Dream Chaser 追夢人
西藏回來不夠 3 天先進入一個艱鉅的 5 天訓練。做完訓練不夠兩天,喉嚨的沙啞還沒有好過來又幹著飛去上海一個晚上。
不過,這趟飛上海是為了追夢 ~ 我渴望能在一本自我懂事後便好欣賞的雜誌內擁有自己的專欄。於是,我較早前作出了冒險的行動,為自己創造以及爭取一個非常難得的機會。
今天晚上,我就要跟這個上市集團 CEO 碰面和吃飯了!
上星期我問這次有份替我安排的 Miss L:「我要準備甚麼去介紹自己好呢?」Miss L 回答:「其實都不用的了,因為他已經非常認識妳!」
我想都沒多想就回答說:「因為我對自己在做的一切都好有承諾和很有 passion。」
真的,做我所愛;愛我所做,基本上都已經贏了一半。其餘那半,是靠我“吸引”回來而且值得我信任和栽培的人去共同創造。現在我 24 小時可達成的結果,隨時等同人家的 48 甚至 72 小時。
我好相信:Happy boss creates happy staffs to create happy results!感恩有我身邊幾頭猴子(Miss K,Miss S,Miss M)把我其他的公事處理得那麼出色,讓我可以安心繼續追尋不同的夢想 ~ 而同時間,我當然也有一直支持她們去達成她們的夢想,所以互相支持的力量真的好大唷!
(至於是那本雜誌?如果妳年紀跟我差不多,甚至比我年長幾年,屬於追求品味生活一族的話,應該不太難猜到。昨晚我跟好友 Mr E 吃飯,我告訴他有關這件事時跟他說:「是一本我和你年青一點時都會好喜歡看的雜誌啊!」他不用 1 秒,就猜對了!)
off topic – saw u in cwb yesterday, u were crossing the road and i stared at u on the other side of the road…my feeling to u was strange…it’s like i “know” u through your blog but i actually don’t u in “reality”…anyway, after u passed by, the only thought that came to my mind was, “wow, as a a tiny person like her, she must b really powerful and confident in order for her students to listen to her…”
Hi Winnie,
Very true about the passion and commitment, it is easy to commit at times, but hard to keep up with the passion. Thanks for always demonstrating those qualities yourself. Keep it up!
Your writing have touched my life in so many different ways, almost feel like you are “talking” to me when reading your blog. THANK YOU!
It was a pleasure to finally meet you a few months back, thanks for the kind words on the book as well, will try to keep that in mind!!
whole support
winnie: OMG! jesus!I must be looking really terrible as I had just finished 針清 my face !哈哈!Do stop me and say hello, it’s okay! I’m used to that !!!!! But thank you for your compliments. Yes, I do look ‘tiny’ in a way as I am skinny and have small bones
San: you are much welcome! I’m glad to know that you’re doing good with your life in HK and doing well with your family, too! Please send my regards to your sister, who was with you the other day when we met
And thank you for always supporting.
dear winnie,
thanks for your sharing on everything
it’s always inspiring to read your blog. you mentioned you do a lot of training workshop, may i learn more about it? is it for corporate or individual?
love to hear from you and best wishes!
[…] 這其實是上個月一篇《Dream Chaser》 的下集。 […]