在溫州發溫 – 再來瘋人事件薄


避足一個season,終於重回溫州 – 而且有我的私人護法金剛 B 仔 陪我一起!

雖然我已要求有關當局替我按排入住達國際水平的酒店,但幾於安全計,我還是決定入住 B 仔新租的 apartment ,反正有獨立客房啊!

好,一心以為晚上 10 點上床一覺睡到 8 點就有足夠精神應付訓練。但是原來,我只是想得太理想…

在我做夢看到自己拿著杯養命酒趕著去一個 New Year’s Eve Party 之際 (不要問我為什麼會這麼奇怪是養命酒,我也不知),突然間,耳邊連環響起膨膨膨!!! BOOP BOOP BOOP WEE ~~ WEE~~ 的放煙炮聲音。以為做夢?張開眼睛,見到窗外又紅又綠… My God! 真的是在放煙花!!! 好,再按一下在枕頭旁邊的點話看看幾點鐘 … Holy Shit!!! 是凌晨 5 點正!!!好吧,這樣像電影的橋段,樓下最少都該站著個黎明,雙手舉著 ‘嫁給我吧!“ 的大燈牌吧? 打開窗帘看看 … 當然沒有!

天啊!到底誰會在凌晨 5 點大放兩次煙火???


什麼??? 有人搬進來要放煙火我理解,但是要凌晨 5 點把全世界吵醒? 太過了吧?!這真是難得一見!In a way,都好有趣!


There are 14 comments

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  1. mickey


  2. winnieleung

    flora: 衰鬼豆,好啊!做邊行都好,最重要最重要係,你有無passion!做空姐要注意多點skincare!

  3. winnieleung

    flora: aiya, NGO ZONG LUM JUE GIU NAY MMM HO HUI Dragon Air TIM 😛 I just dont’ like their service

  4. flora

    I just back from the interview of Dragon Air~
    SIGH,I cant reach their height requirement ya,ho chi 210 0r 212cm and i just 158cm,lin first interview ge chance dou mo!!! 🙁
    ngo ho mo 鬼yung cry jor chut lai!!!
    I wont give up la,next station is Cathay Pacific!!!!huh~ >:O)

  5. winnieleung

    Flora, no way need to be 210-212 cm! 請巨人?!should be something like 160 cm or something I think? But I do see a lot of air hostess who are not that tall at all…. anyway, guess what?! we share the same height 😉 ADD OIL LOR. if u cannot be air hostess, can u be ground staff?

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