別再問 Why Me?!
較早前閱到《蘋果日報》一篇報導,指香港大學公佈 09年畢業生就業情況,畢業生全體就業率雖達 99.8%,但平均月薪由 08年的 18,755元下降至 16,625元,月薪在1萬以下的畢業生佔整體近 15%。
報導又指,當中月薪最高者為一名理科生,畢業後加入一家大集團從事科學儀器銷售,年薪高達 90多萬元成為「高薪王」。薪金次高的畢業生從事投資銀行,年薪約 80萬元。而 08年最高薪的兩位畢業生都是醫生,分別取得年薪 104萬及 78萬元。
十多年前我唸 year 2 回港放暑假做暑期工,月薪都有萬幾。到我拿著個九唔搭八的 B.A Psychology 畢業回港時,正值金融風暴後的低潮期,我很記得朋友曾問我:「你想揾幾錢個月既工啊?」我答:「Summer job 都萬幾啦,肯定唔會揾少過呢個數!」然後朋友笑我說:「嘩!宜家咩環境你知唔知啊?你揾到一萬都好好喇!」聽完他說這句話,我心把火就燒得更紅,心想:「呢個朋友真係心頭低又無見地!」Anyway,我幾個月後,單是每月用來儲蓄的錢都過了我summer job 的人工!
我不是想 show-off 甚麼或說風涼話,也不是對時下的大學生沒同理心。但縱使社會的環境因素的確存在也好,SO WHAT ??? 也不代表自己就這樣會跟普羅大眾張三李四的命運相同。If it’s to be, it’s up to me!!!
很多人在打「逆境波」時,只愛望著別人很卓越的成果跟自己比較然後問個天:「Why me (咁衰)?」但我會問自己的是:「Why isn’t me ?」, 好好檢視發生甚麼事,自己少了些什麼。如果我是現今的大學生,我估我會問自己:「我點先做到高薪王?」我會認真想清楚「我點可以唔係做醫生唔係做 IFA 但都揾到咁多錢?」然後就不管一切 set a goal,take action,and just go for it!
你看看蘋果公司何嘗不是生存在同一個叫做「金融海嘯後遺症」的環境因素啊?但何解人家首季賣出破紀錄880萬部iPhone手機,比去年多逾1倍外,更因 iPhone熱賣帶動蘋果該季業績增長近 90%,遠超華爾街分析師預期?!所以,真正問題是:
告訴我,誰沒有環境因素?經濟差老闆衰個客煩同事廢唔夠錢無時間…到死那天都會要面對!但若然你老是覺得要等到這些環境因素攪定了才可做到你要做的,well, sorry then… you are really doomed!
我「打擰」常說好多香港人其實都幾不知所謂。又要政府接濟但又不讓政府加稅還不想交稅(甚至根本就沒資格交稅)。同時間又憎人富貴嫌人貧,自己買不起卻妒忌人家買貴樓。說沒錢所以去拿綜援後又有錢去包二奶;有時間去遊行但偏偏沒時間去生產。I think he is right in a way!起碼,我覺得常在網絡上花時間心機精神不停用罵我/中傷我的無聊人等都該是這些人。
正值金融風暴後的低潮期,我很記得朋友曾問我:「你想揾幾錢個月既工啊?」我答:「Summer job 都萬幾啦,肯定唔會揾少過呢個數!」然後朋友笑我說:「嘩!宜家咩環境你知唔知啊?你揾到一萬都好好喇!」聽完他說這句話,我心把火就燒得更紅,心想:「呢個朋友真係心頭低又無見地!」Anyway,我幾個月後,單是每月用來儲蓄的錢都過了我summer job 的人工!
朋友常說我太有自信…………………but i”m who i”m,no matter u like me or not!:P
btw 相信”ah 家”姐姐定必很滿意leh~我覺得紀念 小冊子很美耶,”ah 家”姐姐的笑容很燦爛,很sweet! <3
I think you’re just being outdated with the current environment that the newly grads faced. It’s not like the times when university graduates are valued as many years ago…….you’re lucky that you studied abroad with an overseas degree and you did have a competitive advantage over the others. Instead of looking down at the others, perhaps you should really be thankful for what you had and don’t puff on it.
Ruby: Ha?! you’ve missed the whole point! Well…(or let me put it this way: sorry that I haven’t communicate myself clear enough for you to get what I am writing here) so here we go again: THE WHOLE POINT IS, THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH CURRENT ENVIRONMENT WHOEVER ARE FACING- if u get it u get it, if u don’t get it, then probably it’s always circumstances / environment issues leading u…. and I bet, the 15% of the newly grads (based on this survey) is probably thinking the same way as u do. No wonder the result shows up this way, I’ve a better idea now. Thank you!
BTW, 1) I don’t think there’s anything to do with studying abroad / having an overseas degree - personally, I do think a degree is just a piece of paper / crap; 2) I’m not even looking down at others or puffing on it – if you feel this way, well then, too bad! If you still have not get “if it’s to be, it’s up to ME” at this point, hmmm…that’s pretty outdated then… wish u good luck!
flora: 有自信,好啊!you are who you are,好啊!(但記著不代表就停在where you are,ok?)老實講,我一年要接觸咁多人,像你呢種 attitude 的係會容易achieve 你要的result 好多!I wish u all the best!而繼續賴地硬啊,賴環境啊,賴人啊,賴我啊,總之,有著:都係社會唔好,都係其他人唔好的come from 既人。。。 DOOMED!!!!
i want to be somebody as well
but at this point im kinda puzzled and dont know how should i do in order to achieve…what are the other factors? >3<
sharing sharing!!!
daisy*: good point! But I’m not sure if you’d get it if I just use a few sentences here tho… anyway, let’s see, ok?! Do you know what you are ‘kinda puzzled’ at? is it what you want or is it how to do? If it is what you want then, make it very clear first, ‘cos it’s really important. But if’s about how to do, DON’T WASTE TIME!!!!! Thinking how never bring you to any actual results quick enough. Share with me where you got stuck first. Leave me your email if you want.
this is somehow a time of confusion in my life at the moment. Hmmm… I want to work in I bank and make a fortune before im too old so that i can go to france cordon bleu to have pastry/dessert course and then have my little warm bakery workshop : D but i m not too sure how am i going to seize the opportunity to achieve all this! I just feel that I m way too green and I know so little ><
Im sure you too know that your sis never leave you, she is always in your heart, loving you just like how much you love her! <3
so my email is yuu824@gmail.com : P
(looking forward to hearing from you*)
flora: Gum Ngo PRAISE Nei Hai Yun Wai Nei Ho MAKE SENSE, Ho Jick Duck PRAISE ah ma!!!!
Thanks anyway!!
So will you show up 在新書日ma?CANT WAIT!!! >w<