Snap of the day,Boho 網誌 AnchoR Jan 7 2012 photo by Sing Ho top: boutique cashmere long cardigan: outlet,Wan Chai skirt: vintage,Salvation Army,New York backpack: booties: vintage,Paris(St. Paul Station) 本人已詳閱並同意遵守本文列明條款及細則。 請瀏覽( 閱讀本公司的私隱政策聲明。 本人願意接收新傳媒集團的最新消息及其他宣傳資訊,本人同意新傳媒集團使用本人的個人資料於任何推廣用途。 TagparisSalvation Armyvintage 你可能也喜歡 風筒推薦:15大負離子/靜音/無線推介香港買到!Dyson/panasonicSundayMore20 Mar 消委會維他命C護膚品:4款5星評分 1款未檢出維他命C成分Tracy Ku22 Mar 洗面粉|用法+推薦15大好用酵素洗顏粉!FANCL去角質同時美白Kosame Ching6 Mar 眉彩推薦|最新Cosme Top17 排行榜SundayMore1 Mar There are 2 comments Add yours frida on 8 January, 2012 at 00:50 Can you give me the link of your backpack from Taobao! It’s really nice:) thank you so much! anchorlai on 8 January, 2012 at 13:59 Dear Frida, Please see below link for the backpack. Comments are closed.
frida on 8 January, 2012 at 00:50 Can you give me the link of your backpack from Taobao! It’s really nice:) thank you so much!
anchorlai on 8 January, 2012 at 13:59 Dear Frida, Please see below link for the backpack.
Can you give me the link of your backpack from Taobao!
It’s really nice:) thank you so much!
Dear Frida, Please see below link for the backpack.