1. 由九月二十六日(星期日)至二十八日(星期二)期間,Monki將於店前佈置一個為期三天的特立展示空間。
每逢下午五時及晚上九時,工作人員將會於每節送出五百個 Monki cushion(每天共一千個!)想要就要預早排隊!先到先得!
2. Monki首間專門店將於九月三十日(星期四)開幕。為隆重其事,首二百名蒞臨的客人將會得到Monki港幣一百元正的購物禮券。
3. 開幕當日首二百名顧客將額外獲得一份香港限量版禮品!店鋪將於十二時正開幕,請早排隊!
”The Monkis are cute and friendly, but also evil and deceptive.
They comefrom a world as surprising and ambiguous as themselves.”
Imoo is always thinking of others.
Kimomo is a collector and can’t get enough cute stuff.
Mokonoki has an extremely good memory and hates routines.
Moop is a bit of a romantic and creates nice, good-hearted things.
Nokimi always listens in on whispers and hushed secrets.
Monokomi can see in the dark and into the mind of others.
Moluna can charm anyone.
Oki will cheer you up and give you a shot of confidence.
Mocki is that someone that always shows up when you least want him.
Ikmo is a harsh and critical companion, but makes everyone glitter and gleam.
Kyo is good at solving riddles and sees right through you.
Mozik sings when he talks.
Monki 旺角朗豪坊L1層29-31號舖