Coco Chanel 女士20個經典人生智慧金句:生活不如意就去創造生活 學時尚Icon做優雅女生
Gabrielle Coco Chanel不只是時尚界的先驅,她的思想理念影響著後世千千萬萬的人,那種叛逆的不羈精神為許多人帶來創作靈感。每每讀她的名言都有種當頭棒喝之感,無論歷經多少年,仍像她的時尚一樣,風格永存。讓我們一起來跟Coco Chanel學習做個優雅的女生吧!
Coco Chanel 的人生哲學:「優雅,是懂得拒絕」

Coco Chanel 的人生哲學:「人只活一次,那就要活得有趣」
「與其敲打牆壁尋出口,不如把它變成一道門。」’Don’t spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.’
「你生命只有一次,還是活得有趣較好。」’You live but once; you might as well be amusing.’
「我的生活不如意,所以我創造了我的生活。」’My life didn’t please me, so I created my life.’
「生活中最好的東西都是免費的。 第二好的東西,價格則會非常昂貴。」’The best things in life are free. The second best are very, very expensive.’
「沒有時間讓你做一成不變又單調的事,因為時間是用來工作與戀愛的。」’There is no time for cut-and-dried monotony. There is time for work. And time for love. That leaves no other time.’

Coco Chanel 的人生哲學:「優雅是內外都美麗」
「優雅,是懂得拒絕。」’Elegance is refusal.’
「簡約是優雅的基調。」’Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.’
「女士有可能過度打扮,但永遠不會過度優雅。」’A woman can be overdressed but never over elegant.’
「優雅就是內外同出一轍地美麗。」’Elegance is when the inside is as beautiful as the outside.’

Coco Chanel 的人生哲學:「時尚有兩個目的:穿得舒服和穿得高興」
「時尚會變,唯獨風格歷久不衰。」’Fashion changes, but style endures.’
「每天都要盛裝打扮,就像你準備去見敵人一樣。」’Dress like you are going to meet your worst enemy today.’
「不是時尚自己變了,而是我在推著它走。我就是改寫時尚的人。」’I was the one who changed, it wasn’t fashion. I was the one who was in fashion.’
「時尚有兩個目的:穿得舒服和穿得高興。時尚的目的達到了,美麗就隨之而來。」’Fashion has two purposes, comfort and love. Beauty comes when fashion succeeds.’
「打扮不體面,人們會記得那件衣服;穿著無可挑剔,人們會記得身穿那件衣服的女人。」’Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman.’

Coco Chanel 的人生哲學—「30歲時活得燦爛,40歲時活得迷人」
「與眾不同的人永遠不可替代。」’In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.’
「穿好你的高跟鞋,維持你的高標準。」’Keep your heels, head, and standards high.’
「父母給予你 20 歲的臉蛋,人生形塑你 30 歲的容貌,但 50 歲的外貌由你自己決定。」’Nature gives you the face you have at twenty. Life shapes the face you have at thirty. But at fifty you get the face you deserve.’
「你可以在30歲時活得燦爛,40歲時活得迷人,並把餘生活得令人難以抗拒。」’You can be gorgeous at thirty, charming at forty, and irresistible for the rest of your life.’

Coco Chanel 的人生哲學—「感到難過就塗上口紅」
「每個女孩都該做到兩點:有品味跟光芒四射。」’A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.’
「如果感到難過,就塗上口紅然後起身反擊。」’If you’re sad, add more lipstick and attack.’
「當女人剪去長髮,她將改變自己的人生。」’A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life.’

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