Snap of the day,Summer is Here!
Photo by Lucas Tang
Accessorize white one-piece $400
Jipi Japa purple sandals $1,499
Tie dye print scarf (gift)
iblues sun glasses(gift)
Photo by Lucas Tang
Accessorize white one-piece $400
Jipi Japa purple sandals $1,499
Tie dye print scarf (gift)
iblues sun glasses(gift)
Hi Anchor, 我想問下你條白色裙係邊度買ga?我想買一條唔俗色又簡簡單單既白色one-piece好耐啦…但一係靚價錢又太貴,價錢ok又好唔靚..= =”
呢條裙係o向Accessorize度買o架,我都想買一條唔俗色又簡單o既白色one-piece好耐啦! 售價$400。
Accessorize 中環IFC Mall 1樓1040舖 3101 1170
big boyish crown and a thin strap! excellent description, i’d love to have this watch because of how you described it
hello anchorrrrrrrr..
但我去睇過要$900 bo~~~~~~~~~~
Hi Hebe,
I checked the price and it is $700 not $900,I bought it in LCX TST. You will get it there. Go Go Go!!!