讓我有「重過擔泥」兼用到肩頸痛的名牌皮手袋。
回到香港我立刻用新手袋,見到「打擰」時我古靈精怪地跟他說:「我呢 … 頭先預祝我今個月連做兩個訓練會好成功啊!」然後他聰明的由頭打量我落腳說:「哦,你買左個新袋啊?」「你好叻啊!」我笑著說。
「好抵買,Tod’s 來的,是 New Collection,平到唔買唔得啊!連個 Sales 都話起初佢以為公司 mark 錯價錢啊!」我習慣花了錢後跟他 「sell」一下我的戰利品。他大笑說:「話以為 mark 錯價錢你都信啊?有無攪錯!幾錢啊?7千?」「你真係好叻啊你!」我大聲讚他(順便轉移他情緒等他不用話我好亂花錢!)。但是,我沒跟他說的是,我真的信個 Sales 呢!
說回我第一次發現台灣機場 Duty Free 的 Tod’s 好抵買,是兩年前在高雄。我見到個 Tod’s 最 classic 的 D-Bag 款式便拿來試試看,問問價錢,竟然只是港幣 4 千多!老實說,今時今日用這個價錢分分鐘連個稍為有名氣的 wallet 都未必買到。即使個 D-Bag 的顏色並不是我平時會買的泥黃色,但那一刻我個腦已經彈出一堆說話替我對眼解話:「泥黃色 … 好啊!好在我無啊嘛!買!」「泥黃色 … 唔錯啊!好適合 Summer 用。買!」「泥黃色 … 好啊!買 Tod’s 唔買呢 D 色就晒啦 !買!」「喂!4 千幾蚊買到個 Tod’s … 唔買??傻架?買!」
而買完這個 D-Bag 最開心最興奮的是,兩日後我路經 Lee Garden’s 那間 Tod’s 見到橱窗就正正放了我買那個袋做 display,自然反應推門進去問價錢,是港幣$7,900!!!! 心入面隨即舉起勝利手勢大叫 「YES!」
有機會到台北機場,不妨去 Tod’s 朝朝聖,買個平靚正輕的 great handbag!
喜歡用 Tod‘s bag 的明星:
女人买东西不需要理由, 但每一`次我们都会有一个富丽堂皇,又似是而非的借口让自己及另一半相信。 非买不可!
Oh, I just back from Taipei today, but I Missed TOD’S !
Wonder if that’s not at my terminal side, I am taking CX ..
Hi Hei Lau,sigh…. know what? I didn’t realised there’s such a nice arcade until 6 months ago. If you’re at the dull, old, filthy terminal, you need to walk to the opposite side in order to get here. Next time – if you have enough time, check out the way to Gate 20 something and u will surely see it!
Miss O: yes. yes. yes
how about the shoes? cheaper than in hk too? must visit Tod’s next time if i go taiwan… thanks for your information !!
HI Winnie,
Would these Tod’s shoes be comfy enough for a person who needs to walk quite often during the day and since it has no heals, would it causes a lot of pressure for the feet?? Esp if the person is quite chubby??
For some reason, Tod’s reminds me of Mulberry. I never had a Tod’s bag, any recommendation?
OH, thanks for your info~ Next time let me check that out.
But i saw some COACH bags, seems cheap too ( but i didnt really check out coach in hk, so not sure)
D bag…?? Derek Lam’s new collection:??? 我聽你講…諗住等佢減價買返個呀~~~~~~~ ^^
miss yip:yes,shoes cheaper,too but not as much as the bags
May, hmmm the original design of Tod’s shoes is for driving purpose, that’s why they are called ‘driving shoes’, too. Walking short distance (say, getting on the car, get off and shopping) is fine, but I’m not sure about walking quite often as you said since the design is actually quite ‘low tech’ in a way. If you really need to walk a lot, don’t bother, I’m afraid they are only good looking shoes but not ‘healthy shoes’.
Hmmm, interesting that Tod’s remind you of Mulberry. Tod’s design has been much younger than Mulberry in recent years, and of course, much lighter. If you wanna go for Tod’s bag, go for D-bag or G-bag. They are classic and timeless!!!!
TW: good pick, good taste hahahah! 如要買,等減價啊,仲抵!
Hei: Personal comments only, ok? Coach does not worth the money. Only people from USA and Japan really like this brand. But it’s always good to compare different brands to find out the one you like and the one that suits you most
sammi: no nono, the D is not Derek. This design has been with Tod’s for ages. Good girl, wait until SALE …. spend wisely hahahah
睇親你寫嘅野都忍唔值會心微笑, 尤其你同你打令講果番話…hahah 女人買野嘅力量真係大得全世都要讓路, 我五月底去TW..睇下有乜收獲
thx grace!
@@~ 小姐用的名牌真多啊~~~不過呢~這些包包都有很成熟的味道呢~
感覺像是中環OL 拉的包包~
嘩!Kit,你一口氣留了這麼多留言給我,thank you very much!這個包包,是襯我工作時的look 的。哈哈,你好醒啊!
我只有買過TODS的豆豆鞋! 你喜歡Loeweㄇ?
nicky: 你都好喜歡fashion 嗎?
Hi Winnie,
I was gonna check out this store too when I was in Taipei last week. Unfortunately, I missed it!. My plane departs at the old, filthy terminal…Anyway, will try to go next time when I have the chance.
I really enjoy reading your blog! You know all these good places to shop! I will check out the ASH shoes at Apple Mall next!
Hi betsie, Oh… go there earlier next time, you could actually walk from the old filthy one to Tod’s. Just make sure you go there earlier!! Thx for your encouragement